Feel like shit, just want him and his excessive emojis back.
EDIT: Jesus Christ guys
I really don’t get the love some users have for that guy. He was super aggressive, he held grudges like no one else and if you pointed it out then you were concerntrolling. His analysis never really seemed to be anything beyond surface level, and his volume of posting and general vibe made it so media discussions were almost always hostile. I never understood why he never got banned despite having several meltdowns with much hostility.
I’m not really a prolific poster anywhere because I have this unhealthy thing where if someone is angry at me online I actually feel bad and spend time introspecting. Your post actually makes me feel less alone, I generally am on hexbear to de-stress and I only remember his handle because no one else has given me an angry reply. People here have generally been polite in correcting my idiot opinions.
I have this unhealthy thing where if someone is angry at me online I actually feel bad and spend time introspecting.
Same tbh.
Your post actually makes me feel less alone
I only remember his handle because no one else has given me an angry reply. People here have generally been polite in correcting my idiot opinions.
dude would come out swinging if you disagreed with him in any way. The general vibe has gotten much better after he left.
For some reason I could never take it seriously when he got mad, but I can understand if it was unpleasant for most people.
It wasn’t really the “getting mad” but more so the instant hostility and grudgekeeping that got to me. It was kinda fun seeing his deranged posts about mundane things, it just wasn’t so fun to see how he would have very obvious negative impact on people he interacted with. Especially because he was a power user, so he would often get a lot of support, while the person he was accusing of doing something would be alone. It took me a while to block him because it was nice to see him go off on chuds. He just went off on everyone, which sucked.
the instant hostility and grudgekeeping
The thing that got me was that he absolutely kept grudges, but because he was such a prolific powerposter there was no way he could actually keep track of everyone he’d argued with, so sometimes he would haphazardly lump people into grudge groups, and act like they were all the same person. Especially right after federation, it was funny to see some lemmy person wander in and voice an opinion about a tv show or video game and have him go off on them, but it was pretty offputting when he would start referencing the whole history of beef that they supposedly had together, and the other person would be completely baffled.
To me it seemed like a bit, but I also just realised that for some reason his wrath was never directed at me, so I’m starting to think maybe I’m speaking from a privileged position.
Yeah, I think you’re right. I don’t wanna Stan the guy anymore if he bullied my comrades. I should have paid more attention to it.
To me it seemed like a bit
No I think he genuinely felt that strongly about Netflix shows and thought anyone who didn’t take his crusade against them seriously was part of some conspiracy to shut him up.
I got accused of being an alt of someone else who once disagreed with him. Dude seemed like he had legit paranoia, but if you pointed it out you got your comments removed (sometimes).
Maybe. I might also just be salty. I have a hard time of letting go of negative interactions, especially ones I felt were “unfair” in some way
No, you’re right. I shouldn’t have downplayed someone who essentially bullied some of our users.
I think maybe he never got angry at you because everyone on here loves you (including me). He was just an asshole imo and nearly all of his posts were bitter and unpleasant, it was enver good vibes with him
mispelled never as enver but im keeping it in because it reminds me of another power poster lol
No. He never yelled at me either. Apparently he had real problems with people who talked about pop culture though. Mainstream television and Cape shit specifically.
i’m surprised everyone thought he was an ass, until i read some of the bullying stories in this thread.
Especially because he was a power user, so he would often get a lot of support, while the person he was accusing of doing something would be alone.
I think this is the thing. If a guy goes off on how much you suck and then you see him being somewhat celebrated, it becomes a reminder that this is another place where you don’t really fit in.
And honestly, I’m extremely awkward and don’t fit in perfectly in a lot of places and can still find joy, I just don’t like having reminders.
edit like 40 minutes later - my posts in this thread are extremely hyperbolic and make it sound a lot worse than it actually was, the dialogue would be 100% normal on pretty much every other website. Stewing on something so small is not a normal person reaction and I really don’t like what it says about me that I still think about this today. Sometimes it’s just helpful to speak my bad emotions out loud.
edit again just to get it out: The interaction was in a thread about the gameplay of the Harry Potter game. I commented that I didn’t understand why so many people here felt the need to give personal opinions trashing the gameplay of the Harry Potter game because that’s irrelevant to the meaningful reasons for avoiding it. I said that any person who did want a serious gameplay critique wouldn’t look to get that from a group people who, due to a negative opinion from the outset, are very unlikely to have invested much time. It comes across as sour grapes and waters down the legitimacy of the actual criticisms (namely that it promotes a horrible author).
