All his fanboys should be absolutely shitting bricks about this since Elon has been out there for years saying that people who purchase Tesla vehicles absolutely own them. He’s been spouting this bullshit since they got caught remotely crippling software features YEARS ago, but this is further proof Tesla owners are completely at the whim of a tyrannical douchebag who decides if you get the privilege of using something you paid for the way you want.
If it weren’t for double standards, he’d have no standards at all.
And neither would the fanbois
His fanboys are mostly reich-wingers nowadays, and they’re completely impervious to reality-based arguments
Reich-Wingers… nice i’m totally stealing that
Share and enjoy
Go stick your head in a pig?
I’m your plastic pal who’s fun to be with
Don’t forget that they are smug thinking they are saving the planet
Not sure how many diehard Musk / Tesla fans even believe in climate change
You ate correct, but they won’t waste any chance to be smug
Reich wingers are smug about that…?
EVs exist to save the auto motive industry, not the planet
I agree 100%
you don’t even own all the bits you do buy. you pay extra to unlock them. preinstalled, extra-cost dlc.
They won’t. His fanboys will find an excuse for his shitty behavior like they always do.
It’s like hoping flat earthers would suddenly come to their senses once they see the evidence. They won’t. They would find some other shitty excuse for their stupid belief.
Edit: stupid autocorrect. lol.
I would guess that 80-90% of owners are ignorant (some willfully), or try to separate the man from the company, and not just unrepentant fanboys/girls
But yeah, agree on the fanboy thing. SpaceX too (which personally I find extra unfortunate since they’ve done some REALLY good things in the LEO launch market and space stuff in general).
I wonder how much of SpaceX’s success has happened not because of Musk, but despite him
I’m not even remotely a fan of the guy at this point, but from everything I’ve read, a lot of it was actually because of him.
Tesla too.
But also a lot of the negative parts of those companies, and failures. And at the Boring Company. And TwitX, etc.
Whatever contributions he’s made are rapidly evaporating, though. He had plenty of problems 1015 years ago, but the last 5 have been a massive, rapid slide in his contributions, reputation, etc.
Ah yes that must be why SpaceX employs multiple professional handlers whose responsibility it is to distract manchild Mosk with shiny bits whenever he gets close to making an actual decision
Even if true, someone can both be a piece of work and successful.
Like how a guy can be a complete moron piece of shit AND a top neurosurgeon.
Also that person can be a steadily worse neurosurgeon and become more and more just a moron piece of shit.
I do believe that flat feathers exists somewhere on this pale blue dot / sphere of a world. But methinks you accidentally added an “f” to eathers and don’t mean to talk about feathers.
Each time he pulls shit like this, more people see the light about him. This one is going to disproportionately affect people who either still like him or just thought that they could own a Tesla without being affected by his stupid shit. It might hurt the stock price as some come to understand that his Twitter feuding can boil over to his other companies. Today might be the best time to exit a Tesla position (or maybe that’s just wishful thinking).
Imagine buying a $50k car and they take away features because the CEO is having a temper tantrum and wants everyone else to suffer.
You’d have to be a fool to give this guy your money.
You’d have to be a fool to give this guy your money.
A fool and his money are easily parted.
If only it was just money.
There are people joining waiting lists to let Musk put microchips in their brains.
Since Twitter has nothing to do with Tesla (beyond the emotionally stunted owner) this is serious line being crossed. I mean - I don’t care about Tesla. But I do care about SpaceX and Starlink as they have serious geopolitical implications.
Some country’s leader disses Twitter and they don’t get to launch satellites. Or their people don’t get satellite internet.
This amount of power should not be in the hands of one rich guy with an inferiority complex.
SpaceX and starlink are dead in the water and utterly useless until Musk has them taken away. As long as he’s running those, they’re just shitty companies with lots of empty promises
I wouldn’t say they’re quite dead in the water but he definitely has plenty of power to enshitify them.
He already shut off the Ukraine from starlink when he felt like it.
Tit for tat Disney and Tesla.
If he fucks with SpaceX though, NASA can just stop dealing with them. They would go real quick from being profitable to begging for people to use their service.
If he starts getting a lot of back pressure from the EU and US on what he can launch, I can put a serious dent in his wallet.
“when he felt like it” isn’t exactly correct, he specifically didn’t allow them to use starlink to launch attacks on Russia, as it was meant to be used only for defense.
I mean, if you’re being invaded, doesn’t anything you do to fight back count as “defense”?
Not according to the USA initially
The problem is, none of us have real knowledge about what happened there. All we have is conjecture and/or propaganda.
It’s equally reasonably possible that he has ties in Russia.
You can? Because he already has. Please do!
SpaceX is the main contractor of NASA.
Because Republicans gutted NASA for decades. They absolutely loathed that it was a generally beloved program by everyone. And for every dollar of funding saw multiple times that in the value it created. What SpaceX did wasn’t something that NASA had never thought of. They just never had the funding to really pursue it. And especially in the wasteful manner Elon musk has.
SpaceX has Musk handlers to keep Musk away from SpaceX.
Don’t know why you’re down voted. They’ve been promising man on mars any day now for years.
The mars thing is really a small part of what they do, although it gets the press. They are pretty much the only real game in town for satellite launches, and, I think ISS transport (especially since Soyez is Russian and there’s not a lot of good will going on there…). Even Amazon uses them for launches. It’s approaching monopoly status for critical infrastructure (we’re very dependant on satellites as a society now).
