Group of black teens attacks a guy. Minor injuries. What’s the reddit thread filled with?
“carry a gun” “cops on every corner” “animals”
what gets downvoted? me mentioning generational poverty.
death to the whites.
Edit: came back, didn’t think this would blow up the way it did, but it has been hilarious how many bad takes are from people with an @ in their username. This hilarity is why i love HexBear.
To everyone reporting this thread for racism:
Lol. Lmao, even.
it’s fuckin hilarious they are still rolling in, like do they not realize we don’t a fuck about their cumskin crocodile tears or what?
Totally should gave grabbed popcorn with groceries today
Hogs love rollin in mud
I’m so sad I missed this lmfao
Aggrieved bleach demons being skullduggerous sundodgers as usual 😒
The hat shaped tan lines are incredible lmao
That bald head on a bald head look is just too much. Its like a hat on a hat…
Global warming is white people slaughtering themselves via skin cancer.
Global warming has nothing to do with the ozone hole or increased ultraviolet exposure.
I know I’m being pendantic, but this is something right wingers use to try and say global warming isn’t real.
you’re absolutely correct and i have no objections to what you said
I’m gonna report the thread for not doing enough mayocide
We require at least 3% more mayocide
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this should be the site tagline all the time get in here and explain how it is “racism” or “hate speech” to point out how bloodthirsty and twisted the average honky is. Also “breaks commmunity rules”??? ???
We need more posts like this
“lenny has sent us a silly letter, we will be posting it in its entirety for your amusement”
Of course it’s all clueless Lemmitors
Unsurprising that only one of them had enough iron in their spine to try and defend their actions. Oathbreaking, plantation-brained settler mongrels, the lot of them.
If this offends you then you already made the mistake of identifying with whiteness
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Would you say your ethnic identity is more Kraft or Hellmann’s?
Euro mutt
I LOVE APRIORISM, I LOVE APPLYING CONCEPTUAL DEFINITIONS ONTO THE CONCRETE THINGS THEY WERE DERIVED FROM INSTEAD OF LOOKING AT THE THING ITSELF. Instead of analyzing the relationships at play, I will grab God’s dictionary and take its universal application of non-universal principles as scripture, a standard reality must meet.
Whiteness is not real, but simply a racial justification for Western colonialism/imperialism, a “higher class” certain groups are admitted into upon coming into the fold of dominion.
i s2g liberals treat the dictionary like its been handed down by God
It’s not even a dictionary its literally a link to a volatile spyware google search.
Libs cant even link you the source when it’s one click away.
Drop your shield, Woolie.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
ooh you would have had a point if you used dictionary dot com but since you didn’t, death to honkies, crackers,
s, et cetera
Are you trying to convince our mods who just openly mocked you that you’re right with this dictionary trash? Do you really think your post is going to change anything other than how much people dunk on your sorry whiny cracker baby ass?
I’m calling for a death to the whites.
no it isn’t. white genocide isn’t real, but if it was i’d support it and it still wouldn’t be racist.
To be fair, crackers are very annoying.
Death to whites
This you?
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Pulling out my “kinda-gay” card and “Polish-American” card to see if I can opt out at my convenience.
Washington University said slavs are poc so maybe we will be spared
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I up voted you keep posting
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your pussy soft as fuck victim mentality
Says the guy throwing a tantrum over someone on the internet saying they hate white people lmao.
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I didn’t throw a tantrum, I’m simply replying to OP calling me out to explain myself. You’re the one tantruming that I’m here.
How quickly we’ve arrived at “I’m not mad! You’re mad!” And “NO U!”
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Yes. I’m mad. Very mad. Grrrrrrrrrr.
i take back everything bad i said about federation. it was worth it lmaoo
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Hard men submit reports to Internet forum administrators when their feelings get hurt
men create good times
we’re all having a good time in here, so that tracks
I didn’t throw a tantrum
this is how you look:
If your reply starts with the phrase “I didn’t throw a tantrum”, that’s a sign that you’re on the back foot in an argument, and should quit while you’re ahead.