He quoted a couple bits that I did not feel were the core of my argument and said I was indistinguishable from a kid defending Jordan Peterson and then added in a Jordan Peterson emoji. Seeing that post get upbeared really got under my skin, I never got an explanation that actually made sense to me of what was wrong with what I said. I made a reply but it was entirely ignored.
I don’t really care if people are angry online. But when someone is Sheldon Cooper with more energy while making fun of low energy Sheldon Cooper as if they’re so different, it just becomes a pointless endeavor to have a conversation with them
Bazingbrain is a great word though, to be fair.
I feel this a hundred-fold to be honest. Hexbear is the largest community I feel safe talking because most people are nice and genuinely understanding.
I’m okay in most social situations, but then someone blows up at me over the dumbest immaterial topic and I take it like a stake to the heart. And I spend too many days feeling upset and anxious about it.
Felt like it was always hostility about shit that didn’t matter, too. The most annoying argument I ever had here was him absolutely malding about tongue-in-cheek usage of the term “meatspace” to refer to non-internet stuff
I once had a chuckle at his use of the term “booba waifu” and he had an absolute meltdown about it.
I don’t think you can use some of the corny ass lingo imaginable while also expecting everyone to engage with you like you’re a super serious academic.
reminder that “booba waifu” was referring to oppenheimer’s wife
honestly one of the funniest arguments of all time
Yeah, most media discussion threads felt like the mood was “if you like this thing you’re a disgusting treat baby” and if you ever acknowledged that then you were a disgusting treat baby for feeling attacked when he was really just criticizing the media itself.
I remember him getting pretty unpleasant when I disagreed with him about some D&D edition war stuff.
If you said anything along the lines of “yeah the politics suck, but what doesn’t? Personally I am able to bear with the lib stuff and enjoy the setting. Besides it has some fantastic fight coreography” then you were actually denying all the critique and being a debatebro or something. Except for Avatar, you had to like avatar. If you liked Oppenheimer then you hated women
Most of my interactions with him was just arguing about how repeating the word “treats” is not a serious political theory and that there is a world outside of Silicon Valley. Everything was a treat, including food and housing.
I’ve noticed that a lot of the stuff that’s given that treatment here, and other sites, is all stuff that is several years old.
Or in other words, old enough that the person who’s saying previously liked it and is now embarrassed about it.
I remember the time i like disagreed with one of his takes and he would literally reply to ppl replying to me saying shit like “idk why you would talk to this fking idiot” lol
Or like he would bring up previous times i disagreed with him when hes shitting on me lol to show how much of an idiot i am for disagreeing with him
But still credit where its due
The fking dude is free of this shit now i pressume hes fking logged off while im still being miserable here
I remember how I disagreed with him about a hydraulic bed which he thought was soy because hydraulics aren’t trustworthy. I thought it was cool and since the guy was single and had built it himself he was probably aware of the dangers of hydraulics and fine with it, so I didn’t see anything wrong with it. Ever since that interaction he would bring up how I hated him and loved techbros. When I replied and pointed out how and I why I felt he was being disingenous, he called me a debatebro and a stalker. I told him that he seemed very hostile and paranoid and that was apparently concern trolling. Then he’d do the thing you’re describing as well. From then on whenever we interacted he would immideately write about how my reply was part of some sinister plot to… I dunno, make him love Elon Musk?
But still credit where its due
But yeah he managed to log off and I’m still here. I gotta count my blessing though, until recently I was posting less and less and I am doing a lot more other stuff these days. Hopefully I can also leave some day. Right now I’m focusing on gaming less, reading more and exercising more, and it is going pretty good! This is a bad day tho, since I’m just spending my time hating on a random online person.
yeah I blocked his ass the first chance I could.
I ran afoul of him a few times but especially remember when he said I needed my “space treats” because I like rocketry.
remember when he said I needed my “space treats” because I like rocketry
“space treats”
that fucking guy…
I needed my “space treats” because I like rocketry
Here you go :)
Who’s not even here hahaha but seriously don’t go i like your posts and seeing you around
Who’s not even here hahaha
Aw man, rub it in, why don’t you? I guess the reason why it is still able to take up real estate in my mind is not so much that he sucked, but more how so many other users liked him. That and the fact he never seemed to get any mod action. I think that’s what’s making me salty.
seriously don’t go i like your posts and seeing you around
Thank you, that’s very kind.
