Also I live in the spider capital of the world
Mmmm another good one
I fell from a four story scaffolding when I was about 25 back when I used to do stucco work. I was the scaffold bitch, and was up on a single 2x10, across two scaffold frames when a fork operator bumped the scaffold and I fell.
My fault for not being clipped into fall protection, drunk operators fault for bumping the scaffolding. I’m the only one who had any repercussions, on top of a broken tibia. Six weeks in a cast.
I developed a healthy fear of heights after that. To the point where I won’t stay in high rise buildings unless there are no windows. I can’t ride rolly coasters any more, will never fly again.
I surprisingly didn’t develop a phobia of heights after falling from an even higher height than four stories, despite becoming permanently disabled because of it. Like I thought maybe I would, but I can look over the side of buildings from the roof just fine.
Still scared of most theme park rides, though. I got that from when I was a toddler.
Just the thought of looking over the edge of something like a building elicits a fear response in me.
Panic. Fear. Irrational, even.
ETA - I’ve flat out told my employers - if you send me on anything beyond two floors to chase roof drains/vents (I’m a plumber) Iwill turn in my keys and shove off. This is something I am firmly non negotiable on and have quit over, in the past.
Boredom. Slavery. Dehumanisation. Being unable to wake up. Being trapped. Being neglected. Being swallowed whole.
Whales. Baleen whales specifically. Orcas? Sperm whales? Those are just giant dolphins and therefore cool. Orcas are even comrades. But pics or video footage of a humpback from any angle will reduce me to tears. Pure lizard brain terror. It’s fun because other people think they’re like, majestic and shit, so whale pics are common and seen as harmless.
But no.
Whales are sea monsters.
Wow that’s a good one. I’ve never heard anyone have that phobia before
It’s a weird one cause it’s not thalassophobia. Subnautica is one of my favorite games, and I didn’t find it scary (can’t play the sequel though, it has a whale that is close enough to trigger the phobia).
Very specifically baleen whales, and a few key sharks that remind me of them (whale sharks, basking sharks, and megamouths are all very borderline).
you watched finding nemo as a child?
I’m too old for that to be the origin but yes I do not like that scene one bit! My mom blames Pinocchio, but Monstro is a sperm whale and those guys are cool.
I appreciate that phobias are deeper than rationality, but spiders are cool and good and they do their best to eat your pests
Yeh I’m actually better than I was when I was younger. I can tolerate them to some degree. But seriously if a big huntsman scampers out from somewhere I freak TF out
Yeah I don’t think non-Australians realise how next level huntsman spiders are. You don’t even have to have a phobia of spiders to find them startling
My Australian friend lets them live in the house but I’m wary of any invertebrate that will make off with strips of bacon CW: meat
I mean I love them and don’t chase them out of the house but when one fell on me when I was showering that was a bit much.
It’s not fair to them, they’re extremely passive creatures unless protecting babies. Like it takes minutes of threatening one’s life to get them to maybe bite. But they are as large as a spread hand and extremely fast and that is just surprising.
one fell on me when I was showering
Fuck me
It’s a blushing shower spider ok?
Yeah I like them too. But they’re so fast and unpredictable! It makes me spooked!
I had a related discussion with a friend on Monday about her fear of moths. I love them and she can appreciate that they’re ‘cute’ from some perspectives, but it’s the unexpected, erratic movement at night time and wing dust that pushes it into phobia territory for her.
The erratic flying makes them so much cuter, they fly like Miyazaki drew them
It’s also like, they’re only flying erratically because they think they’re being predated and are trying to get away from you/towards a light source. It’s not their fault that their navigation is messed up.
I lived in aus for a few years and I liked seeing huntsmen because it meant that they were not all being eaten by those loud ass invasive geckos
It’s the insects that run like cheetah’s on crack that get me, even when they’re small.
being stabbed in the eye. viceral imaginings of it very consistently, and am extremely wary around ANYTHING pointed even being near my face
also fuck off massive objects like planets. that shit removed me
these are both reasonable fears imo
Don’t play Dead Space 2 lol
I relate to this so much! this is probably the biggest reason I hate places like supermarkets, there are so many protruding things that seem like they could stab my eye that even a few minutes in one is exhausting…
Trypophobia or whatever the clustered holes one is. Frick it’s gross aaaah. Like strawberries or lotus pods or the like
Love these lol and the popping videos. I don’t look them up but I can never look away haha
I don’t like looking at the mouths of parasites. Specific, I know, but it makes my skin itch and I get antsy. Especially those photos of the lamprey mouths stuck to aquarium glass. Woof. No thx.
Heights where you could die if you fall.
heights and needles. heavy on the second. i have multiple piercings and tattoos and i do an injection on myself weekly, and it has not gotten better and warrants the same level of panic every time.
I love spiders, they’re good for keeping pests away and can be so cute at times, but I’m also terrified of them
Yeh in abstract I think they’re crazy cool, they eat annoying stuff and looking at (small) ones in their web is amazing. Like what an insane trick of evolution, this thing that can make art with its ass to trap and brutally murder other bugs.
But then I see a big scary one and it’s pure lizard brain time.
Tarantulas are super cool though and largely (pun intended) Harmless.
Heights and the dark. Heights I get woozy standing on a chair, unfortunately I have to do a lot of maintenance that involves ladders so I’ve just gotten really good at being afraid and keeping going. Tried to break myself of it, did giant drops/VR falls/exposure etc. Nope, stools still make the floor yawn away and adrenaline spike but it turns out if you just sit with terror for a while it becomes boring and less distracting.
I’ve been attacked a few times at night, that shit is scary ok. Also sometimes there might be spooky monsters alright? I’m 35 and I still can’t shake the dumb fear of spooky monsters if I wake at night from a nightmare. I carry an extremely bright torch because I’m enough of an adult about heights so dark can just fuck right off. Science beats spooky monsters that are definitely maybe there 🫣
I’ve just gotten really good at being afraid and keeping going
This is what heroes do. Meanwhile I’m like “big spider better run away”
Heights can’t come at ya though, so it’s a bit different.
I always say this to my friend who is deathly afraid of sharks. Like a shark isn’t gonna just flop into your living room
Yeah, you’d have to give them fart powered legs to make them scary.
the living room fills with water and a shark comes after you like your ll cool j in deep blue sea, duuh
nice try
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