This is one of those stories that I have to apply the filter of: STOP GIVING THIS WINDBAG AIR.
He says this shit on purpose to get a rise out of stupid people that hate him. It keeps him in the news in areas he would normally drop to the wayside. Say what you will about his mental acuity or emotional intelligence, the man knows how to stay in the spotlight.
I can’t think of a better situation to apply the treehouse of horror/Paul Anka maxim: Just don’t look.
Idk, the dude has been showing signs of advancing dementia for a few years now.
I think we’re at most a few months from him sundowning on live TV. If his heart lasts that long, that is.
I’ll generally agree, but at least based on this article, I wouldn’t say “I think I look like Elvis” to be a matter of diminishing mental capacity, it’s just unjustified narcissism.
There’s so much other things to illustrate mental capacity issues that I feel like we shouldn’t feel compelled to rope this into that neighborhood. That just serves to discredit the criticism.
Its not like Trump just goes away if you stop paying attention to him.
I can’t think of a better situation to apply the treehouse of horror/Paul Anka maxim: Just don’t look.
That worked as a punchline to anthropomorphic ad monsters doing spoofs and goofs in a cartoon. It isn’t advice that’s neatly transferable to chief executives in positions of immense power and privilege. I can’t ignore Donald Trump any more than I can ignore Elon Musk or Mark Zuckerberg, because I am constantly surrounded by the consequences of their decisions.
And this one is… so utterly pointless…
So he says he looks like Elvis, big deal. He’s full of himself so it should be no surprise that he has an unrealistically optimistic self-image. As far as things goes, this is so utterly harmless.
So ok, have a chuckle that he is way off base, but trying to use this as evidence of “dementia”? There’s so much better to go on and this silliness doesn’t even rate on the scale. I could easily imagine a 30 year old Trump saying the same delusional thing but without thinking “diminished mental faculties”.
When there’s media hysterics about something as benign as this, it lends credence to the voice of critics that the media is just crazily, irrationally going after Trump. Meanwhile, there’s an endless flow of really damning stuff to fixate on without having to ‘stretch’ to discuss something like this.
Like with Obama, at least I understood why the conservatives had to go nuts about a tan suit or a fist bump, Obama just didn’t provide much fodder for them to work with. Resorting to about the equivalent with Trump seems completely needless.
Guarantee void in Tennessee!
If saying he looks like Elvis is damaging to him when trying to overthrow the country didn’t, that will be weird.
It is entirely within expectations of the fucked up timeline we’ve found ourselves in, though.
Call for treason and insurrection? Uproarious Cheering.
Fuck children? Endless defense and excuses (and cheering)
Wants to fuck his own daughter? “Well hell yeah, I’d fuck my daughter too if she looked like Ivanka!” - Disturbing number of republicans when looking at a pre-teen picture of her.
But say you look like Elvis? Oh my god, thats just so inhuman and so far fetched.
At least the daughter-fucking thing is very biblical.
Politics works under WWE rules now. Trump is the heel they like. As long he’s doing fucked up shit to the face characters, they keep on cheering.
Him trying to be a face character is bad because people only like him for being the heel.
Ayyy 🤌🏼 I feel ya, brother.
Well Trump is in the WWE Half Of Fame.
But say you look like Elvis? Oh my god, thats just so inhuman and so far fetched.
Is there any evidence that anyone who cheered for him in the above is in that boat? I’m pretty sure it’s a subset of the people upset about the treason, sexual assault, seemingly incestuous desires. Because speaking as someone who finds Trump utterly despicable, I fail to see why in the world I should care that he is vain enough to declare himself like Elvis. That’s utterly harmless narcissism on normal scales, let alone grading on the Trump curve.
I hope he verbally attacks her base. It’ll seal the deal for his deserved fate.
Dude might lose his presidential run because he pissed of Taylor Swift fans. This time line is nothing but weird.
Not really. His followers revere him because they believe his is so strong. Pretty much the only strategy that can work against him is to make them believe he is failing or is becoming a joke. When they become embarrassed about him.
The king came back and said not today orange turnip.
Maybe compared to what Elvis looks like now.
IDK Elvis was an overweight sweaty creepy fuck, so…?
Or Elvis after he died.
So Trump is zombie Elvis with a fake tan and a comically bad comb-over…
Still nowhere near as crazy as many of the Qanon consist theories over heard
I was gonna say, I can see a mild resemblance to the Elvis before he died, but even then Trump is a lifelong 4 or 5 and fat Elvis was still an 8.
