a post about how many nazis remained in positions of power is made, the op is called a tankie and people defend the decision to keep nazis around
You know when you see a thread full of people excited to justify the post war nazi collaboration, and also at the same time seem to think that the US alone won WW2, and to top it off are frantically posting about the tankies… idk dude it just doesn’t feel great. I can’t believe how much nazi apologia I’ve seen creeping up the past couple years, but the past month still feels like a fever dream
I’ve said it before but I think a lot about what leftists were doing in Germany in the 1930s because it seems like we’re going to have to experience it ourselves
Remember your history, and hit twice as hard when your time comes
Fuck hitting things. If you don’t own a gun, not reading theory isn’t just a delightfully ironic meme, you actually need to sit tf down and learn some shit right now.
Good thing they defederated from Hexbear. Otherwise authoritarian misinformation and propaganda might have run wild on their trans friendly instance.
Their problem with “red fash” was never the “fash” part. Do not expect any resistance to fascisn from these people
Big air quotes around “trans friendly” when you don’t purge chasers
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“Yeah we should have just killed every German! That would show those dumb Nazis!”
Damn if only there was a middle ground between execution and funneling Nazi elite into your highest echelons of power
Liberals claim to love compromise, yet they reject the middle ground of “only execute the nazis”
Sorry sweatie, compromise only works towards the right. I don’t make the rules, maybe
harder next time.
It’s not the epic own they seem to think it is that they hear “German” and jump straight to “Nazi”. Insecurity much?
And also there were far too many Germans that should’ve stopped breathing permanently who continued occupying positions of power.
Everybody always wants to talk about operation paperclip (“we recruited the good nazis”) absolutely nobody ever wants to talk about operation bloodstone (haha just kidding we went out of our way to make sure we recruited all the bad nazis too, and immediately placed them in the kind of intelligence roles with unchecked power and funding, the kind of shit most governments would refuse to ever acknowledge could even exist)
The sad fact is that Marxist-Leninism allows a buildup of nationalist and ethnonationalist sentiment within their states, even though the goal should be to unite the workers from all socialist states against the owning class.
What in the absolute fuck are these people on?
Oh right, v*ush
To the current Russian state, the war in Ukraine is an attempt to rebuild the USSR under the banner of nationalism rather than socialism.
These are real posts, written by real libs.
Dare to be half as cool as the projected internal pathology of your lamest, shortest bandwagon of blind, frothing haters
Literally the reason the USSR had a strong government over the Republics was to keep states like Georgia and Ukraine from becoming ethnonational fiefdoms, while sabotage and insurgency by the CIA stoked Nazism in Ukraine and all sorts of racial animosity in the Balkans, and we have seen the “fruit” of both efforts. The idea that the USSR was Russian supremacist is unhinged. Was there Russian chauvinism? Sure, but that is not the same thing.
If i string along enough words i don’t understand, i might accidentally make a point!
The MLs are in the top left of the political compass, and up means racist/nationalist. And that’s enough to make people think they know something about MLs.
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I think this is more of a “The New York Times told me that Han Supremacy is a thing in China and that Stalin hated jews even more than Hitler did so it must be true, I’m totally a socialist though” thing lol
I’m sorry sir your socialisms was revoked after you said the new york times, please you to go at gulag now times
Another despicable historical distortion going on in those comments is about the treaty of Versailles. American liberals like to go on about how it was so harsh that the rise of Nazism was a perfectly rational reaction. That’s not only historically highly dubious – it was much less harsh than most anything the German Empire did to the losers of its wars (see Brest-Litovsk) – but it’s also, like, only two degrees away from the stab-in-the-back myth (Dolchstoßlegende). That is to say: The Nazis liked to claim that the horrible economic state of the Republic was due to the “traitors” who gave up on WWI and signed the treaty, causing all of Germany’s economic problems (never mind the Great Depression). No one should be agreeing with the Nazis on any part of that idea.
Has anyone done any analysis on if Weimar’s collapse could be more closely tied to losing its colonies and still trying to be a social democracy?
That seems pretty dubious. They started their colonies 30 years before they lost WWI, I don’t think they had enough time to extract enough to make a dent compared to their home industrialization
The colonies didn’t really matter for the economy in Germany. It did matter for concentrating capital in certain parts of the capitalist class though.
Losing polish territories was more important in that process than the colonies. They were basically not held long enough and were only considered “prestige”.
Yes, Greater Poland was economically significant and fairly densely populated, and Upper Silesia was one of the two most important industrial regions in Germany.
I was thinking more of the junker estates and west prussia, but yeah the loss of upper silesia caused an economic crisis in eastern Germany which is why the nazis picked up the votes there.
the worst provisions of Versailles were cancelled or restructured after the crash of 29.