You don’t seem very baroque in mind.
Fuckin got they ass
Nope, I’m the asshole here and in an EXTREME case of rarity, dude had an accurate name
Baroque (when not referring to music or gems): characterized by grotesqueness, extravagance, complexity, or flamboyance
Complexity is out but the rest is there
meeeeeah culpa. Though I am genuinely embarrassed I didn’t look the word up first. No investigation and whatnot.
They should put all rich white people into reeducation camps and force them to learn how to use seasonings
Just admit it hurt your feelings, cum skin
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You edited in an insult, including a self-own. That’s pretty weak and funny, so I’m just gonna hit you with the
And call it a night
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yeah, the mods are going to ban you if you don’t post a nice, well-lit picture of your penis. so do that real quick.
We want to see those veins pop
Glad to be of service
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Kkkrakkkrers really are a bunch of snowflakes eh.
And the best thing is you discriminating someone for being poor, body shaming and victim blaming, all while also mentioning and somewhat defending 4chan out of nowhere.
You’re the classic lib that don’t understand 10% of what you talk about, but is so sure of yourself that you feel the need to show how superior (stupid) you really are.
Fascists can’t see this title without being triggered into posting lmao
They’ve been so developed by all the 2016 anti sjw videos of reacting to leftists hating on white people that they’ve dedicated all the shower arguments for this moment
As a white person, same. The mayocide is just and I’ll understand completely when my time comes
and people will be like “reddit is liberal” which only proves how much like conservatives they are. always willing to meet in the white middle.
Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds
I remember when I thought this phrase was a joke
Scratch an anticommunist and an anticommunist bleeds?
Scratch a communist and he bleeds red
Edit: I take it back. I don’t want this to be my first comment on here
please stop scratching me :( hurty
That’s never been true with Reddit. Them liking Bernie for a hot minute in 2016 didn’t change the amount of racist shit that would and still regularly gets upvoted, among many other things.
I started using Lemmy today bc I was on Reddit and imperialist bleach demons from all the major news subs were cheering on the US for cutting off the UNRWA funding.
TBF liberals are conservative.
Yet more proof of my theory that liberals are just conservatives who like to think they’re progressive.
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Warning everyone that this poster appears to be Dutch.
May I ask what nationality is deemed right to you? Can’t really help being Dutch or should I leave here and go to my fathers country?
Folks, we hebben een serieus probleem
Nothing wrong about being a swamp german, it’s just that we have to keep an eye on you.
The Dutch person claims to be fine. Trust but verify.
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White supremacy and imperialism are unsustainable, humanity is not. We are totally able to live on this earth sustainably as a species and have done so just fine. Capitalism is unsustainable, but it has nothing to do with humanity as a whole.
Your comment is pretty (eco)fashy tbh.
This comment is not just for you, I think. But I’ve read so much stuff here wtf.
I am Dutch, as someone pointed out. Born here, had no say in it either. Also not completely Dutch either. Doesn’t mean I’m white necessarily. And also not a supremacist. Could be true, won’t matter.
Definitely not a fascist. But hey, can’t blame you if that’s the label you want to give me, and it gives you a positive feeling. Maybe even superior, who am I to assume.
I blame capitalism for many of the worse things people have to endure, and I am lucky to be born into a life in the working class, so to say. Working until I die I guess.
All I see here is people trying to validate hatred and blaming someone else for it. Grow up for crying out loud, and do something about it. It’s not like most of anyone here have better things to do right? Or is this also wrong to say? Probably.
Instead of calling me out on whatever it is I am to you, I would like to see someone actually come with a solution or opinion that doesn’t make me personally the/a villain instantly. Why not educate me, if many here are so good with words?
Don’t think for a second that I am what you assume because of a comment on the internet. Let’s see who can be the human being that actually wants to solve anything instead of blaming each other.
Whiteness is an idea just like captialism, its something that can shelf blame for horrible things. Your skin color doesn’t actually matter in all of this. The cracker/mayo stuff is a vibe check to see if you digested this information.
