Trump won Dearborn and made significant gains in Hamtramck due to anger among Arab American and Muslim communities over deaths in Gaza, Lebanon, and Yemen.
Trump received 42.48% of the vote in Dearborn and 42.7% in Hamtramck, compared to 36.26% and 46.2% for Vice President Kamala Harris, respectively.
Despite Trump’s victory in Dearborn, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senator lost to the Democratic nominee.
They just signed Gaza’s death warrant.
No. The election results are a blowout, larger than just this subcommunity.
I’m annoyed at Muslims for failing to back Harris and prevent the future atrocities. But I will not blame them. Trump got too many votes in general, and might even win the popular vote.
EDIT: We need a bigger reckoning than just blaming a minority of the minority. I don’t want to blame Harris either, she seemed to do the best that she was given but it always was long odds given that she’s a Half-Indian Half-Black Woman. (Racism from Whites, Racism from Indians for being a race-traitor, and then sexism from everyone including minorities).
But this is a bigger election loss than “just” a minority failing to show up to vote. We lost the Senate, Presidency, and probably the House.
EDIT: Kamala needed to win PA, WI, and MI. She literally lost all three of them. A large outspoken minority of just one State (MI) is not to blame for the PA or WI losses.
They all get to share the blame. What are you even trying to say? “Damn guys, I voted for hitler but it’s okay he won by more than a single vote so I didn’t even matter”
I’m saying we needed like 10-million more votes to even reach parity with Biden 2020 here.
Complaining about a few hundred-thousand votes in one, albeit important, swing state, is missing the forests for the trees. This is a resounding defeat of the Democrat’s platform this year.
The platform goes above and beyond just Harris btw. I’m including “Fascism” and other such arguments we used online / memes that clearly didn’t work well enough. We need to talk about everything and prepare for 2026 and 2028.
The platform goes above and beyond just Harris btw. I’m including “Fascism” and other such arguments we used online / memes that clearly didn’t work well enough.
I’ve been trying to say that for ages, but got called (and still get called) a MAGA troll.
Edit: Got called a Trumper in this very thread. Again. Fix your country, y’all.
Some fuckers voted trump; I hate them.
The End.
I don’t want to blame Harris either, she seemed to do the best that she was given but it always was long odds given that she’s a Half-Indian Half-Black Woman. (Racism from Whites, Racism from Indians for being a race-traitor, and then sexism from everyone including minorities).
This is bullshit rhetoric. She ran a shit campaign of trying to appease republican voters and cater to the snowflake right wing fear machine by shushing Palestine voices to back genocide directly and trying to sound tougher on immigration and border policy in the face of literal fascist policy campaigns by Trump. This is 100% the fault and failure of the Harris campaign’s strategy and the DNC for being so chicken shit scared of losing that they kept the corpse in chief in the running for too long. Catering to the fascist right policies never works and ignoring insanely popular progressive policy always fails. The beatings will continue until morale improves.
I will say a large swath of the country moved to the right (anti-immigration, anti-trans, etc) and so trying to push progressive values in a time where people believe progressive values are what led to inflation is a losing argument as well that wouldn’t have gotten much national support.
There were literal commercials framing Kamala as a villain for having empathy about trans people in prison.
I will say a large swath of the country moved to the right (anti-immigration, anti-trans, etc) and so trying to push progressive values in a time where people believe progressive values are what led to inflation is a losing argument as well that wouldn’t have gotten much national support.
A large swath of the country that wouldn’t vote Democrat in a million years. As a Democrat presidential candidate, you straight up don’t care about those people. You care about the other half, which moved to the left and includes demographics that have historically responded to leftist messaging.
You can blame for their strategic manipulation
You can blame us for this application, sure. Having an impact on the results of this election? Unlikely
I agree with you in general but you should be blaming Harris. Have you even been keeping up with her campaign? I couldn’t believe that shit and I’m not even American. She managed to squander a massive headstart by… Being Harris.
What does that even mean?
It means they understand sweet FA about American politics and wish to lecture us on American politics.
Harris’s campaign sucked even in the eyes of me, a non-American who doesn’t keep up with the nitty gritty of American politics. She had a massive headstart (remember the first while after her nomination? She was basically a messiah for democrats) and managed to lose it with her wishy washy attitude and right wing policies.
In another thread you were commenting how much you liked that Shitface won, and now you want people to convince that you don’t care about US politics but hoped Harris would’ve been a better candidate, without ever saying anything specific?
I gave their profile a cursory look, but I couldn’t find this in the few handfuls of posts I looked at. Do you have a link to a comment or two showing this, maybe I missed it?
It got deleted:
Since I responded to your other claim earlier, here I’ll just say this:
I never said I didn’t care about US politics. I said I don’t keep up with the nitty gritty, meaning the details of the policies being discussed. For example, I knew that Harris was adopting a right wing stance on immigration, but only today found out she had promised to build a border wall.
right wing policies.
