Of course it’s not clear why she’s hot, it’s a still screenshot with a res bump. To truly appreciate Lara you need to see her on a small 480i tv and with the PS1 texture jitter.
You spent more time looking at her butt than her boobs anyway. Which is why they put more polygons into her butt. Resource management!
Laura tank walked so 2B could run
2 beveled cubes?
Backing Lara into a corner so the camera zooms in on those luscious triangle titties.
and you have to be 14 years old
Also the 90s had a thing about “bolted on tits” which still also had a bit of 80s heroin chic. I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone that looks remotely like that
I have. The art and science of boob jobs has progressed just as fast as other technologies.
I remember the first time I saw Doom on the SNES. It was the most realistic thing I’d seen a computer render, the equivalent of playing the latest FPS game. Then I got a Nintendo 64 and Super Mario was the most realistic thing I’ve seen. Each successive generation of game has been both the most realistic thing I’ve seen and the theoretical limit of realism for computer graphics. Something makes me unable to imagine a higher level of fidelity than 2024 releases without it just becoming haptic sensors, and if I see a female character in that 2024 game it’s as realistic as a body can get. While I didn’t play Tomb Raider because CDs were obnoxious, I remember the characters in Golden Eye and Perfect Dark being vaguely attractive to a child who had never seen a naked woman.
Then I got a Nintendo 64 and Super Mario was the most realistic thing I’ve seen.
It’s really hard to communicate the incredible size of the graphical leaps in the early days of mainstream consoles. Every generation was just amazingly better than the last for quite a while there. I remember booting up Mario 64 for the first time and just sitting there with my whole family, jaws hanging open. You could see Mario breathing. The world was enormous, three-dimensional, and open. Coming off the SNES, it was just mind-blowing. The move from PS3 to PS5 looks like hardly a tune-up by comparison. It was wild.
n64/ps1 and gamecube/ps2 were easily the best times to be alive for a gamer
Do you ever sit down to think about how Doom and Half-Life 1 were only 5 years apart? And half-Life 2 was only 11 years after Doom.
Silent Hill 3 was 4 years after the first one. Super Mario 64 was only 6 years after Super Mario World on SNES. These times were wild and it’s hard to describe how the times felt to kids nowadays. It felt like the earth was going to crack open at any second.
The Xbox 360 came out only 9 years after the N64. By comparison, Red Dead Remeption 2 is already 6 years old. Those sorts of giant leaps just haven’t happened for a while.
Yup. I recognize that this sort of thing must eventually run into diminishing returns, but it’s still really wild to compare the old timescales to the new ones. It’s especially salient with something like Skyrim to Starfield, which despite being developed by the same company almost 15 years apart, look like they could have been made within a year or two of one another. As you said, the time between 8-bit original Mario and Mario 64 was actually less than the time between Skyrim and Starfield.
The time between Mario being created as a character (Donkey Kong, 1981) and Mario 64 (1996) is the same length of time between Fallout 3 and Starfield. I saw most of this happen and I still can’t fathom how fast everything used to move.
I saw it happen too, but holy fuck that’s crazy to see put into words.
Yeah, very much this. I think it’s tied in to how vision works - We don’t perceive the world directly. What we see is a bunch of cludges and hacks that our brain uses to assemble a coherent picture from a bunch of very bad sensors. Like I think your eyes can only really see what’s directly in front of you and most of your peripheral vision is just cludged together from things you’ve seen recently, which is probably why, like, people can sometimes sneak up on you and claerly be in your peripheral vision and you don’t notice htem bc you were focused somewhere else.
It didn’t really matter that Lara was a bunch of polygons or the dinosaurs in Turok were like 50 tris or whatever. Your brain will fill in the details. When I think about the actual experience of playing games decades ago I don’t remember the actual graphics. My brain has assembled sort of a representation of that where Lara Croft is “high poly” and shadows and lighting work and the movement system wasn’t a nightmare.