Had a modlog nearly as long as Pluto, including a weeklong ban from /cth for repeatedly reporting someone he was in an argument with.
Thought you meant the planet for a second there
I remember when he got white hot raging mad because I said “i need my truck for work, jed” referring to a comically large truck
but hey i get mad about dumb shit too
One time he hopped on an alt account just to continue harassing me because I wouldn’t agree that breeding decorative aquarium shrimp was the same as the Holocaust.
Wait wait wait, he hated cherry shrimp?!?
NOOOOO my shrimp babies I would never harm them
Honestly worse than hitler
100% agree, dude was super annoying and literally the first person i blocked once the feature was introduced. all of his posts basically boiled down to “let’s get mad about annoying, irrelevant shit”
Death to America
He was a very unique asshole. I also remember him jumping down my throat over nothing.
Yeah, he was one of the few hexbear users I blocked.
Yeah same. I still don’t understand how he wasn’t banned. The dude was incredibly hostile. I remember he accused someone of being a pedophile or something because they liked GoT. It was their first post here. When they wrote they weren’t he started to call them debatebros.
I really do not understand why people unironically enjoyed him(Ulysses voice) Even here, on hexbear, treatlord stalker alts are blocking me
Ironically after this thread i kinda want ulyssesT to come back, a refreshed man, a better man. They left right around the time i got here, in fact all i recall is their farewell post talking about the need to unplug and do “some real communism” iirc. Id love to see what good they time did them, what they’ve been up to…
Or maybe they learned nothing and i can have a good nasty mudfight…
But that’s the part of me I’m trying to get beyond so maybe not lol.
Ok the best part of me just wants the first thing.
Seems the consensus is UlyssesT had some issues but also made an impact on people. Those kinda people fascinate me and tho i don’t know em at all, that kind of energy and those screeds speak to pain (in my personal experience) and i want them to get right… so I’m glad they’re out there touching grass and hope they come back someday having figured something out.
He was pretty bitter because he was in an environment that he hated and that frustrated him every day. He’s in a much better environment now.
Nah hes back lol check the howdy comm
Before we got user blocks I was trying to figure out if I could block his posts with ublock element blocking lol popup ass posts
I guess I have more positive memories of him because I never really got in an argument with him. That and he shared my white-hot hatred for the Yudkowskyite/Rationalist crowd.
His teardowns of Rational™️ Nerds were good delicous slop.
He was also terrible about using CWs, just throwing out
“rape” and “pedo”
nonstop like it was nothing even after being told off many times
i think it depends on how you interacted with him. his angry rants about pop culture could be fun at times, being in his crosshairs not so much
e: actually reading this thread it seems like i somehow missed most of the worst of it. there’s a level of pettiness and hostility that’s just unacceptable and it seems like that line was a faint memory for him at best
and this is coming from someone who is deeply and unpleasantly petty and hostile
He was always an instant block whenever I made a new account for those exact reasons.
he held grudges like no one else
Damn I’m gonna need to top this stat
Sorry, I need to avoid social media sometimes because of work. I have no idea if this is true or not.
remember to talk about the people you have held grudges against in an overdramatic way, like how a marvel comics villain does
“SuperNovaCouchGuy2 has the worst fucking YouTube feed in the universe. I will destroy half the population in a hope to purge their taste in videos from existence.”
I literally can’t do it!
Can you be my first hexbear enemy? I’ll spam your c/food posts about how you don’t like Half Life.
i’m not seeing the issue
He banned himself I guess
This thread is full of disrespect for the man that ended Kissinger’s life smh
His posts were filled with disrespect for anyone who disagreed with his opinions on Netflix shows.
The horror!
Dickish behavior is dickish behavior
it must have been really hard for you when someone didnt like the same thing as you… :( sorry that happened <3
This really is some disingenuous redditbrain shit.
Hexbear thrives on being a fun nice community, being assholes to one another isn’t the crime of the century, but it sure as fuck isn’t welcome in any community I want to be part of.
