I’m not judging, I’m genuinely curious whether anyone uses it. Because almost every text editor supports it yet when I use it, it’s just by accident and it messes up my document
I sometimes accidentally do this and then get angry that the feature exists
I do actually occasionally use it, sometimes it’s easier than Ctrl-X Ctrl-V
I thought this was a shit post at first because same
I have done it a few times although now I usually do Ctrl c and backspace
ctrl + x is a gamechanger
Wait until you try ctrl + z
Wait until you try Vim motions.
Geez, no. No, no, a thousand times no.
I use it when writing emails fairly often. I get all my thoughts out and realize the order isn’t how I’d like. At that point if I’m holding the mouse, why not.
On the phone? Because otherwise, why not cut and paste?
Because you’d have to move your mouse to the new position anyways to paste, so might as well save 1 button press by just click dragging instead
Hmm…if it’s close, I’d just use my keyboard. If it’s far, I’d probably want the precision of the cursor anyway.
Frequently when I’m making lists and I am reorganizing the order.
Or I’m wiritng a recipe and get the directions in the wrong order.
Sometimes I’m writing an article and I move sentences around to improve the flow of the article.
I use it occasionally when reorganizing code. It’s easier to just drag and drop blocks of code than to ctrl-x ctrl-v. I don’t do it for anything in the middle of a line though, because it seems too easy to make a mistake.
I use it at work sometimes because our help desk randomly started crashing when I pasted into it from OneNote, but dragging the text from OD into the text box works for some reason.
I use it a lot.
No. But who talks about this kind of thing?
No but why did you take the spaces with it? Leave the spaces so when it moves you don’t have to add it back
A lot of times its too much trouble to fiddle with the highlighting to catch the right spaces, and then drop it in the right spot. Its easier to just grab it, drop it, then edit the spaces.
Only within a web browser, generally to drag something from a page to the search bar
adults in computer classes/training use this all. the. time. I see it everyday