found on r-blackwolffeed
On a related note, r-ChapoDogHouse is the last remaining chapo (in the name) sub that I know of. There was a porm themed one that lasted a while, but it got nuked eventually.
“Woke-scoldy” sounds like code for “They won’t let me say slurs”
it doesn’t just sound like that, we’ve purged a ton of the old sub’s userbase that overlapped with r/stupidpol and had a transphobia problem
If you don’t want to use your pronouns you can just use the gender-neutral they, which is what most people will default to online anyway
Without doing any research, I am 90% confident that the person in the post was banned for transphobia.
Well, that, and it turned out they were using the Chapo Discord server to organize downvote-brigading against anyone speaking out in favor of making pronoun tags mandatory. Site admins wound up checking users’ downvote histories (via the backing database) against certain posts/comments and used that to ID and ban a bunch of them, since we don’t track IP addresses. Downvotes were removed shortly afterwards, again because of transphobes harassing trans users.
CW: Turbo Cringe
I have my own cringe admission here: when TC69 first started HRT, she made a post about getting high from “E.” I, being an absolute brain genius, thought she was bragging (outside of the drugs comm) about doing MDMA, and I may have done a pearl-clutchy downvote because “E” = “estradiol” didn’t click in my big genius brain at the time, and the mods/admins were very emphatic at the time that we had minors on the site and not to post various things outside of containment comms because of posts attracting brigades from Reddit.
So yeah, I downvoted TC69 once on my old account and I still feel horrible about it
I dunno if these statistics are available, but it would be really neat to see a ranking along like account age and modlog presence weighted by activity. Maybe on a scale of “tightrope over thin ice” to “Mao’s lil angels”.
I got banned from blackwolffeed for reporting people who were being concern troll transphobic in comments. About an episode where the hosts were mocking assholes like them too!
Not that I blame everyone in the subreddit. Lot of decent commenters. But a mod who posts in stupidpol is a mod who posts in stupidpol.
So many struggle sessions early on that people got so needlessly aggressive about
Wokescold is a term Vaush likes to use so it’s safe to assume they’re a Vaushite
Yeah, it has a lot of flavour of “I want to call them SJWs but know I’ll sound too much like a conservative.”
Im pretty sure i heard citations needed use that term tho
they don’t really use it to punch left, but to instead blunt themselves when they want to be what more conservative folks would call woke-scoldy
miss tc69 doesnt know i can reclaim
Okay you can call bearsite “woke-scoldy” if you’re mad we told you off for supporting imperialism or whatever, but cliquey? Fuck that shit.
As an autistic hexbear, discord servers full of liberal queers are cliquey. Subreddits for dumb interests are cliquey. Hexbear is fucking awesome. Fuck reddit lmao.
I hate discord servers i hate how it replaced wikis for games now so you have to interact with bunch of cliquely assholes to get information. And then your discord server inflate into hundreds which sucks.
Golden Age: Guides on GameFaqs
Silver Age: Gaming wikis
Iron Age: Gaming discord
Nah fam. Silver age is MediaWiki game wikis, iron age is Fandom, and shit age is Discord.
We should make a comm for each game we like to store wiki info in locked posts.
damn, lemmy don’t have a wiki feature?
death to discord
gunna scold you wokely for supporting imperialism
i’m fairly new, and i really don’t get the accusations of clique-yness, nor toxicity. this is easily one of the friendliest and most welcoming public communities i’ve ever been in online
Liberals take psychic damage when they come here, but leftists are fine
do not mention veganism and that image will stay
idk, I went and looked at the vegan comm after seeing this reply, and the most “toxic” thing I saw was vegan folks expressing frustrations with bad takes on their lives from libs in very nuanced (and even sympathetic) ways. these posts from comrade Angel really got me thinking, actually. it just reinforced my view that this is a very friendly and honest place!
i’m not sure if hexbears realize just how bad the actual toxic internet cliques are…
not saying they’re bad! im just saying it gets very argumentative
Or outdoor cats
They’d nuke every single Polish village indiscriminately.
My common quip to the outdoor cat enthusiasts is “what if we had outdoor dogs” but apparently some more rural places in Poland have that and it goes about as well as you’d expect
Oh yeah, I know. I already had kicked some fuckers while on a cycling trip, they were aggressively chasing and well I had to do something. Yeah. I’d nuke every single Polish village indiscriminately. What if it B)
i remember you getting banned for defense of the slave trade
that sounds defamatory
Bring back /r/ShitHexbearSays
StrappingYoungVlad, where did you go? Look, I’ll even make it easy for you:
October 7th was justified and good, Hamas is good and the legitimate representatives of the Palestinian people and their national liberation struggle from “”“Israeli”“” settler-colonialism, you shouldn’t vote for the genocide party (Democrats), anti-
racism isn’t real but if it was it would be good, unlimited destruction on the first world, political violence is justified, Stalin was 70% good and 30% bad, uhhhh anyone got any others for the screenshot?