Did you learn to read in that weird way were you just recognize the shape of words instead of sounding out letters, or are you purposefully being obtuse?
Did you learn to read in that weird way were you just recognize the shape of words instead of sounding out letters, or are you purposefully being obtuse?
You literally have a name and avatar of a treat you like, touch grass
Okay so you are just being obtuse.
People are posting their negative opinions about UlyssesT in this thread, because it is a thread that was reminiscing about him, and it is a bit weird to see that, when ones own impression is starkly different.
It’s a bit weird to me to go into a thread dedicated to a user and then being surprised when some.of the comments are being negative about that user. It is much weirder to me to see that discussion and then take a reductive stance of what the people disagreeing with you thinks. It is incredibly weird to me to let that reduction be “sorry he disagreed with you on media” when you’re making that reduction because users disagree with you.
To answer your question:
Neither. I get the posts dictated to me byan agenta friend. This is done to diminish psychic torment and to lower the amount of pigs’ testicles I see daily.
i have depicted you as the virgin, and me as the chad
it must have been really hard for you when someone portrayed you as the virgin… :( sorry that happened <3
if you thought I was making serious commentary, you may have similar inclinations to the man you are DISRESPECTING RIGHT NOW COME ON HE ENDED KISSINGER
Kissinger was so fucking old by the time he died I’m honestly not impressed that he killed him. Dude lived a much longer life than most, if anything letting him linger on in his frail mortal coil, watching his dreamed neoliberal world order crumble around him would have been a more apt punishment.
Ulysses at the very least find Kissingers phylactery before killing him. Dealing with incredibly powerful undead is no small feat.
deleted by creator
I have no idea what’s going on with Star Citizen now
this is so fucking true haha
He would be losing it over the Cybertruck
I miss BMF. Both Ulysses’ and BMF’s posts had the cadance of bad beat poetry, but If i’m gonna read angry stream-of-conciousness breakdowns of cultural or personal minutiae, I wanna read the one that accuses people of being reptilians instead of gamers.
Edit: To clarify, I miss Ulysses too. He could be an asshole, but recognized this and logged off to find grass and better things to be mad about. This is an admirable example to us all.
bmf was 100 times the poster ulysses could dream of being
Death to America
What’s some banger posts of BMF, when he was around (I was around for Ulysses, not so for Black Mold Futures)
Thank ye, inner self
He truly was the best of us
The real lore is that bmf wasn’t his first account
I recognize the words and style. I kinda have seen the user not on this site. I know where he posts now.
Ooo, where?
I don’t know if I should reveal it
I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)
They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”
Huh I’d never guess that was one of his contributions (I heard it outside the context of the original creator)
It was on the like third or fourth account iirc. Don’t even remember the name. Smashthepaintup or smth like that? Timecubeevangelist?
Anyone identified the most recent incarnation?
How do we know these are his alts?
Fairly unique writing style + timing. They always end up getting banned for sectarianism, then after some time a new account pops up with a similar kinda of name and writing style.
That wasn’t BMF but it was a good post
Nvm I just did a quick search and it came up:
FTPU was an early bmf account, before the style had fully developed iirc
Who was it do you think? Iirc it’s commonly accepted as an early bmf post. Matches the style.
Pretty sure I already dug into this to verify a couple years ago, but I’ll look again if I get some downtime at work
POV: You wrote something positive about a tv show on hexbear in 2023
Not even necessarily positive. Even just not being AS negative about something, or just interpreting something differently than he did while still agreeing with was shit, was enough to get labeled “treat chaser”.
Like even if you don’t like the treats, if you don’t dislike them the exact same way as him, treat chaser.
he was right. about all of it.
I don’t. He was annoying
Yep dude has a giant laundry list of obscure grievances and if you didn’t play along with him you got added
I considered it a mark of honour to get yelled at by him
Removed by mod
Wow, it’s like he never left. Thank you.
deleted by creator
loved to rage about pointless children’s movies
the jordan peterson of hexbear
deleted by creator
I’m glad people have decided they don’t like him now because he was just not cool. He would get into extremely heated arguments over anything, I had to just stop engaging with any of his posts and block him as soon as that became a feature. He loved to call people redditor debatebros but was easily the most toxic debatebro on this website. He also just hated anyone who enjoyed something he didn’t, even if you have legitimate criticism of something doesn’t mean someone cannot enjoy it and also agree with those criticism. The obsession with Star Citizen was just annoying and spammy and overly negative - like, why spend so much time on hating something relatively unimportant and making other people hate it too. Just every post he made was overwhelmingly negative and brought down the vibe of the site so much. To this day he is the only person I’ve ever blocked because he was so annoying.