Like what?
Completely adopting the right-wing framing on immigration. Ended up running in favor of the most right-wing and damaging immigration bill. (She adopted it because Trump rejected the bill because he wanted to run on it.)
Signing on to continue Trump’s stupid border wall.
Adopting a policy on Gaza that was as favorable to Israel as any official policy of the Republicans.
Not challenging state-level laws against trans people, largely taking a state’s right position on the matter.
Seeking out and running on endorsements from Dick Cheney and other prominent Republicans.
Embracing fracking when fracking isn’t even supported by a majority of Pennsylvanians.
Completely abandoning medicare for all, not even making the public option a major part of her campaign.
You’re annoyed they didn’t back the person providing the weapons to kill their families?
This election loss had nothing to do with her gender or ethnicity. She was a shit candidate that alienated huge chunks of the population.
They took the pistol out of the person’s hand that was pointed at them and replaced it with a bazooka. Good job. Very well thought out /s.
How do you not get this?
I voted for Harris, but I also realize that this “They took the pistol out of the person’s hand that was pointed at them and replaced it with a bazooka” is a seriously poor description of Israel and the Gaza conflict in regards to Harris and Trump.
Harris didn’t really offer anything substantially better for Palestine than Trump did. Yes, Trump personally wouldn’t mind it if Israel just completely bulldozed the entire West Bank and Gaza tomorrow and annexed the whole thing. Harris wouldn’t support that. But the real barrier to that kind of full-on ethnic cleansing is not US military support. Even with full US backing, Israel can’t do that kind of full-on ethnic cleansing without becoming subject to complete trade embargoes by every country in Europe.
Israel has been physically capable of completely annexing the West Bank and Gaza for decades. They’ve taken the slow approach to ethnic cleansing - slowly taking territory via zoning building permits - precisely because they need to balance their territorial ambitions with their need for trade with other nations. This is what ultimately restrains them from their worst possible crimes.
Neither Trump nor Kamala would have used US military aid to rein in Israel. Neither would use US military forces to prevent an all-out genocide attempt by Israel. Trump wouldn’t oppose an overt Israeli genocide against the Palestinians. But if Israel gets to that point, then they’re not going to be thinking about US military aid at that point.
As a practical matter, Trump vs Kamala is a wash for the Palestinians.
As a practical matter, Trump vs Kamala is a wash for the Palestinians.
You will discover you are very wrong, unfortunately.
But that’s ok because it doesn’t matter now.
Let’s hope for the best.
Your response is coming from the entitlement of not having your entire extended family disappeared.
I’m glad you have that privilege.
Don’t murder peoples families and expect their support.
“Yes, we murdered your entire extended family, but we need your help to beat this person we swear would kill your family 110% faster. Never mind the fact that we already killed all of your extended family”
What don’t you get about this? You and people like you have zero credibility given what the people you support ALREADY HAVE DONE with the people they’ve done it to.
“I would do nothing different than Joe Biden”
– Kamala Harris
That death warrant was signed October 7 2023
Well now you’ve handed Gaza to the butcher and good luck if you want to protest without getting arrested.
If every single Jill Stein voter had voted for Harris instead, Trump still would have won.
They’re complete fucking idiots throwing away their vote . . . but at least they went to the trouble of voting?
Voting is always better than not voting, yes.
And in a functional democratic system, voting for a candidate who’s against genocide would be better than voting for a candidate who’s currently part of the government supplying the genociders.
Sadly, the US aren’t such a system.
To be fair protesters were already being injured and arrested. I know we’re all still hurting at the election loss but let’s not kid ourselves with the current administration either.
You might want to start drinking heavily for what comes next.
Imagine being so fucking stupid you vote Trump to handle Gaza
You see, they are conservative and don’t really want progressive policies, and the Palestinian genocide gave them cover to vote for a strong patriarch that felt comfortable to them.
I don’t know why people are downvoting you, they literally banned the lgbtq flag there once they gained power.
This shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone.
In their defense, he’ll “handle” Gaza. It turns out his “handling” is just the annihilation of any Arab within 1,000 miles of Gaza. But at least they can rest easy knowing that they “sent a message”?
If true, fucking morons. You just handed the keys to the guy who is single handedly going to let the Middle East burn.
If all of these people voted Harris, Trump still won.
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You mean the ME that’s currently burning?
Yes, why I used the word “let”. It converts it is currently in progress.
Wait til he suggest (again) to just nuke it.
Biden/Harris has finished the job, there is no more Gaza to nuke
There is a Gaza to give completely to Israel tho
If you’d truly believe this utter bullshit, then this one issue that determines this vote would be gone anyway, making it even more plausible to vote for the “lesser evil” instead of handing the US to the fascists.
Nothing about Harris was the lesser evil. Surrounding yourself with war criminals, people that voted 75% of the time with trump, cops, zionists, Republicans, while spouting right wing dig whistles is not the lesser evil.