Stalin was 70% good and 30% bad,
Ok, struggle session, he was actually 75% good and 25% bad.
Time to double down in the worst and most hostile way and get permabanned from the site
Throwback to that time my mom asked me whether I was a Democrat or a Republican (fishing for approval because her tenant-boyfriend and his kids were pissed off at her for voting for Trump) and I said, verbatim:
“Stalin did nothing wrong. Wait, I take that back: he did one thing wrong – he died.”
Remember: when ending a politics discussion with a CHUD relative, there must be a remembrance of Stalin.
Removed by mod
Yet you name yourself after up to 7 different murderous dictators, possibly more, curious
You must like murderous dictators a lot more than us
tfw not welcomed by a murderous dictator
Removed by mod
I’m leaving this post because its funny.
Please, “document” away, you fucking nerd.
Edge lord tankie bit? What bit? This is just how I am
, which one is wrong?
And we thank you for all the free advertising, comrade StrappingYoungVlad
I’m woke-scolding - yes, you should be scolded right now because you’re awake and it’s well past your bedtime!
You’re either dirt_owls friend or your not, the owl decides who’s part of the club. Sadly, dirt_owl said I was stinky and had “farty pants” so I’m not part of the clique.
I think you misunderstood, that means you are part of the clique
I’ll give you the same advice I give my cat.
“Have you tried simply not being a big stinky baby with farty pants?”
me, to my dog daily:
“you should reconsider having such a stinky ass”
Why do you keep sniffing your dog’s ass
look, good question
the other dogs do it so i just thought it was the right thing
they just fear the emojis
I literally do not know how to use those, or even if I can since not a hexbearian (too wokescoldy), but I have learned to love that which I will never understand
There’s a workaround to do it from a federated instance but it’s annoying to do. On hexbear it’ll just autocomplete emojis after you put a colon and start typing.
Yeah, I feel like the emoji system within Lemmy could stand to be improved. There isn’t a way in the UI to target an instance and then utilize its emoji. The emoji is retrievable from the API at the
endpoint undercustom_emojis
. Each entry has all the data you need to query the emoji. The interface would need someway to reference other instance’s emoji."custom_emojis": [ { "custom_emoji": { "id": 68, "local_site_id": 1, "shortcode": "two-wolves-1", "image_url": "", "alt_text": "two-wolves-1", "category": "Abolish the Animal Kingdom", "published": "2023-06-17T21:15:35.303290Z" }, "keywords": [ { "custom_emoji_id": 68, "keyword": "inside" } ] },
The base Lemmy UI allows for using the
character to search the local instance’s emoji like we have on Hexbear.Likely, what would need to be added is a way to “federate” or sync the emoji from various instances. I’m sure it would be trivial to write a script that periodically queried a list of instances and pulled their custom_emoji JSON and then import those emojis into your instance. However, what you would really want is a built-in method of allowing two instances to sync their emojis. Federation of emojis is probably not the right way to do it, it would have to be an opt-in process two instances do together, with a way to denoting the origin of the emoji for easy removal.
Libs will definitely be confused why most people here dislike nuTrek too lol.
You can’t say the R word and be a weirdo chaser and there’s lots of Trans people so it’s Cliquey Wokey
R word
All I see is removed
It’s clicky because I’m typing posts
The thing nobody tells you about hexbear is that you get an extremely loud mechanical keyboard free with membership.
I’m glad
was able to add it into the international posters budget this year. We were pushing for that for a while.
The cliques are as follows
Flakes Bongler
The rest
The cliques
1.) Pro beanis owls
2.) Revisionists
bro, the preferred nomenclature is DEIscold now
ED&I now
It’s like no one who talks shit about Hexbear has actually been here. The libs with political disagreements I can at least understand but this just baffles me. I was looking at the
sphere of Lemmy earlier and all this talk of Hexbear being “toxic” or whatever, like just look around and it’s obviously complete bullshit. The trans megathread alone is like 30% love and support by content wtf
The animal-based username clique
I think the /r/VeganCircleJerk lifeboat struggle session broke a lot of people’s brains, and trolls will still use animal liberation rhetoric to stir up shit from time to time. Keep an eye out the next time you see a thread about cops shooting someone’s dog; it used to be like clockwork.
The piss clique, the shidd clique, and the fard clique
me, the lone cumposter
me, the lone cumsumer.
we have achieved synthesis
On a related note, r-ChapoDogHouse is the last remaining chapo
the transnistria of chapo subs
what clique what fucking clique what is this group of warlords and/or mean girls on this site that do not like me. i will fight you