I thought he was pretty cool, mostly. Yeah, he would definitely get into heated arguments over what was ultimately mundane things, but then… so do most of the regulars/power-users here, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. On the whole, it just means you’re passionate about a lot of things and have strong opinions. There’s nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with arguing about those things, even passionately. Now, if a person who gets into a lot of heated arguments over these small things does so with toxicity, then yes that is bad. But it’s a separate issue of toxicity being bad. I would concede that UlyssesT did way too often approach being toxic and even cross over that line sometimes in the way he’d get mad and go super personal in attack mode. (And again, he was not the only regular user here to do that). Just saying, we should criticize that and not the fact that he was opinionated about things that other people aren’t. I also feel like if we are going to criticize a user for that, UlyssesT is far from the only one who should be put in the crosshairs for it. He was just so prolific, it was impossible to miss.
He also just hated anyone who enjoyed something he didn’t
See, I don’t feel like that’s true. I enjoyed Gambo’s source material (still do, actually) and even defended it against UlyssesT once. He did get mad at me and he was very vehement about it, because of course he was. But then he talked to me about other stuff a day later and was perfectly comradely with me, even while mentioning the previous argument in a non-confrontational way.
As for the Star Citizen thing, if I remember right, he was one of the people who put money in early on and got duped. So it was really personal for him for understandable reasons. He probably did post too much about it, but I just didn’t read or engage since I wasn’t interested. I think people should be able to post about their pet peeves as much as they want, so long as it is in kept in the appropriate places and made so that it can be ignored by those who don’t want to see it.
I just disagree that he was “overwhelmingly negative.” He was intense and that doesn’t jive with a lot of people. But “overwhelmingly negative”? No. He contributed a lot of positive things here too, the way I remember it.
lmfao the tone policing in lieu of actual substantive criticism is strong in this thread
the guy was unpleasant and an asshole and made the site worse. you don’t need to critique his arguments to not like him
actual substantive criticism
I found UT’s whole world view simultaneously too focused on pop culture but also not particularly deep in it’s analysis of pop culture. He often attributed the rise of the far right in America to a pessimistic and nihilistic underlying theme in popular television, melting the brains of the American people and turning them towards the alt-right, and openly called for media that was more optimistic, wholesome, and straight forward and blatant in it’s moral messaging.
But the American people’s brain’s have always been melted, what was causing it before the advent of prestige TV? Some really nihilistic vaudeville plays? Media is part of the broader cultural hegemony but only one small part of it, the relative level of cynicism in media is dwarfed by the broader history of settler colonialism and deeply ingrained racism. The rise of this current, vulgar expressions of fascism, MAGA and the alt-right, to me seem more a reaction to the declining status of America as a global empire than due to Breaking Bad’s popularity.
Even if media is as powerful at UT claims it to be, his analysis of it was often just wrong, or at least very one dimensional. There was the famous Barry incident where he just straight up said things that were factually incorrect about the show only to then admit he had never watched it (and never intended to). Also, his analysis of the overall media landscaped seemed caught a decade or two in the past. He had a particular hatred of Breaking Bad and Fight Club, but the latter ended in 2013 and the former 1999. If anything I’d argue our current media landscape isn’t defined by cynicism and darkness, but saccharine feel good vibes and light irreverent comedy. The biggest media empire in the world right now is Disney, who’s whole brand is wholesomeness. An anecdotal survey of the Chuds in my life reveals more Disney adults than Fight Club fans. But UT’s defense of the wholesome often lead him to dismiss any substantive criticism of it, he was convinced that the dislike for the character Barney was born of some edge-lord hatred of love and kindness, but would never engage with anyone who tried to point out that Barney is an extremely one dimensional character who behaves almost like a parody of a children’s show protagonist, his saccharine continual bubbly-ness grating even to a lot of young children, myself being one of them. I myself tried to contrast the distaste for Barney with the fondness most people have for Sesame Street, a children’s show with a far more interesting and engaging cast of characters who actually have emotions beyond ecstatic happiness, but he refused to engage with this argument.