The brain filling in the details is exactly how to word it. I play Dwarf Fortress and it’s as vivid as the latest Ubisoft game because that’s the best simulation available. Whatever is missing from it, I add the fidelity.
yea like you have to imagine the cart full of magma entirely because they still haven’t fucking fixed that bug years later
It’s the same dog sprite for every dog, but each of them looks like an actual individual dog once I read the descriptions. If the 2044 equivalent of Dwarf Fortress has dummy-ass graphics, my experience of perceiving it will be exactly the same.
I always struggled to explain to people that after about hour 13 of a marathon df run i would more or less literally stop seeing the code and just see my dorfs running around.
Also these games were designed to be played on 640x480i CRT screens (or 720x576i if you lived in Europe). Everything, from the textures to the special effects to the menus. I’ve been upscaling stuff in PS2 games, and it’s hard to get some effects and textures to display correctly, as they’re designed to take advantage of CRT scan lines and resolution scaling. PS2 games rendered at 512x448i resolution, if you were lucky there was a 480p mode. PS1 games at half that resolution. Of course they look terrible on a modern gigantic 4K (3840x2160p) flat screen TV or monitor. Anyone that has played these older games on original hardware hooked up to a CRT TV knows that they looked better than how they are represented now.
Has anyone tried making a screen overlay that simulates CRTs?
There are various rendering presets in emulators designed to simulate CRT effects (like scan lines and softness/blur filters), but it’s not great really. Cathode ray tube televisions worked very differently to modern flat screens, for instance pixels aren’t strictly defined, so they can render any resolution, up to their maximum supported resolution, without upscaling issues. This also means the pixel edges are less harsh, even at max resolution…A lot of the text in menus/subtitles, and textures in games, are designed to take advantage of this softer look, and when displayed on a modern flat screen, look really blurry and have poorly defined edges. Or they have weird aliasing that you’d never be able to see on a CRT due to the “softness” of the pixels. Shadows and blacks/greys suffer a ton here, even in high quality textures without compression artifacts.
The best way to get close to the original look on a flatscreen is to use an HD texture pack with a faithful/true to original design with an emulator, or create one yourself. So redoing all the textures and text for an HD flat screen, trying to recreate the original look as much as possible. But not everything can be re-created, like an effect in a menu that takes advantage of CRT scan lines is just going to look like a line traveling across the screen, not matter what is done to “upscale” it. There are some very good results out there for GameCube games in particular. Lots and lots of work though to make one yourself, I know because I’m trying to lol.
As for your original question, some people are trying to do just that
But even in that video where they get the smoke and cloud effects to look correct in the introduction, slippys picture, the text and the blue part of the aircraft look worse on the “LCD CRT”, because of what I said earlier.
, people can sometimes sneak up on you and claerly be in your peripheral vision and you don’t notice htem bc you were focused somewhere else.
lol skill issue
Oh it doesn’t happen to me. I used to do it to other people bc I learned to be extremely quiet for trauma related reasons when I was a kid.
Not that people don’t sneak up on me, mind. They do. But my limbic system is burned out and i no longer fear death so my startle response isn’t very strong.
I remember seeing footage of Shenmue when it was new and laughing. I thought it was some kind of joke, because there was no way a game could look that realistic or smooth. I thought it was some kind of footage of real people that had a special effect put over it. When I learned it was a real game I felt a weird sense of dread, because it felt like arriving at the end of human history, like I slipped into the future by accident
Street Fighter III: Disappointment of the Year?
They didn’t know what they fucking had
They’re talking about SFIII: New Generation, not Third Strike. The first iteration of SFIII. New Generation is a lil wonky and hardly anyone plays it anymore.
People were also expecting a new SF game to be in 3D. You gotta remember there was a bit of a saturation of 2D fighting games in 1997. They had gotten stale to everyone except fighting game enthusiasts. People at the time were so excited for 3D games that anything still in 2D looked old fashioned.
Agreed though. They were spoiled and didn’t know. Imagine explaining street fighter micro transactions to 1997 people. Imagine explaining that half the characters are locked by default and have to be purchased individually.
