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Taking the edge off.
Missing a 95% chance shot in Xcom and subsequently having your whole party wiped out by aliens
Pick one
Ayyyyy, if a missed 95% shot fucks things over that bad then you probably weren’t handling the situation that well in the first place!
He says, as his entire squad gets eggs laid in them
A plan is just a list of stuff to go wrong.
That brought a tear to my eye
Hah, you can try to stay on top of it. But no matter how hard you try, there’s always a chance of that one little mistake that turns into a cock-up cascade and leaves most of your squad dead and one remaining soldier trying to crawl to evac.
I love that game, but I’m probably a masochist.
Look, it’s alien invasion simulator not friendly fun-time simulator, sometimes everything goes to shit and you need to roll with that!
I’ve heard about Xcom for years but never tried it, and BG3 has given me a turn-based itch to scratch, is it as good as everyone says?
Honestly I enjoy the crap out of them. It’s definitely less story than BG3 and you WILL lose people you’re attached too. It goes on sale fairly often I think, though it’s worth it at full price.
I might be biased, since I’ve been playing the XCOM games since they first came out 30 years ago. But yes, they are really, really good for turn-based combat. I am also a sucker for games with research trees.
Tech trees are fun
Missing a 95% chance shot in Xcom and subsequently having your whole party wiped out by aliens
Well I was relaxed until just now. Clenches jaw
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Well, 95% is not 100%
At 100% those bastards would nail the shot every time…half the time.
I took a break from XCOM after losing one of my best soldiers on an iron man run. Am currently terrified of going back in because i remember nothing and am sure i’d fuck everything up now.
Hey, maybe I find managing probability relaxing!
Loading last save isn’t that stressful.
Sometimes you gotta play XCOM on Ironman Mode just to punish yourself.
i exclusively play xcom on ironman because i tend to reload on the tiniest misstep - and then i get annoyed about myself, because i cant accept anything else than perfect. ironman fixes that for me :-)
Me too. Don’t see the point of playing games like these if not on ironman. Same with Crusader Kings and Rimworld.
I’ve done the same thing. It actually teaches you a lot about the game, since you are forced to pay much more attention to when enemies will trigger based on your movements.
Doesn’t exactly match up but I use Factorio for this. Or more accurately it uses me.
I mean, factorio has a map, and it’s definitely a strategy game.
It’s also isometric and you can move units around the map to attack enemies.
Army of spidertrons with the remote control, from map view, it’s therapeutic nuking aliens from the safety of your mega-base.
Factorio is so good.
Mindustry addict here. Check it out, it’s FOSS and very multiplatform! I recommend starting on Erekir.
I got into this recently playing with my brother and friend. it’s the perfect mix of tower defence and factory builder. Also trying to optimize a ammunition belts mid-wave is a kind of addictive thrill of panic I didn’t know I needed in my life.
I usually play with Biters off, I get so upset when they eat my carefully planned expansion
I have Mindustry for android. I play it on a galaxy note with a stylus, do recommend.
I like the music in Mindustry also. It makes you want to take over the world by building conveyor belts at it.
Look the factory must grow and all, but it’s all about control. Whether it’s mapped based war games or factory on a map, the principle is the same, we dah boss dis time
I had to stop playing factorio because I stopped sleeping. I keep wanting to try it again but I’m afraid.
OMG yes. I’d sit down and be like “I’ll play for a couple hours” of Factorio, then check the clock and it’s 4AM lmao. Seriously dangerous game haha.
It’s midnight and I just went to bed after playing god help me
I’ve noticed you’ve recently settled a statement close to my psyche, I request that you refrain from settling too close in the future to avoid any ill feelings!
Hey, I just got word that that settlement needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map.
You just never quit, do you? Took out Ghaul, woke up the Traveller…
You used me… For land development!
Fellas, is it gay to not play StarCraft?
“Roger! I’m in the rear, with the gear!”
Reportin’ for duty!
Ah reminds me of the ol Kerrigan/Duke sex UMS
The “Fellas, is it gay…?” meme is one of my favorites.
I say it to my wife all the time. Was watching Friends with her last night and Chandler gets mad at Joey for telling Rachel he owns lotion. I looked at her and said, “Fellas, is it gay to moisturize?” It’s just so silly how many things aren’t MANLY™
Haven’t seen friends in a while, but are you sure this wasn’t a masturbation joke?
