I can’t believe they didn’t put warm Amber in the bottom 10
Woodworking partner: for when you want no garage space, to be frequently annoyed by loud noises, and to have half of your furniture and bowls made of epoxy. We don’t need another table, Jeffrey! We already have six. Our home only has three rooms that could fit a table already! You have a sickness! I don’t care that it’s in the shape of a whale!
“I don’t care that it’s in the shape of a whale!” is now my new favorite phrase and I now plan on 3D printing that to hang on my wall
During the winter holiday season it should have a ring around it and say “Happy Saturnwhalia!”
One of my good friends got really deep into the woodworking hobby. His house looks like a cowboy resides there.
Where is Linux?! Surely it must be on the top, I be reading (manuals), “foregin” language (bash), writing (scripts). Right?
Reading the fucking manuals, no less!
Man pages count, right?
I don’t think Karma Sutra teaches you how to code.
do read them though
My wife used to think that a man who knew how to work on cars was sexy until I built a racecar in the garage, and she saw the parts invoices.
She also used to think a man who cooks is sexy until she learned that I am a GOOD cook and consequently that means I don’t want help, I want you the fuck out of my kitchen, don’t sample the ingredients they are weighed and portioned for a damn reason and if you put sweet baby rays on a $50 cut of steak again it will be the last time I ever cook for you.
if you put sweet baby rays on a $50 cut of steak
Grabs Heinz 57
You can come over on burger night… with the mustard guy.
Yeah! You’re supposed to use mustard.
Hey I’m the good cook husband with a car problem too.
My wife never wanted to help cook though, she loves that I take it on by myself most times.
And I get the kitchen mostly to myself (though I’m sharing it with my son more now, which is slower, but pretty fun).
I taught my 4yo daughter to answer “Yes Chef!” When helping me in the kitchen. Its pretty adorable.
My 6 yo did “yes boss” for a while. But that’s less common lately. He still does it when we’re working in the garage sometimes though and it’s the best.
You might be right, but I don’t envy your wife.
I’m the primary cook in my family, and my wife loves it. But she also is a fantastic sous chef. She helps me out with everything.
It’s awesome having an extra set of hands in the kitchen and is also great bonding time.
My wife has 3 university degrees, she is significantly smarter than I am. She also reached under the blade when I was cutting to get a piece of carrot to snack on…
I can’t do a good job and teach and watch for harebrained dumbassery at the same time.
Shit, I have to ask. What in the world is Manosphere?
Andrew Tate and all that shit.
Fuck, eww. Thanks for letting me know. Happy to see its so low but better if that weren’t a thing at all.
The best explanation I’ve heard for it, which also dips into the why, is:
Once upon a time, there was the patriarchy. For men, this meant they had the purpose of being the breadwinner, for the price of massive mental health issues, since they were never allowed to show weakness.
Nonetheless, a whole culture and identity evolved surrounding this struggle, with beards and alcohol and it being totallynot an expression of missing personal closenesscool to have sex with lots of women.Then came along feminism with the ultimate goal of fixing this. It didn’t intend to take anything away from men, but it kind of requires allowing women to also be breadwinners, which slims down the purpose of men.
Suddenly, it’s potentially not enough to bring home money, you need to help out in the household and not be a complete mental health wreck. You need to be able to show weakness.And while this is great for many men, it’s also where a lot of men get kind of left behind. They’ve lost their manly identity or their breadwinner purpose.
And that’s where the whole mansophere stuff comes in.
People telling you everything is exactly like 50 years ago, and you should be wearing a beard and drinking alcohol and having sex with lots of women.
In a weird sense, this is good for men. But the whole community is also massively misogynistic, and blaming feminism rather than appreciating it as a potential proper solution, and of course, you’ve got right-wing “thoughtleaders”, i.e. white dudes with microphones, to round it all of.
We desperately need better solutions for these men.Patriarchy is still screwing everyone over today, including men like it always has.
Except the beard thing…some of us get a terrible rash if we shave.
That and the smoothness only lasts an hour or so…what is the fucken point. I wish there was some kind of check box option when entering your teens:
- [ ] have beard, but if you shave you get itchy and red
- [x] just can’t grow a beard
Oh yeah, I’m not saying anyone who has a beard or drinks alcohol or even has sex with lots of women is immediately participating in that culture.
That culture is more about celebrating these things on a basis of them supposedly being manly. They will of course mention that beards may look good or that it’s just good to not need to shave every day, for various reasons, but if women could also grow a majestic beard, then this wouldn’t be part of their identity/culture.
And yeah, I do absolutely agree on that chatbox. In my case, my beard grows so quickly that it’s just tiresome to shave it all the time. But it’s so patchy that it looks awful and it never stops being itchy for me.