I guess thanks for this, everyone else seems to be funny about it but I honestly don’t understand this place, maybe I’m too new to it and am missing alot of context.
Still don’t understand the rudeness in all of this tho, but then again maybe I shouldn’t discuss anything if I don’t understand the context I guess.
It is funny to see all the pigshit on balls. Not the most impressive insult, if it even is one, but made me chuckle.
I think honestly many of the people who are throwing the insults the most are just feeling white guilt. They’re compensating for the privilege they feel. In my opinion, it’s not useful to be like that and is ironically pretty “white.” My opinion.
I think there is a place for it especially for people who aren’t white and are under the boot of the white, colonial, capitalist system but I dont think using it as the main tool of expressing your anti-colonial and anti-racist sentiment is a good idea.
I think it’s fine to ask questions, just don’t respond to hostility with hostility and try to be the bigger person when someone wants to argue.
The rudeness is a knee jerk reaction to the type of people we get coming here with bad intentions.
Pigpoopballs is an old meme that we’ve beaten to death, I’m glad you got something out of it. The old chapo subreddit got a trump guy to post his dick once which is funny.
I think mayocide and self hating whiteness are a very small overall part of hexbear posting. it’s inevitable to see more of it in a thread like this when people from across the lemmyverse are gut reacting to some real tepid “death to white people” shit posting and trying to report it like they’re on Reddit where the Admins will just coup any mod who doesn’t capitulate to their “rules based order”.
And the rudeness honestly has some real world utility here. We aren’t like and don’t aspire to be like Reddit where horrible evil can be defended and advocated for as long as you strike the right respectful tone, and if we can sus out and turn away people who value tone above material reality that’s useful. It isn’t the conscious reason for the way we are but it does play a small role.
I don’t have white guilt I hate the concept of whiteness. I don’t like being perceived as white and all the privilege that comes with it but I don’t feel guilty about it. I didn’t choose to be “white”.
I think it’s important. I have come to a conclusion that is internally consistent to me and not self loathing. Like the patriarchy, I can hate the power structure even if it benefits me without hating who I am.
Trying not to be hostile… Although obviously people who get a rise out of it do try hard, to make someone react that way…
Lemmy is a confusing place sometimes.
ppb isn’t an insult, it’s more “bad take” than “you suck”. it does mean you’re going to get insults if you keep going down that path, though. redirecting - like you’ve done - will change the kind of responses you get. “post hog” is the actual insult and it means you’ve left the plane of human compassion.
Big “marketplace of ideas” energy
Like Mokey said, “whiteness” is not someone’s nationality or race (see: honorary aryans), it’s a concept used to justify colonialism and capitalism/imperialism and the wars and genocide that come with it.
Your comment isn’t much different from the “all lives matter” and “not all men” shit that conservatives (and hell, many liberals too) say.
search the forum for subjects you’re interested in being educated on - very white of you to demand your own special, custom lecture
Thanks for the tip. Ofcourse asking for context is very white of me, should’ve known better.
At least clear communication is something I won’t need to expect here. Thanks for your time.
At least clear communication is something I won’t need to expect here.
Don’t come to a shitposting community expecting clear communication.
Get over YOURself, you think you’ve got a lock on the human condition? Your brain is full of worms and your world is shackled by capitalism and beyond our control. We are not like this because its the end result of human nature
You are ridiculous
Eco fascism huh? Calling out
brings all the fash out in solidarity lol
Fuck you
That’s just rude.
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I love all the white people hating white people in this thread. I mean I hate you but I love that you hate yourself.
I dont hate myself, I hate whiteness
The death of whiteness is liberation for everyone
Not having to deal with the baggage of whiteness would cure a large part of alienation
Imagine being an old looking at the first generation of children who don’t know what white means. It would probably feel good seeing them being harmonious comrades upon the playground.
I went to a grocery store in the wrong neighborhood. It took me a while to realize I was uncomfortable because there were too many white people. I just bought some fancy cheese and left.