Mars is a labour of love for future ambition, but it’s not the main show.
Whether the root cause is historically poor NASA funding or not (I think there’s a strong argument for competition and private sector IF it’s properly governed, but it never is…), the fact is that we’ve created a situation where vast amounts of geopolitical control rest with a single person.
10 years ago if someone had told me that in the future the tantrums of a billionaire petulant manchild would decide what features are available in your already paid for car I wouldn’t have believed them.
On the other hand, 10 years ago there’s almost no chance you would think that the Disnet Chanel would be a feature in an automobile.
What a wildly weird time we’re living in.
Tablets, Netflix, offline video files, and mobile internet all existed 10 years ago.
The only thing that has changed is the level of control you have over the screen and where the content is coming from.
Features of whatever external devices you bring to your car, is not a feature of the car.
AFAIK, only Tesla has native video streaming from the interface screen in the car, so most cars still don’t have this functionality.
Bro 10 years ago was 2013
I was watching movies on a LG Optimus Link android smartphone in 2011
I wouldn’t have not believed it, but I would be bummed to learn that we still haven’t made contact with three-tiddied aliens.
Truly the darkest timeline.
The darkest timeline would be we have made contact with three-tiddied aliens but they were only interested in contacting high ranking officials in shadowy, sketchy U.S. government agencies like the CIA and military. That is what a lot of conspiracy minded people would have me believe and honestly if that was true those would be some lame af aliens. Like… all of all the people on earth to establish first contact with, you chose those losers?
When they said you couldn’t make contact with the rest of humanity you were just like yup seems like these dipshits have the authority to decide that for the rest of humanity?
Those would be some lame aliens and THAT would be the darkest timeline.
I would have.
Can you imagine spending all that money on a car and expecting certain features, only for them to change based on the whims of a manchild who gets his feelings hurt?
Can you imagine spending that much money on a car where this is even possible?
Seriously, don’t ever buy a car that can have something uninstalled remotely without your consent. I can’t believe we’ve sunk this far.
It’s just a full screen browser. You can get it for any website. There’s a simple work around that’s been there for years that uses a YouTube URL to force full screen but then redirects to Google. Then you can just go to Disney. It’s really not that big of a deal.
Cancel culture.
“Citing fire hazard, Disney bans Tesla vehicles from their properties, worldwide.” would be a hilarious headline.
That would at least have some data to back it up. This is just a man-child throwing a hissy fit because the free market decided it didn’t want to do business with Twitter.
I mean, Disney is run by adults, so I suspect they’re sitting over there watching Elon punch himself in the balls and laughing about it.
You’re just the right kind of evil, that’s amazing.
Chaotic good?
Oh, Musk. You really wanna join the ranks with DeSantis?
You can not out lawyer the mouse.
He and DeSantis are already buddy buddy, DeSantis always seems to make sure to protect Musk’s interests whenever there’s some law change that effects Tesla/SpaceX.
Shit, Florida has already put provisions in place to protect SpaceX incase they accidentally kill someone.
CEO of public company actively makes product worse because of business dealings at a seperate private company owned by said CEO. Not that Tesla shareholders don’t already have enough reason to be pissed, but good lord.
And it’s not a “feud” that would imply Disney is being petty instead of making the fucking obvious business decision to pull advertising spend from the dumpster fire of racism and controversy that is Twitter.
What a pathetic gesture. I’ll show them, I’ll take away features from my cars! No one subs to Disney+ just because they can watch it in their car. All you’re doing is pissing off tesla owners and scaring away potential owners with your little bitch fit. Pathetic.
Gotta love having a subscription for your car to give you a worse service than before because a man child bought a social media site.
Bob, you know what you have to do. Remove him from Iron Man, that’s petty, useless and perfect.
OMG that’d be hilarious. Also don’t even say a word to anyone, just have an editor trim that 3 second scene from IM2 and replace it on the disney+ streaming service with this new version.
STARK: “wow, your intellect is stunning. I look forward to seeing what you’ll be able to accomplish in the next few years”
Better yet, deepfake over him with someone he’d hate. Changes nothing, enrages him
That’d be funny, but pretty counterproductive.
I’m sure this is old news but Musk has a cameo in an iron man movie?
What a tantrum-throwing manchild.
Why are there streaming apps in cars?
So I can watch something while I wait for my wife to finish shopping…
The streaming apps only work when the car is in park.
You can go with your wife, you know?
Unless the baby is sleeping and you don’t want to wake them.
I’d rather not leave a young child unattended, and she doesn’t need (or want) my help choosing fabric.
I was thinking the same thing. Waiting in the car like a lazy child.
Why not just stream your phone to the screen?
Why necessitate a workaround for a billionaire man baby’s tantrum?
My stance would be the same whether the app is there or not
I could. But it’s a much nicer experience watching it on the 15” central display than a phone.
I think you misunderstood me
I did misread it.
I’m not sure I understand what the point of using your phone would be? The car already has cellular connectivity which enables things like viewing security cameras remotely, turning on air conditioning, etc. So it’s not like a streaming app is tall ask.
Why do they have movies on planes? Are we not all pilots on a plane too? Never saw someone with kids in a car 🤣
So you can stream while it charges
You need something to do while you are charging the batteries… ;-P
Petty-ass move.
It’s all he’s got, aside from that apartheid golden parachute
“free speech absolutist” lol