His last post that he made, in which he tweeted out the link to the twitch channel where he livestreamed his death:
Hard to guess what his politics were.
Guy was incredibly based. o7.
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Do libs actually think there’s a well organized Marxist Leninist movement in the west? That we have our hands in everything? This is chud level of derangement, because they think the exact same thing.
rightwingers think there is and that it’s jews and/or the democrat
icparty. i don’t know what group or org blue maga thinks is armpit deep in the ass of power.They currently seem to be in a race with the right wingers to see who can reinvent “Judeo-bolshevism” first.
Cultural Marxism 🙄
actually yes its called the republican party
Putins secret army!!
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Yes. It’s called the Democratic Party and British Labour Party
It’s seriously angering me how like, what he did is just being brushed off as “mental illness”
They will convert all social ailments into personal flaws people have in their brains that they can use to discredit them as they see fit. Fuckin’ hate liberals.
If you do that, you don’t have to look at any possible reasons for it. Can’t have downers ruining our adventures overseas.
Not only that but the underlying assumption is that the mentally ill (and those considered mentally ill) cannot and do not have political agency. They are nothing but the sum of their afflictions.
It’s unbelievably disgusting.
Liberals are hardcore bigotted towards mental illness and see “being mad” as an easy out to dehumanise or delegitimize people.
They do this all the time, every little thing becomes mental illness, even mild complaints are suddenly ‘anxiety-depression’. To them all minorities and the poor are mentally ill, no fucking different than the damn chuds, what toxic individualism does to a mf class.
If someone did this in front of a Russian or Chinese embassy these exact same people would be calling them a hero
Like, honestly, I think there’s a fair case to be made about the whole “Don’t diagnose others” thing sometimes
Military guy: ‘I have realised that the army I am part of is committing genocide and I am ending my own life painfully to make a statement in defiance of said genocide’
This fuckin lib: “he wanted attention for this”
The thing is, they’re almost right: it was a spectacle, he did want attention - ATTENTION TO THE GENOCIDE. They just can’t (or refuse to) understand that anyone could take any action to benefit a larger cause instead of benefiting themselves as individuals.
Libs have made it clear they despise direct action
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When you think about it, the most effective form of protest is filling out paperwork to change your career.
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Calling people who self-immolate crazy or mentally ill isn’t really new, it happens with people who did it during the Vietnam War in USA.
But when people in bad countries do it, it’s called courage or an indication of how nightmarish it is to live under an autocratic regime.
The amount of projection in that first paragraph is wild. Like, they fundamentally can’t grasp why someone would care about the genocide, so start reaching for “if I did this, why would I,” and all they can come up with is clout sharking.
The idea of taking a principled stand for something is literally incomprehensible to liberals.
“Sacrificing yourself for your principles” = “mental illness”
Well to them principles are things you only say you have, loudly and often, as a way to get social capital. Of course they can’t understand dying for your beliefs, they don’t actually believe anything.
well put
NAFO pfp says it all with no words
Internet tough guy writing screeds about destroying the Russians and how badass NATO militaries are doesn’t actually care about the individual troops?
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He was young and had military experience. What he did was incrediblely unproductive given the potential he had. I dont see why his actions should be praised. All he did was fucking die while saying what everyone already knows.
attention is really helpful when you’re FUCKING DEAD
I couldn’t agree more with your sarcasm.
If his martyrdom shortens Israel’s war against Palestinians by one day then it would save about 250 lives.
It does feel like this has affected people, the media is clamping down on this as hard as they can but it’s still filtering into the public consciousness. Who can say what kind of effect he’ll have? I certainly can’t.
I hope it does but I doubt it.
There is too much attention on the media. Is there any national level organization to struggle against the US back genocide or are we just mad that the papers aren’t left wing?
“nooooo don’t martyr yourself ur so much better off being a goon for hire aiding and abetting genocide”
No cause is worth sacrificing for to these people. Except maybe service of the boot
They need feeding tubes to eat because their tongues are permanently welded to the boot
To the liberal brainpan, sincerity is a trope in fiction, or perhaps a long-obsolete custom from bygone times
Liberals can’t even analyze fiction anymore without assuming that because you consume it, you cosign it (and honestly even I still have occasional knee-jerks in this direction despite knowing better)
Anyone left of Hitler is a tankie to these weirdos
Giving them too much credit, I could very much see them make the argument “Hitler was a tankie” unironically
If horseshoe theory is real, and eveyone left of hitler is a tanky, and if you keep going left and it wraps back around to hitler, then yeah. Hitler’s a tanky.
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Isn’t that the old “Isn’t it national socialism?” bit?
Yes but many liberals see fascism and communism as two sides of the same coin even though pro western, pro capitalist politicians and followers are more sympathetic towards fascism. It’s incredible that these people will call Trump and his voters fascist and then somehow the people who oppose them are also fascists because… they speak to crowds?
“For no reason”
Way to strip this person of all agency by trying to frame him mentally ill or otherwise Other him.
Talk about thought terminating type of thinking this reads like ultimate acceptance of both apathy and neoliberalism (should have used his individiual options and not bother the collective with that bothersome thing that is the reality of a genocide).
I radicalized in part because of my mental illness. This does not mean I was taken advantage of. The fact that people don’t understand this is infantilizing and ableist.