got punched in the face for playing keep-away with a school lunch cookie (I was being really annoying about it)
Mid September, 2001. I asked my dad if “everyone is sad about 9/11” includes the cows in the field. He looked at me and said yes, even the cows are sad.
Earliest memory is of getting scared by a Garfield clock in my crib
This is the exact kind of answer I would expect out of you and idk why. It just screams “yeah that’s a certified Dirt_Owl moment”
Fucking hate Garf
I got sad when I was 4 because girls were made out sugar, spice, and everything nice and I really wanted to be made out of something nice
Aww, that’s a sweet memory
for a repressed trans girl? no it was a pretty bitter one actually
I just meant because you are made from sugar and spice and everything nice, even though you didn’t know it at the time.
seeing my mom’s used maxi pads in the trash and calling 911
Oh, that is funny.
I remember some kids stopped bullying me in third grade because they learned I could draw dinosaurs pretty well
If only we were all so lucky 😔
I took a sip of my own piss because the doctor had me pee in a cup during an appointment. I had no concept of urinalysis and just assumed he was thirsty, leaving me with the question “well does it taste good?”
I think I was four at the time.
Well, how was it?
I remember it being mostly salty but with a subtle, yet extremely distinct flavor that was somewhat similar to bile.
I developed a one of those celebrity crushes on Sarah McLachlan after listening to Fumbling Towards Esctasy during one of my lonely summers between the school years. I thought her voice was so pretty and the more I listened to it the more convinced I was that she was a lesbian. I was utterly devestated when her wikipedia page contained no mention of being gay or bi. In fact, she was married to a MAN. I remember being in a funk over this for a couple days afterwards and deciding to interperet the album through my own sapphic lens, even if the artist herself was not that way at all.
Very normal twelve year old boy behavior.
Oh my GOD I fucking loveeeed that album!! I was also like 11-12 when I was into it. I wanna go back and relisten, ill bet its still a banger. And the sapphic thing…Are you me? Lol
Huh, I wonder how common of an experience this actually is…
Ok so its subjective obviously but its still a great album, I have it on vinyl and it is a glorious experience when listened to on bigass speakers. Now, the meanings of the songs have changed so much for me over the past couple decades or so, Posession hits WAY different when you realize that its written from the perspective of a stalker. I listen to “Mary” as a sequel to Bruce Springsteen’s “The River”. There are a bunch of things that tie the two songs together and I like the idea that Mary got to take back control of her life some years after getting knocked up by her dumbass boyfriend when she was 18.
We should do a survey lol. Got a huge nostalgia hit the other day thinking about that period of my life and I put on the first Garbage album. I feel like both of those albums were embelmatic of exploring my queerness as a kid for sure. I’ll have to listen to the Springsteen song back to back, that’s really cool how you linked the songs that way
Regularly played soccer in the parking lot with a few friends and one of their dads. The dad would play us 3v1 and say that if we won, he’d buy us each a pack of Pokemon cards. He let us win, but we didn’t know. He offered us triple or nothing. We took the bet, and he hustled us and told us not to be greedy and press our luck.
Renting video games and movies at the local version of Blockbuster, and then watching all those stores shut down as internet access became widespread. I still remember the store, crappy red carpet included. They even tried Blu Ray rentals, including a Blu Ray player or PS3 rental, as a last ditch effort to stay in business, but went bust anyways.
Also remember riding my bicycle up the steepest hill in history as a five year old. Went back to that hill as an adult decades later. It actually barely was a hill, I was just a weak and small five year old.
Ah, the spine of a blockbuster video game rental box peering out like an old trophy, the unreturned spoils of childhood trickery
At an arcade for a friend’s birthday, my dad told me and my friend that if anyone made fun of friend’s brother’s condition, we could beat the shit out of them and he wouldn’t tell anyone.
Same outing: Like 6 other kids helping me beat the arm wrestling machine
being eight-ish years old, bouncing on my parents bed while eating marshmallows. I decided to start throwing marshmallows into the light fixture while It was on, of course. My mom found me on the bed, halfway through my jump shot and just about beat the brakes off my ass, with her flip flop. Afterwards I had to help remove the fixture, clean the caramelized sugar off of it, and then reinstall it. The whole time, tears just running like a river.
One time I was at my great grandmothers house visiting family I had never met (I was five or six). My great grandma lived out in the boonies in north Mississippi with no electricity, no running water, outhouse on the edge of the property that moved locations once its current spot had no more room. She had a cuckoo clock in the hallway and I was afraid of it. I remember sneaking down the hallway where it was, and when it went off I screamed and started crying. I remember telling my mom that her Uncle Erskin and her Uncle Claud both beat me. I remember her uncle Claude calling me a derogatory term from the late 1800s, used to demean black men particularly. It took me 30 years to remember the term correctly, and then look it up to see wtf it was. Fuck you Claud. Greatest Generation my ass.
I remember not being able to convince my mom to let me have ice cream for dinner so I held my breath till I nearly lost consciousness, fell down and cracked the back of my skull hard enough that I got mildly concussed and had to get a half dozen stitches on my head to fix it. I don’t remember how old I was then, but I’m 46 now and I can still feel the scar on the back of my head.
I hope you can have ice cream for dinner now.
And I’m really sorry they hit you.
Oh hell, this was like 35 years ago. Shit was just different back then. Maybe it was all the tetraethyl lead pollution in the air or all the paint chips we collectively ate because our parents wanted us to build character or some shit. I’ve never spanked my kids, so the very little bit I got spanked stopped there.
Opening a new savings account after a family move (back then, people encouraged children to save their pocket money to teach the value of thrift)
I mentioned to the banker were I had had an account in the old city, and he told me that they were in a lot of trouble. It was part of the Savings and Loan fiasco of the late 1980s.
Autumn of 1969, sending encrypted letters to the Chronicle.
I saw my mother naked at 7yo so I started crying and pretended to have fainted (because I saw that in a cartoon), then my grandpa told me I will see more naked women in the future while laughing
My cousins introducing me to Dragon Ball when I was 5.
For me it was when I was like 8
DBZ spoilers
Krillen getting exploded by Freeza right into super saiyan
The shower scene with Bulma?
I used a mod chip from our game store to play Dragon Ball GT Final Bout on the PS1.
stapled my thumb through the thumbnail on the last day of school because I thought it was unset and I pushed up on the staple hole (attempt at Good Samaritan behavior) (it was a curved-back stapler)
daaaamn that reminds me, one of my earliest memories as a kid was somehow stapling the roof of my mouth. and I remember it being multiple staples, somehow. my dad heard me screaming and took them out lmao
Oh god, this happened to me too!
I had to pull it out myself because I was alone at the time and it was probably the beginning of my fear of pointy things