If I could’ve just told my body to not bother with the beard thing, I would have saved about a month of my lifetime that I spent shaving.I’m sitting in the backyard after work with my beard, my alcohol, and watching my chickens hunt grasshoppers in the yard… I nearly felt personally attacked.
If that had said “beard, alcohol, and chickens” then I would’ve been resigned to the stereotype.
Edit: on the beard, I’m just lazy. It’s just going to grow back anyway plus it’s a time saver. I’m rolling out of bed, into clothes, and into work at 05:30. Ain’t nobody got time for shaving. I gave up on shaving about 40 years ago.
My guess is listening to bro podcasts and bro websites.
Haha even porn as a hobby (wtf) wins that
If you like rabbit holes: https://youtu.be/BgO25FTwfRI
What are these hobbies???
Yeah my hobby is Arguing Online
Spoken like a madman
Fuck you, those can be hobbies! *drains shot*
Hey, pass me the hobby!
But you can combine those two hobbies, it unlocks some form of super power!
One of my hobbies is “drinking”. I love craft cocktails and craft beer. I collect craft liquors and share them with my friends. I even make my own cider and beer sometimes. Maybe home brewing doesn’t fall into the “drinking” hobby as much.
Come visit us at !cocktails@lemmy.world
I do consider it a hobby, and would put it as a subset of cooking. I like cooking and entertaining, hospitality, making good drinks is part of that, and historically that means alcoholic drinks.
Good news, honey! I have decided to look at porn less so that I will be able to spend more time arguing online.
Why can’t you just develop a drinking
problemhobby like a normal man!?My friend, if you rephrase “arguing online” as “debating”, you will see your love-life improve dramatically.
“ArguingOnline” you mean, don’t you?
My husband’s main hobby is collecting baseball cards, but he also makes money buying and selling them (along with Pokémon and MTG). He was always a bit embarrassed of this hobby until he learned he has autism and it’s just his special interest. Now he understands and accepts himself better. And that’s hella attractive.
Hell yeah tell your husband to keep rocking on.
Hasn’t he heard? Collecting cards are cool now with a huge community, and bonus points he has an amazing partner who loves his confidence.
He shouldn’t be embarrassed even if he wasn’t autistic. You don’t need autism as a “free pass” to enjoy any hobby in your life no matter what it is.
Is he seeing anyone?
My takeaway is that gaming is a neutral.
The secret is couch co-op
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Apparently so is porn and traveling, so I guess it’s a pretty inclusive list.
her: “hey babe what’re doing”
me: “just working on hobbies and myself watching porn and smoking marijuana”
her: 30% turned on
Why are you constantly doing it if it’s not fun for you?
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right, anymore you’d call alcohol or drug use a ‘hobby’.
90% think archery is an attractive hobby. Really.
I did a informal survey at work a few months ago where we as a team play archery or play bowling. And 100% of the women staff said archery and then talked about Hunger Games.
I thought it might’ve been due to Hawkeye.
Nope. It’s 100% Legolas.
Evolutionarily speaking this is attractive because people that are good archers are good hunters, can provide for a family, and also drive off marauding Mongols.
Sometimes I wish I could carry a bow and just shoot the marauders.
Or just shooting and shit with arrows is hella cool
Huh? I think archery is a pretty cool hobby. Then again I might be “slightly” biased…
It’s the long shafts…
You tend to kinda get very strong doing that so…
Foreign languages, bet they mean French and Spanish. And not the weebs learning Japanese or the Dutch
Also who would call their porn watching habits a hobby? It’s just something you do to kill some time, like scrolling social media. A hobby is something you can get better in or gain deep knowledge in. Calling porn a hobby is like calling eating, or shopping a hobby. Consuming stuff is not a hobby.
Ah! I see you never did competitive porn!
Barbados Slim?
The random callout of the Dutch is pretty funny. Dodged a bullet there.
I met a guy whose hobby was painting vulvas. It was a very active hobby and his apartment was covered with his work. He seemed very proud - his gf not so much lol
Hello, my hobby is arguing online - are we a match?
I don’t have any hobbies in the “least attractive”, but also not many in the “most attractive” either…and the ones I do - hiking and photography (of the stuff I see while hiking) are not really things my partner is into. Oh well, I guess we make it work.
Almost all of the hobbies that I have and that are listed are in the “least attractive” column. Explains a lot, I guess.
I’m into astrophotography. Does that make me attractive to 181% of women?
Yes, because you need to be rich to do that.
I really wanted to get into that and I saw some suggestions for “starter” equipment… $5k USD is not starter anything if you’re not rich lol
Oh. I didn’t know we were doing math that way. I have 8 of these on good and 2 bad. Averages to 561% attractive! One of my bads is arguing online, prove me wrong.