It definitely wasn’t third strike but it was actually pretty great. Balance was a little off to be sure, it had some kinks
Man, that game was so cool
It was a bit too realistic how you eventually had to get a job and work as a forklift driver at the harbor tho
Shenmue walked so Yakuza could run
Reminds me of how ever since it came out in 2015 people have been mistaking scenes from Arma III for real battlefield footage.
a higher level of fidelity than 2024 releases
We’ve reached a point where the major bottleneck on realism isn’t the hardware you run on, it’s the size of your dev team and the amount of time you spend working on your graphics. That’s part of why triple ayyyyyyyyyy games are so much more expensive to make than they need to be, because they’re throwing money at diminishing returns and they always have to outdo the last game that came out.
Halving the size of the triangles each generation eventually hits a point where the difference is negligible.
Idk I’ve never been this way. All I’ve thought was, “wow this looks great!”
Also big fan of when you see someone reference the literal worst content imaginable from the 2010s and the comments are full of zoomers saying “bro this was my CHILDHOOD”
No, bro. This was 5 years ago. If this was your childhood, you’re still a child.
No, bro. This was 5 years ago. If this was your childhood, you’re still a child.
No, most of Gen Z already feels like old people. Capitalist enshittification literally aged us at lightning speed.
If you were the target audience for Paw Patrol or Poppy Playtime or Youtube Kids shit you’re like at most 15. Literally a child. Capitalist enshittification and trauma don’t make you an adult, this is the difference between maturing and aging. Your telomeres are shorter, you’re not more mentally and emotionally mature because of it.
Paw Patrol or Poppy Playtime or whatever, sure, but early 2010’s stuff could have someone who was 11 watch them and now be 20. We are in 2024 now.
Watching cartoons doesn’t bear on your emotional maturity. Cartoons are fun. Lots of them have a lot more to say than adult fiction. The running theory for a long time is that since cigar smoking men in suites with penthouse offices dismiss cartoons as toy commercials for children the writers have room to play they wouldn’t get with “serious” television and that’s why a show would sometimes shift from showing off the latest plastic junk to a moment of profound existential philosophy and back and when you’re eight you just roll with that.
Sure, watching cartoons does not bear on your maturity. Being 15 years old absolutely does. Exactly 0 15-year-olds are as mature as the should be doing taxes or dating adults or forcing me to read their universally bad opinions online.
How are people misunderstanding me so badly? My point is very specifically that it’s absurd to see posters acting like they have wizened and far off nostalgia for particularly terrible content made very recently for very small children. Kids have always wanted to act like they’re all grown up, that’s natural. But it should get a huge eyeroll when a child tries to act like their reminiscing about awful YouTube content from 2018 should have the same gravity as an elderly person reminiscing about iconic warner brothers cartoons they watched in the 1940s.
I watched cartoons as a kid and I still enjoy cartoons. I am not somehow anti-cartoon. I am anti-children-posting-bad-takes-online
FNAF was a thing when I was in 6th-7th grade. I’m 24 now lol
Stop making me feel old
didn’t FNAF come out in 2014? If you’re 24 now then you were 14 in 2014
6th or 7th grade is 13-14 year olds.
not in the US
Wait, I’m in the US. You start at 5 and by the time you’re in 7th grade you’re on your 8th year. That’s 13
7th grade is 11-13 year olds. The youngest kids are 11 at the start of 7th grade, and the oldest kids are 13 in the second half of 7th grade. Everyone will be 12 years old at some point in 7th grade
Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 is 7th grade
So I guess maybe technically 8th grade? I don’t know lol is been a long time
I mean “content from the 2010s” could mean a lot of things. Like someone who says “FNAF was my childhood” could be a 22 year old who played it as a 12 year old in 2014
Hell even something from 5 years ago could be a lot of people’s childhood, an 18 year old remembers 2019 as a 13 year old
These zoomers don’t know what it was like. Imagine a time before pornography at your fingertips. Before it invaded every empty digital space and defied Volcel fatwas openly wherever it tread. A time when if you wanted to connect to the Internet you had to plug it into the phone line (a hole in the wall that required a physical connection) and speak the language of electronic Satan to summon the 640x480 super-compressed jpegs of boobs that took 72 minutes to download apiece. It was a wasteland out there. Simulated booba, no matter how crude, would activate anyone’s neurons in such privation. Shame, shame on any would castigate their ancestors for their will to survive. Shame.