Critical support to depression! Without it I might not have any value! JK, my ability to make other white people upset also has value.
Some, I assume, are good people.
Many, in my experience, are not.
the ice age isn’t sending their best
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nah you good
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Flour burns pretty well
Graham Cracker Flour
I can change my gender, my attitude, my outlook, my health, all kinds of things… Alas, I cannot change being born a saltine. 😔
whiteness is a mindset
the mindset:
Practically black
This isn’t a fake quote from franklin by the way. he really said this shit in a pamphlet titled “Observations Concerning the Increasing of Mankind, Peopling of Countries.” You can find it online in PDF form.
As someone with German, French and Russian ancestry, I thought I was mayo af but apparently I’m swarthy according to Ben Franklin.
Oh thank god, I’m not white I’m just swarthy lol
Sorry, brits and Saxons you’re apparently the real evil in the world.
the French?? no, fuck no, you cumskins can have them.
I’ve been saying that the only definitionally white people are Anglos, but damn, it turns out one within their ranks even said this themselves.
Swedes are swarthy?
Maybe Franklin only ever saw them when they came off a boat, incredibly leathery from months at sea
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pobody’s nerfect
ive wotta gork it
this mess is a place
to all the brave posters dunking on the libs in this thread.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I like that this made some lemmys pist really dumb shit
pist really dumb shit
top ten most appropriate typos of all time.
New portmanteau of pissed/post is here!
when you pee so furiously while posting that it exits your body as a mist instead of a stream
I gotta be honest, I find these types of posts super cringe. They come off as “I’m one of the good ones!” The responses that more or less say that verbatim don’t help.
You’re not more of a leftist because you hate yourself or your parents or whatever.Yeah death to the concept of whiteness and so on but go talk to someone normal please.
I talk to normal people all the time. I don’t often get to bring up death to the concept of whiteness. That’s why I comment on hexbear
Yeah and that’s fine, that’s not what I say I find cringe. I’m sorry I’ve phrased myself in a confusing way.
I find it cringe to go “I’m one of the good ones” and that’s what I am saying is cringe. Critiquing the concept of whiteness is good, being a pick-me is not.
My bad. I read good.
Me write bad sometime me write good other time me write incomprehensible all time
I don’t know, I think theres quite a gap bewteen actively shitting on white nationalist tropes and concepts and screaming “im one of the good ones!” at every poc who walks by
And reducing that spectrum to “because you hate yourself or your parents or whatever” is ironically enough, also cringe
Hate to point out the obvious, but white supremacy won’t dissappear unless “white people” actaully talk about it and I’ve read enough Thanksgiving posts on this site to know alot of you patsy mfs got some white citizens council-ass family members who need a good talking to
No I agree, I think it’s good to point that out. I just feel like a lot of the responses here are “I’m white but it’s okay because I hate myself”.
Yeah my reduction is cringe too. I tried to keep the tone joking, so it wouldn’t come off as too serious, but I can see how I messed that up.I’ve read enough Thanksgiving posts on this site to know alot of you patsy mfs got some white citizens council-ass family members who need a good talking to
Honestly, talking achieves nothing. I really don’t think theres much point in trying to do outreach to people who aren’t in the right material position to be reached to. You’re essentially
People don’t change till shit changes. The most charismatic commie motherfucker ain’t gonna move his racist uncle an inch if that racist uncle had incentives to stay the way he is. So starting a struggle session over the turkey is just a waste of energy.
That’s why you gotta go radicalize the kids table
I don’t know, I think theres quite a gap bewteen actively shitting on white nationalist tropes and concepts and screaming “im one of the good ones!” at every poc who walks by
Well this felt like the latter
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Agree with this
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Digital archaeologists won’t need a Rosetta Stone to decipher this site
Mom says it’s my turn to wear the Offended White Calling Out Reverse Racism hat in this thread.
Somebody tell that other guy. It’s my turn.
Don’t be a cracker, won’t get called a cracker
lmao @ the triggered cumskin lemmitors thinking that this is a personal attack on them
white fragility on display