It was difficult to debate UT on anything because he was very arrogant and sure of his own opinions, and interpreted even the most politely worded disagreement as people either slavishly defending their “treats” or trying to “silence” him (despite him posting more than anyone else here at the time). Even when people weren’t defending any treats, just criticizing it from a different angle, that was still treat chasing, since any criticism besides his own was illegitimate and born purely out of an addiction to pop culture. It’s not a surprise most people who disliked him ended up blocking him leaving only those who had positive interactions with him in the crowd when he made his exit.
GOOD post
Dude thought TVs were literally the machines Jim Carey’s Riddler made in Barman Forever. Media isn’t a hypno ray and while they did reprogram Alex in clockwork orange by making him watch TV, there was more than just that going on there. Very agreed on the datedness as well, we are living through the consequences of saccharine anti-irony pablum right now and here’s something from the current front page to prove it
Nihilistic edgy people don’t think these thoughts. And the far right, and I’m talking more online and farther right than punisher logo poster Maga guys (boomers), the imageboard genuine fash are just as bad for it in their own way. Things get shittier and shittier and the art that people have clung to for the last while has been hiding from it, not reflecting it. Everything on TV is written by a millionaire on their third marriage who’s in therapy and it shows in the writing or it’s a ‘heartwarming’ ‘inspiring’ drama disguised as a comedy series. Ted Lasso and The Bear would have been mid as hell Oscar bait films in the past and not marketed as comedy. And I don’t think everything needs to be slimy and grimy but everything thst isn’t specifically trying to be dark has this pastel veneer that seems so fucking faked to me.
An anecdotal survey of the Chuds in my life reveals more Disney adults than Fight Club fans.
there’s overlap between Chuds and Disney Adults?
Oh yeah totally, well less so now since Ronnie D went on a whole “Disney is WOKE” campaign, but before that I knew a fair few. And even after, CHUDs can be pretty selective in what parts of the culture war they get mad about, if Trump or some other ghoul goes on a tirade against a thing they really like they just ignore it or talk themselves into thinking he didn’t really mean that and was just worked up.
I never had problems with the guy myself, i had solely pleasant funny convos with him, but you are going super hard for him.
kind of weird pal
Blocked gang here. Fuck that guy
His best contribution to the site was this exchange that gave us the incredible tagline:
how do you expect anyone to connect “booba waifu” to Katherine Oppenheimer
you know your hitting the main artery of hexbear when you see this beautiful rainbow
He was an asshole but gosh I didn’t like Oppenheimer either and enjoyed seeing him unhinged-ly go off on it lol
I was there!!! I remember this thread and cackling manically
brother really did expend inhuman amounts of energy popping off about shit he didn’t like and could have simply not cared about
I didn’t even end up watching oppenheimer lmao
I remember when i have to lock posts, remove comments and temp ban him from movies comm so he could chill out a bit and stop spam posting over a treat he didnt like
i didn’t know he was so despised here i just thought his news reports from people coping about Star Citizen were funny
I think more people liked him than didn’t like him. It’s just that people who dislike him are going to be more motivated to post about him at this point. If you did like him then he was just a guy who used to post here and doesn’t anymore.
I mean I am one of the people who dislike him and I’m only motivated to post about him because people keep making threads about how they miss him. I don’t really see anyone post “UlyssesT sucked” out of the blue, it’s always in response to a thread like this.
He was a sucky dude who I blocked a long time ago. I only found out he was gone because people posted about how they missed him. I don’t think this is as one-sided as you describe itI mean as of right now there are 185 comments in this thread and 16 of them are yours. You are, personally, almost 10% of the entire comment section. I think most people who liked him aren’t motivated to post that much about him.
When you write it like that you make it sound like I wrote 16 comments that just said “I hate the guy I hate guy”
I’m not gonna count them, but of those comments about half aren’t directly about him but instead direct responses to people who I feel are misrepresenting what others are writing, short affirmations, and this one. Then finally we have the comment chain where I respond to the OP with expressing my lack of understanding for why people miss him. This comment then got some responses which I interacted with, partially sharing negative interactions about Ulysses and partially just sharing personal feelings. Those comments were all in response to other users responding to me.
