Pay to Pray. Literally selling religion as a commodity without even a hint of irony. I’m not religious, but anybody who is ought to be really offended that a president thinks their prayers can be bought and paid for.
It’s not like this is the first time religion has been used to profit.
It should be used for prophet, instead!
Sorry, I’ll leave.
That was great, you can stay, but also stop giving them ideas … no-one needs the Prophet Trump …
Yet that’s basically what he is. He’s the prophet of the MAGA religion.
Depends on which side you ask. There’s a significant portion that have, effectively, replaced Christ with Trump entirely.
He shall now forever hereafter be known in my head as “the lost profit.”
Obviously not. But for an incoming presidents inauguration it is.
I hope.
Matthew 6 comes to mind.
What’s that? I only know Johnny 5.
Your mama was a snow blower!
Los Locos kick your balls into outter space!
They should remake both movies, but like shot for shot remake, with the original cast. Ali Sheedy, Steve Guttenberg, even Fisher Stevens in problematic brown-face. Spend a ridiculous amount of money on CG and practical effects, all to make it look as close to the original movies as possible but with old people.
I don’t picture Guttenberg as someone that can appear in public anymore. Like he’s physically unable to go out. That’s my head cannon.
Edit: I was curious and searched. He just looks like the guy next door now. Im kinda disappointed. No where near what i was imagining, and not anything like he used to look like. Just… middle of the road.
I also never realized how jacked he was back in the day.That’s a movie which I wouldn’t pay to see, but I’d read the hell out of every article and review
Hey laser lips!
For me, it was Ezekiel 23:20. But then again, that one is always on my mind 😏
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“Each of you must have a spade as part of your equipment. Whenever you relieve yourself, dig a hole with the spade and cover the excrement”?
That’s called bribery and it’s legal.
How much to punch him in the face?
Why stop there? You have a time and location.
Hmmmmm I saw that before. Something about letters of indulgence.
Im only charging $10 to pray with me (honest. No scam)
$9 here, and I’ll tell you I love you.
$5 and I’ll parody that subway jingle
$1 and you get a happy ending.
Here is the dollar, kill me.
Bring a friend, big boy.
He’s the only man I’d bring to a death trap 💋
Damn, almost gotta respect the grift… Almost.
The human race is embarrassing
Is there life on mars? 😞
It’s a god-awful small affair
Prophet for Profit
Bleed em dry lol
So the Zuckerberg, Bezos, Altman etc overpaid by paying 1 million?
That’s underpaying compared to their future earnings.
I’m a fan of The Righteous Gemstones too.
Cursed indulgences
Scams that target people who are already struggling financially? Boo! Scams that target people who are okay with and can afford stupid shit like this? lmao!
I would probably view this as kissing the ring/or a legal bribe vs a scam, it’s not like he’s just gonna forget about the people paying this much money to do this with him. I think a lot of people in this thread are viewing this as a scam and not just buying access which can pay in dividends if you are the right rich person to benefit from having Trump as your friend.
Victim-that-I-care-about-less crime.