And you expect us to what, admit it was the unhinged, frothingly racist, openly genocidal, openly and nakedly fascist actions of United States that directly inspired Hitler, per Hitler, not vague allusions to lengthy and complicated economic conditions and of course the perfidious French, the same French that magically stop being the gold standard for the training and organization of professional militaries for hundreds of years, right at the outbreak of the first world war?
Next you expect us to what, stop worshipping American Nazi superfans and long time friends of the
podHitler, Walt Disney and Henry Ford?The U.S. and U.K. not being on Germany’s side of the war was more of a fluke than anything. Most of the voting citizens in either country supported everything that was going on in Germany. Shit, 80% of the genetics in this country are German but we completely ignore that and go hard for St Patrick’s day instead.
Very similar to how all Americans were in favor of invading Iraq again in 2002, but if you go back and ask the same dipshits today magically somehow everyone was part of the resistance.
Agreed. It had more to do with the fact that the British were categorically opposed to Germany gaining enough power to contest their colonial projects and thus not allying with them (again not out of any anti-fascist sentiment, just purely out of self-interest) and political America being more closely allied with British political interests (because they speak the same language so it is easier to do business). If IBM or any of the major capitalist firms at the time had had their way, we would have allied with Germany immediately.
Look buddy Hitler just have really good speeches
Deepest liberal political analysis
But, uh, leans into mic human cheeto Hitler book
The morons in the comments who think the US was the deciding factor in WW2 are hardly better
Yup saying America’s manufacturing ability is what turned the tide.
Literally “capitalism stopped hitler”
As everyone knows manufacturing didn’t exist in the USSR.
I pointed out to a lib and a conservative I know about how many important positions found themselves filled with Nazis and they both looked them up and said “But they say there were forced to (join the Nazis)”
If Hitler hadn’t eaten a bullet and been recruited as the head of the CIA and said the holocaust had been done behind his back and against his wishes, these people would’ve believed it
If Hitler hadn’t eaten a bullet and been recruited as the head of the CIA and said the holocaust had been done behind his back and against his wishes, these people would’ve believed it
I feel like Hitler was probably fucked no matter what because the execution of some of the very top Nazis was important for propaganda reasons, but if Hitler was caught and tried and killed, there are probably other high-ranking Nazis who would have been recruited (the kabuki theater being satisfied by killing others) and said just as you describe
yeah, Japan got off relatively easy (mostly because its wholesale destruction presented an economic opportunity to the US), but they still executed Tojo.
TIL burning down every building in Tokyo and 96% destruction of every permanent structure in the entire country is getting off lightly
I kinda agree with you though, China should have been allowed to turn Japan into a penal colony after what they did
Potentially up to 60 million wartime Chinese casualties, never even seen anybody in the west mention it in passing, even people that know about the unit 731 shit have no absolutely no idea the scale of what Japan inflicted upon China
Bro I’m still fucking waiting for someone to test the bones of some beloved local librarian in Uruguay and confirm Hitler died in 1982 surrounded by three generations of his loving family
Lol can you even imagine how fucking furious most of western intelligence had to have been in the 1940s to be forced to pretend to fight against the Nazis instead of linking arms and becoming the Jehovah’s witnesses of door to door narcoterrorism, extradition and torture?
Unfortunately somewhat easy to imagine ever since I discovered Allen Dulles (former head of the CIA) actually helped shelter Nazis and offered them top protection from Nazi hunters.
EDIT: With one of the Nazis being literally Mengele. These are the people the government favors for agencies like the CIA.
Ironically it’s just mostly Mormons now but yeah
one of them tries the “but they were scientists” angle, as though NATO chief of staff is somehow a scientific position doing lab research or something? … and not, say, a position that is crucial for providing logistical, material, and financial support to right-wing terror networks of paramilitaries organized and activated to prevent the left from taking advantage of popularity over conservatism in recently liberated democratic countries delivered from from right wing fascists by leftist partisans and the red army.
also I’d really like to see these fuckers say Klaus Barbie and Reinhardt Gehlen were merely scientists.
Also the more clever among them will frequently try to conflate Paperclip (where the US enticed nazi scientists and helped them immigrate and gave them prominent positions) with Osoaviakhim (where the soviets kidnapped nazi scientists ) while ignoring Bloodstone (which actively sought out ideological nazis for western covert projects)
Yeah some dipshit already brought that one up, as if putting the head Nazi scientists and generals in charge of NASA and NATO is the same as forcing their scientists to work for the USSR as war reparations. Then some others in the thread cried whataboutism, lol
Whataboutism? What about deez nuts?
good bot
Boot lickers will cry about Soviets forcing scientists to work for them then executing or deporting them after they obtain the knowledge as a bad thing. I don’t know if the details are apocryphal or real, but I enjoy it anyway. Maybe it’s a bit harsh. Maybe it’s not when your knowledge helped the Nazis. Regardless, the German scientists should’ve been kept out of the spotlight. The one time America could’ve lied and stolen inventions while being morally correct, they decide to praise the Nazis helping them instead.