That being said, yeah they’re about Ulysses. We’re in a thread about him, that’s why I’m writing about him. I’m also very open about how I feel like I’m wasting my time on this website and that I have a tough time letting go once I’ve started engaging with something, which is why I’m still posting, but again all of this is in response to others, which is why I’m saying it’s not as one-sided as youre making it out to be. I don’t see people making threads about how they’re glad he’s gone, or posting about how they miss him in unrelated threads.
My point is that while there are a lot of comments in this thread, the sample size of users posting in this thread is still very small. We can’t necessarily draw conclusions about the site’s general attitude on a topic based on the temperature of a thread with so few users posting in it. And my personal belief is that more people here liked him than didn’t, which I have no evidence for and don’t think this thread’s direction is strong evidence against.
People who like him make posts. People who don’t make comments on those posts. It’s pretty simple.
Okay, but this is the bit of your comment I was responding to.
It’s just that people who dislike him are going to be more motivated to post about him at this point.
People who dislike him aren’t motivated to post about him. People who like him are, which then motivates people who dislike him to respond. I don’t see people posting negatively about him out of the blue, but I do see people posting positively about him out of the blue - and this thread is an example of that.
Idk the people who liked him seem pretty impassioned in this thread
Haters gonna hate. His farewell post was beloved by the site. Now maybe that’s because the haters were going “thank fuck he’s leaving the site forever” so who knows lol
A lot of his haters probably had him blocked by that point. I had no idea he left until the memes when Kissinger died
I thought he got banned and I just didn’t notice. That said, I haven’t seen a star citizen thing in ages
Yeah i had no idea he was hated tbf. most people here are generally super nice. once every couple months ill run into the typical forum type smartass asshole, but i just block them now instead of arguing back like i would have in the past. im in my mid 30s now, i just dont have that sort of time nor the patience anymore
yeah same but a bit older. i enjoyed having some convos about sci-fi with him he seemed like he had a good head for worldbuilding
plus i think he was a (self) published scifi author so that was cool
Most of us who had a hard time with him blocked him months before he left. After a while only people that likes him saw his posts at all and reduced how much people would push back on him cause we aren’t seeing his bullshit anymore, so the posts themselves appear more popular. A legend is born out of enough people being so annoyed by the dude to block him. Only user I’ve ever blocked that wasn’t banned within 12 hours of the blocking
ive had a disagreement with you about scotland and that remained fairly cordial. Nobody blocked anybody or told anybody off.
i wish all forum users were like this
I’d forgotten all about that and honestly can barely remember what it was about. If I recall I made a quasi shitpost about how Scotland is still responsible for some crimes of the British empire and the disagreement was over the subtleties of what that entails. I don’t remember much else aside from my agreeing Wales would be in the same boat and it kinda fizzled when it turned out we aren’t really on different pages. Also for some reason Scottish people have just filled my life, first partner’s mom came over from Edinburgh when she was 19 and a bit of family followed and my partner would get an accent but only when yelling regardless of emotion, worked with an absolutely astounding baker who’s name was shit you not Robert Burns and two jobs later I ended out working with 3 Scottish servers which is weird as hell for Canada, but I am from New Scotland as well and we’ve got fake Scottish people instead of plastic paddys so I gotta admit, I’m probably more comfortable mocking Scotland than I should be. Regardless, it’s the type of disagreement I’m fine operating in, both parties are amicable and an understanding is possible to reach. This was not the UlyssesT way. It’s been expounded upon in the thread, but that kind of obstinate defense of what is a repetitive, shallow and obvious argument cause his essential arguments while not totally wrong can apply to literally all media and therefore doesn’t bear endless repetition. That shit is annoying as hell and is All Media is Capitalist Programming is just as boring as The Curtains Are Blue. I’m here to have fun and would prefer to generally not be taken seriously but I’ve shit posted better media analysis than that dude ever made with a full dedication to it. Being uninteresting and repetitive while also demanding to be the only voice in the room gets my goat hard. I got into it pretty hard before blocking. I generally reserve that for usernames that aren’t from here or the grad, there’s an assumed comradship extended to anyone who’s here just for being here, but thst fucking guy…
Like King Arthur, he will return when we need him most
we needed him when dragon show had a spinoff, where was he goddamit
Will UlyssesT return when Hexbear need him the most or when Hexbear deserve him the most? The world may never know.