There was a time when computers would scream at each other in binary anguish to establish a connection to the net.
I remember the time when someone gets on the dial-up internet, nobody at home could use the landline phone. And this was before the time when every single person gets their own personal cell phone.
Imagine not being able to use the internet for much of the day because your parents or someone else in the family might have to call home.
Imagine not being able to call home in an emergency because someone was jackin’ off
I remember not being on the internet as it was metered and it would cost too much. So if I wanted to do something on the internet I went to the library. But harder to jack off in a library so I had to make do with women’s clothing catalogs, sheer underwear so you could see a nipple or some bush was hitting the jackpot.
My family’s dial up service was capped at 500 megabytes a month and then it became like an extra 10 cents per megabyte after the cap. I remember breaking that limit all the time and my parents would have me pay the overage. At some point like fuckit and started paying for the who thing myself to avoid the hassle.
here the telco had a deal where if you made a call after 6, the charge would be limited to a small maximum. so essentially nobody with internet was reachable between 18:00 and 07:00.
Yeah, I’m not gonna let some kid who never shoplifted a Penthouse from the seedy gas station talk about what I find attractive
I never understood the hype when I was a kid either.
Honestly, I think it was mostly by dudes to justify why they’re playing a game with a woman lead. We forget how sexist everyone was back then. The only way a female protag could be justified was as eye candy.
Lara wasnt my thing but I did have a polygonal video game crush as as a PS1 kid, and it was Kid from Chrono Cross.
A person of culture i see.
I’d like to give Cross a chance sometime. My sister loved it. I watched her play and had so mamy questions about what i was seeing, “wait wtf how many characters are there?”, “Poore has an army?”, “that guy is definitely Magus dressed as a Vegas magician right?” etc.
Its not great at being a sequel to Trigger but its a good game in its own right anyway is my take. Battle system is plenty interesting especially. I like it.
Yeah, i think that take is right on. Looking forward to giving it a go sometime.
That guy is Magus dressed like a Vegas magician though right?
In Radical Dreamers he explicitly is, in Chrono Cross it was only implicit until Chrono Trigger DS added a new ending that confirmed it.
We made do with what we had.
The mind makes it real, Neo.
When the big triangle boobed fairy came out of the fairy pool in ocarina of time that was it for me. Also the girl from the lonlon ranch malon i think.
I still remember debating my friend over which girl in oot was hottest
I mean I played Breath of the Wild in 8th grade and Link was basically my bisexual awakening, the femboy Link fan art is still engrained in my mind after all these years
Hey not to
or anything but the legend of twink genre experienced a reneaissance when tears of the kingdom came out and we’re on the tail end of it.
That fairy design was so wildly out of place. Zelda was never completely prudish, but heeeeelllo there with the see-through leotard, very pointy boobs, high pitched giggle and very suggestive posing from basically a frog perspective.
I was 11. And then I was slightly older.
Country girls make due
games are all smoke and mirrors designed to evoke emotions and imagery, the actual pixels on the screen only tell half the story
basically you had to be there and also be 14 and horny
I’m pretty sure it was all the promotional art that people lusted over, not the in-game graphics
There’s nude mods for the original tomb raider and some of them are like, old, old.
Idk, for me, the game “sparked my imagination” – but my imagination and I would go to my room with photos of actual people.
There are certain genres of porn that should be permanently blocked for everyone. Any Japanese word that ends in “-con”, of course, but also simpsons, minecraft, and roblox hentai. Talk about unrealistic body standards!
one fear
Cracking down on biblicly accurate angel porn
Lara be rockin the cyber truck look, especially with that dump truck ass.
Well technically ps5 lara is still made out of triangles
I imagine a lot of the horny people simply used their imagination to fill in the blanks
This is the real answer. It wasn’t like the alternative was a 4k 144fps dommy mommy rendered in unreal engine 5. It was laura croft rendered with like 25 polygons and forest porn. Those were the old days, kids. Don’t take what you have for granted.
It’s 1990 whatever. You are horny and like girls. Your options are Captain Janeway, Agent Scully, Fran Drescher in the Nanny, and, idk, when did baywatch run?
Somewhere around then. Pamela Anderson was big in the 90s.