My bad didn’t see you already mentioned bloodstone
How fucked is the discourse when 4chan is a shining beacon of truth and light though
We fucked up sarnt
How fucked is the discourse when 4chan is a shining beacon of truth and light though
That looks like leftypol.
yeah it’s leftypol; still imageboard but definitely not 4chan
wait, you are telling me that operating gladio was run by nazis? no fucking way
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Nazi politicians produce nazi policies. Nazi scientists produce scientific research.
because science is historically apolitical and “research” produced by nazis/racists/etc is definitely known for being very objective…
Most Nazi science was ridiculous anyways. What beneficial knowledge is there in torturing twins and seeing which one dies faster?
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is there any evidence that mengele’s “experiments” were genuine science? like, what hypothesis was he testing? what sort of knowledge did he hope to produce? it really does just sound like a sadist indulging in the most evil fantasies he could think of.
This is physically painful to write for me, but a lot of theories about the measureable threshold for death, the raw data on how long it takes tissue to no longer be recoverable after exposure to certain pathogens, exsanguination, timetables for tissue to freeze, time for frozen tissue to die, physiological limits of anoxia etc were “fleshed out” as it were by unit 731 and Mengele & friends. Most of the scientists and physicians of Unit 731 were given the option of either working for the DoD at Ft Detrick (history, farce etc) or facing Chinese justice.
tldr The American government officially said everything was destroyed but as is longstanding tradition with war criminals we gave everyone jobs,
So Ft Detrick is just the Mount Doom of pathogens, huh?
I think that user was defending the USSR’s recruiting of nazi scientists, compared to America also giving nazis political power. The comment above them brought up the USSR’s program
tbh, yeah, I would mostly trust the USSR to handle nazis scientists and not let them do nazi shit, because the USSR was ideologically committed to opposing naziism.
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Starting a race science is science twitter campaign to fight this prejudice
A cursed premonition, the words of horror I can hear blowing softly on the future breeze
All science matters
Yea I wouldn’t comment something like this in a vacuum, but based on comments they made and the fact that nazis being in nato is a common justification for russian imperialism among tankies, op definitely is a tankie
Oh wait you’re a hexbear user, fuck Idk why I bothered explaining myself to you lol
Damn, that’s a crazy explanation. Not liking Nazis makes you a tankie. I don’t even need nazis in NATO to not like NATO
But the whole meme is pointless. Seems like calling out that these people shouldn’t have been allowed to be part of a new society after the nazi state was destroyed. It’s not that easy no matter how much people like to draw history and the world as a whole as black and white.
It is in fact that easy.
death for every officer would have been a start.
Well believe it or not Stalin floated this idea, turns out Churchill fucking loved nazis though.
It’s always the ones you most suspect
You don’t even need to ya know… just don’t let them hold power?
Yeah the part of “they shouldn’t be allowed to be part of a new society” is fucking wild because thats not all that happened. We didnt like, let them live and go on living normal lives. We put them in positions of power. What?
They would have to get normal jobs without power, the horror
V*ushites keep overloading and breaking my
, something has got to be done about them.
people say
is the kautsky of our century and frankly i think that’s insulting to kautsky. at least he did something useful like gather marx’s notes into the 1st edition of theories of surplus value
Yeah ewwww who is giving V*ush that much credibility wtf
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/r/196 used to be really progressive, political, and openly left wing.
My gut tells me that the “anti tankie” discourse there was entirely fabricated / astro-turfed by Langley.
I dunno if Langley would have needed to do much. Could just be a classic case of “how did all this fascism get in my anti communism?”
Yeah when CTH was still alive 196 was genuinely good.
It went to ratshit afterwards. CTH was killed, tankiejerk appeared and 196 then started doing anti-tankie stuff. The entire anti-tankie discourse ramped up at that time.
yeah the usual explanation that it’s just know-it-all yank teenagers really isn’t convincing to me. even to the dorkiest friendless reddit 14 year old there’s nothing cool about bein a NATO lib.
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kick tankies out of 196!
“Do I not destroy my enemies if I make them my friends?” - Abraham Lincoln
Openly admitting they’re okay with being friends with Nazis.
No Lincoln, no you do not.
Lincoln famously received a very decisive rebuttal to this particular point actually
Yeah, exactly. Let that be a lesson :boothe:
Edit: :Johnson:
“Friends can become enemies. Death is forever.”
It’s also worth noting that they would never apply this to the awful tankies, only Nazis and their collaborators. Yet another case of them preferring actual fascism to the supposed “red fascism.”