If you think Trump is the lesser evil then you’re either a fucking moron or arguing in bad faith, or both. Maybe stop drinking that Tankie kool-aid.
Lesser evil is a fantasy liberals tell themselves because they know they are choosing evil over choosing what’s right. There is only evil, and it comes in shades of red and blue
Time to learn that yeah, it can get worse
The lack of support for Harris among Arab-Americans may not have been rational, but it was completely predictable—and it was something the Harris campaign could have addressed by at least suggesting she was open to reconsidering Biden’s policies.
Blame isn’t zero-sum—we’re all responsible for the predictable results of our actions (or inactions), even if those results were overdetermined.
It’s still really, really fucking stupid to vote trump. These people fucked up in the stupidest way possible with their one vote.
Preventably. Reasonably. Knowingly.
Oh great, we’ve reached the blaming minorities part of the program.
I blame the smallest minority: jill stein
Can’t wait four the next 3 years of nothing from her.
If Jill Stein wasn’t there those people would’ve voted for someone else or stayed home. The democrats had a whole year to tell Bibi to knock it off, and they didn’t.
Yeah can’t wait till trump tells Bibi to knock it off /s
Trump: “go faster”
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Stein voters werent a deciding factor in any swing states. So maybe they contributed, but theres more to it than that.
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I wish I had that gif of Dems plugging their ears while walking past genocide protestors outside the convention this year.
Who’s that woman in front? Feels like I’ve seen her before.
No clue, but she might be a local rep for you?
Oh no I’m not even American. Anyway then I guess it’s just me.
Yes, I’m sure that will cancel out the increase in genocides and human rights violations likely to happen under Trump’s admin
Thanks. That’s what I was thinking about.
Not saying that. I think it shows very succinctly how the Dems always ignore different parts of their “big tent party” to court moderates that don’t vote for them. It shows how out of touch they are and they will still refuse to learn anything.
Just blame the people protesting genocide. The people with energy and motivation to do something. Keep ignoring them instead of talking to them or listening to them. If they just pretend to give a damn, people might surprise you. A lot of people want to know their voice is being heard. Ignore them like children in the video and get ignored back.
I know the US isn’t going to stop backing Israel. They are a strategic military position that the US might use in the future. I know this, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen to voters concerns. Especially if I was the DNC and wanted their vote. We aren’t going to get anywhere just ignoring each other.
Hey don’t I remember reading 189,237,490 conversations about this exact thing for the last 8 months? Where everyone was begging third party voters to bite the bullet, please, for the sake of the future of democracy in America and even a slight attempt at survival for Gaza and y’all all told us to go fuck ourselves because we all love genocide? Yeah remember those conversations?
Anything to add now? Are you happy? We told you this would happen. We begged you to please reconsider your stance for the good of everyone. But no, we’re just a bunch of dumb assholes who aren’t educated enough about the war in the middle east.
Learn to see the world around you, please.
This study from 2014 really explains this election for me.
For the bottom 90% of the US population, democracy fundamentally does not exist. The actions of legislators reflect the opinions of the wealthiest 10% of the population.
“Democracy,” for 90% of the population, is a complete sham. Since 2016, Democrats SHOULD have been taking a hard left turn towards progressive populism. They should have been pursuing policies that are actually popular among the common people, even if those are unpopular among their wealthy donors. But while they ran on the idea of democracy, Democrats have done NOTHING to make their party actually reflect the needs of regular people. They should have been offering a bold vision to help the American people. But the DNC decided that the whims of donors was more important, and they lost as a result.
Why would you expect people to care for a democracy that means nothing to them?
Why would you expect people to care for a democracy that means nothing to them?
Because the other alternative is to take everything you hate about the way it all works and make it objectively worse, balanced even worse out of your own favor.
Look, I do understand that American democracy is fundamentally broken, and I empathize with that. I too wish for a viable third party candidate to break us out of this hellscape. But this wasn’t the time. So instead I voted for the party that’s been pushing RCV initiatives in some areas rather than handing a win to the party that promised they would abolish elections. On one hand we have a possible path forward and on the other hand we have guaranteed destruction, I don’t like it any more than the next person but I consider a vote against guaranteed destruction to have been one that wasn’t wasted. I hate that that is what American politics have come to at this point in time but I can observe the world around me and act accordingly.
Third party voters didn’t do this. Trump still won by a lot even if all 3rd party went blue. Don’t act so smug.
THEY WOULD NOT HAVE VOTED AND THE RESULTS WOULD HAVE BEEN THE SAME. You are willing to hurt down ballot races.
Take some responsibility for YOUR CANDIDATE.
Hey, at least Palestine won’t be an issue in 4 years!
Honestly the schadenfreude is going to be epic on this one!
Imagine their surprise.
I love these threads. All the shitheads pop up to get blocked.