On second thought it might be
FELLAS, is it gay to like the Fellas is it gay meme? You’re literally repeating another man’s words in your head for your pleasure.
In the pipe, five by five!
Fired up
I watched shaun of the dead the other day and the few gay jokes in it were great. Totally forgot about them so they caught me by surprise. Calling stuff gay is hilarious.
Indescriminate Justice
The map needs to slowly change to the color of my faction for my life to have any meaning.
That’s the good shit
Turns out it’s just the man’s equivalent of a coloring book
And like all coloring books, it would feel hollow without some light genocide
That is such a good way of looking at it. You’re spot on
Paradox games are all about painting the map your own colour 👨🎨
Your comment is pretty funny considering nazi Germany is black in hoi4
coloring with the blood of my enemies
That is how I play northgard.
Civ 5 here. I’ll be 39 this year and play the least out of my friends group (probably 1 or 2 sessions a month where I quit 3 or 4 hours in, and once a month or less playing for 6 or more hours to almost actually finish a game). The friends I play with are all mid 40s and do a full game at least weekly. We all have wives and kids and stuff but are huge nerds i guess.
I have launched Civ 6 once, launched a quick game with bots, blinked and realized 2.5 hours have passed. I’m scared to reopen the game. Next time I might wake up with a gray head and wrinkles on my face
43yo here, I play x-com and BattleTech, though I would argue BG3 is a map based strategy game as well.
Most of us use drugs or alcohol.
Hell yeah, drugs and alcohol enhance map games so much. Great combination, would recommend.
Played Civ 5 drunk with a friend once and it was amazing. At some point I ended up at war and realized a good few turns in that I forgot to make military units
Ever try drugs and VR?
The kids these days self-medicate with neurotransmitters in the privacy of their own home like God intended. Regular do-it-yourselfers, they are.
That’s silly, you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Looks at physical copies of original C&C, all three Red Alerts, Civ4, Warcraft, Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2, and a steam library with Mindustry, Factorio, Dyson Sphere Program, Captain of Industry, Desynced
A life well lived.
OpenTTD? Yeah? Yeah?
Im sorry, as far as I’m concerned there are only two RAs… well, 3 if you include Yuri revenge
RA2/YR is/are my gold standard(s) for any rts games, i always find myself going back and playing them whether it be solo campaign, skirmish, or logging into CnCNet and doing some online matches.
I don’t know what it was about RA1/2/YR but the units just felt right? When you got to 3 they all just felt off, and im not sure why. It wasn’t a balancing issue, but interestingly I got the same thing moving from stronghold 1 to two - they almost lost their physical presence if it makes sense???
Everything felt too “multi-purpose” units did follow the rock-paper-scissors balance, but tanks being able to go waterborne boats being able to go airborne broke any proper counter strategy it was always a game of cat and mouse and whomever could micro unit abilities the hardest instead of balance and strategize(or zerg rush lol) but that’s just my take.
That does seem like an accurate representation.
RA3 was OK. While RA2 was my favorite, The third one was fun, especially any mission where I could send Tanya to a horrible end.
Try war selection
Heard of shapez.io it’s on steam, factory game
How do I make the wololo dude en passant
I’ve got you covered:
Holy hell
Actual mind control
Is this like a personal attack or something?
You would know if you played map-based strategy games
Ah yes, a stellaris weekend full of alien genocide
I picked up the Star Trek Stellaris that released recently with mixed reviews, having never played Stellaris. I hope it’s good.
I do love my biolumenesent krakens
If my units have action points it also makes me feel like I’m in total control of my life which makes me happy.
Learning curves and time management don’t mix
After your 30s, you move on to sim or survival games.
I know I already replied once, but on a serious note: I would love a new IP that was like Tiberium Sun. That was my first love with RTS and nothing since has been quite as awesome. Not even StarCraft.
deleted by creator
Hell yeah, brother. I liked being NOD so I could make invisible bases all over the map and you could never really be sure where I was building up even if you had radar and the entire map uncovered. Then I hit ya with a swarm of mammoth tanks.
I never owned it, but I remember playing it at a friend’s house many times as a kid. I love RTS games and hope they’re not out of the mainstream for good.