The use of depleted uranium munitions has been fiercely debated, with opponents like the International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons saying there are dangerous health risks from ingesting or inhaling depleted uranium dust, including cancers and birth defects.
Every person involved in making this decision deserves to be buried in an unmarked grave with the weapons they love so much. How many innocent people completely uninvolved with the war are going to grow up suffering the effects of depleted uranium rounds? Another absolutely monstrous decision in a long line of monstrous decisions by the US government.
Yes, we get it, the response to literally every decision you don’t like is massacre of the people you don’t like
Are you aware of what depleted uranium does to the human body? Innocent people are going to be dealing with the consequences of a decision made by a handful of people across the planet for decades after the war ends. Does poisoning generations of people sound like “defending” Ukrainians to you?
But Depleted uranium isn’t enriched uranium.
You’re lying.
depleted uranium is a radioactive carcinogen, and linked to substantial increases in birth defects and cancer in Iraq
Who said it was? It’s still an environmental contaminant, a carcinogen, and linked to a rise in birth defects after its use in Iraq
It’s use will have consequences far outside of the conflict and ruin the lives of who knows how many people who had absolutely no say in this war and I’m supposed to cheer it on?
Yes, but why are you upset about this particular heavy metal as opposed to all the others involved in weapons?
The op is specifically about depleted uranium but hey, if you want to make the case that we shouldn’t be sending weapons to Ukraine in the first place I’m not going to argue against it
In that case, why do you pretend to care only about certain weapons when you don’t want any weapons sent?
pee pee poo poo
Oooh you really got him there
Depleted uranium is still a very dangerous heavy metal. It just doesn’t irradiate what it poisons.
Now we’re just throwing genocide into the mix?
Non radioactive munitions.
Show this thread to someone from the 1980s and they would kill themselves. Mainly over your shit
What a compelling response 🙄
Bruh said le sigh…
No analysis, just vibes. Gonna go genocide some mashed potatoes rn
Just stepped in someones front yard without permission, which is technically an invasion, and ive been told this is tantamount to genocide. Am I an imperialist war criminal, Hexbear?
Guilty of all charges.
Sounds like a typical fash pastime
What would you propose to help Hawaii evict genocidal invaders from its territory?
Seeing one thing Hm, this is like every thing
-The Eternal Lib
It’s almost like I’ve seen this same redfash response multiple times 🤔
What can I say we like methods that get results
It’s almost like my original comment was correct
Your original comment was word salad.
Just because you can’t understand it, doesn’t mean it’s word salad comrade
Redfash one hell of an oxymoron considering the reds are in the habit of killing fash.
That’s what they want us to think, anyway
There are complications, but a dialectical analysis shows that redfash are indeed fascists, and there’s no need for Holocaust denial to say so
“You are treating a specific example like a broad generalization to deflect someone’s valid point”
“Heard that one before
Fallacy of the beard. Marx’s beard, even.
What do you think should be done with war profiteers that destroy societies for money?
The same that should be done to all fascists, including the red ones
It’s a tankie, that’s their answer to everything they can’t strawman around.
pretty funny coming from a dronie
Yeah, “dronie” would be the correct term a tankie would use for a person who supports a country that was invaded by fascists defending themselves.
The only fascists in this conflicts are the ones you support, they’re pretty open about being fascists too. These are the actual people defending themselves from scum like you
No, the only fascists are the ones that crossed the border into Ukraine and are currently being pushed out. According to the article you linked, it states it’s not possible to conclusively prove who launched those cluster munitions in October.
I’ve noticed the Russian Fascists haven’t had a problem using cluster bomb on civilians, targeting hospitals and non-military health care facilities and generally committing random warcrimes.
You know, the simple solution for the war crimes to end would be for the Russian invaders to admit they fucked up, retreat to the borders that were recognized in 2013 and start preparing for the trials at The Hague.
But, Putin is too weak and much like Tankies need to tank… Russian fascists need to fash.
The regime you support has been doing all of this to people of Donbas for eight years, and even CNN covered this
People like you didn’t care, and all of a sudden you pretend to give a shit about people of Ukraine. You’re just a morally bankrupt scumbag.
They aren’t that dangerous as a weapon of war. The uranium is depleted, as the name suggest. The alternative is heavy metal, which is also dangerous to breathe in. It’s war and it sucks for health. Maybe there shouldn’t have been an invasion… this shit is still causing birth defects in Iraq. This is Ukraine’s future now.
And so do other heavy metals. What do you suggest they use that won’t have negative health impacts (which is ironic for something designed to kill, but whatever)?
Not that dangerous?
Any heavy metal causes similar issues. Heavy metal will be used, whether it’s uranium or something else. Should they just stop shooting?
Unironically yes. A peace deal was in the works last year until, according to the Ukranian Pravda, Boris Johnson pressured Zelensky not to go through with it. This would have stopped the fighting and resulted in some withdrawal of Russian troops, but since the West is more interested in weakening their geopolitical rivals and helping the weapons industry rake in profit than ending the war, they squashed any possibility of that happening.
No, Ukraine didn’t want to give up but they were becoming desperate. Boris Johnson came in to let them know the West was finally willing to offer some support. Ukraine giving up would not have resulted in the withdrawal of russian troops from their newly conquered territory
Uranium is a very dangerous heavy metal, it just isn’t radioactive.
Depleted Uranium is definitely radioactive. It’s depleted but there are still radioactive isotopes in it. It’s relatively same to handle until it’s fired and some of it turns to dust. The dust is both poisonous and radioactive. The toxicity of it is probably worse than the radiation but they’re both still bad.
The radioactivity is a problem its just like, not significant compared. Sorry my b
Nowhere did I make the claim that it was, that doesn’t change a thing
I’m replying to the person replying to you
My bad, I got the colors of the bars mixed up
Ah, yes, a nice hexbear to giggle at on my Sunday evening.
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