Sheeeyit, even dead Elvis ranks above a peak Trump, and both were fucking wastes of meat.
I agree. He looks like a man who took too many drugs, ate too much junk, and then died on his bathroom floor mid-shit.
Dont. Don’t give me hope.
No fucking shit he’s demented. Seriously, this is the first time we are seeing this in a headline? And it’s from rawstory, and it’s in quotes?!
Goddamn, corporate news media - do your fucking goddamned jobs and call it like it is - YES he’s got dementia. He’s also a rapist and a convicted fraud if you want to really get down with the trüfax instead of the weak ass bullshit you normally run to goose this pathetic horserace as per your republiQan owners’ instructions.
Oh yeah and he orchestrated a failed coup to stay in power that got some people killed. Dunno if you knew that or not based on how you talk about him and what he does. I’d be happy to direct you to ALL THE GODDAMNED PROOF if you need, just hit me up there. Corporate news media. You utter shitbags. This entire trump fiasco - all of it - is absolutely your fault. You can’t be destroyed fast enough.
You forgot that he is also responsible for at least part of the 1 million Covid related deaths in the USA. His unscientific bullshit had a huge impact on people who believed that Covid is nothing more than a common cold.
He’s also a spy.
I’m pretty sure he’s not a spy. He’s not competent enough. They’re happy with him being a highly suggestible useful idiot.
an asset if you will, I like plant.
He’s just a puppet.
No puppet, you’re the puppet.
I love lamp
Stay classy, Elvis/Donald.
He was competent enough to steal state secrets… And keep some of the most dangerous ones… We hope. And he is still walking free.
They both like(d) underage girls at least.
If you want to destroy him, double-down on these delusions.
Why stop at Elvis? Get him talking about his theory on aliens, ask him to compare himself to Jesus and whether he’d do a better job of spreading Christianity than the big man himself, get him to discuss how to split Gaza to make everyone happy, ask how a successful coup of the whitehouse would look like, maybe even ask if Rosa Parks was being reasonable by not getting up out of her seat.
You don’t destroy people like this by pointing out how stupid they are, because those die-hard followers will still worship him if he answers all the above. Where he’ll be destroyed is in having those on the fence go from “he’s a bit crazy, but he’ll do something, so I’ll vote for him” to “he’s fucking nuts, he’ll do something crazy, so I’ll vote for Biden”.
Have you seen his, ahem, retruth of the video ‘and God created Trump’ video? He’s literally comparing himself to Jesus. And his followers went wild!
It wouldn’t destroy him, though. His cult members are olympic caliber mental gymnasts.
OP is correct in that this approach would get more votes for Biden, but not for the reasons they think. You’re not going to convert the cult members. They’re long gone. Also remember that Biden got elected not because he was amazing, but because we endured 4 years of Trump and didn’t want more.
What you will get, though, are people waking up after 4 years of not Trump, 4 years separation from his shit show of a presidency, realizing, “oh shit, yeah, now I remember that Trump is terrible, I need to make sure he doesn’t get elected.”
With each passing day we march further and further into “no reasonable, rational person would vote for that man” territory.
How fucking brain damaged is this country?
Anyone still claiming to be undecided at this point is a liar or a moron
AND a nazi.
Bingo! I’ve got a bingo!
Probably both if we’re being honest
I mean, what do you expect from a country that demonizes education and treats the news as if its entertainment.
Unfortunately the Republican strategy for a while has been voting with courts in mind. When the only thing you care about is appointing judges, the game becomes “our team at all costs”
It’s a winning play in a first-past-the-post voting system. I don’t see it changing without voting reform.
Literally any Republican would shove conservative justices in the court, so that doesn’t explain the fixation on Trump at all.
Meanwhile, the left believes pragmatism is a dirty word for some reason.
We crossed that bridge in 2015.
That first one looks like he runs Argentina.
… Have we seen them in the same room?
Maybe he gave up on winning in 24 and decided he’d fuck up another country instead. Why do you think Argentinas economy is tanking?
The parent comment and this one were a 1-2 punch for me this morning, just glad i wasn’t mid-sip when i saw/read that lol
I bet Brendan Fraser could play Elvis.
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I mean, look at him. Is that supposed to be a…face? It’s just plain tragic.
When the road is made of breadcrumbs, you can’t really make them out anymore
It’s so weird that this is the statement that makes some of his supporters question his sanity
Where are you getting this from?
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Oh I see. I guess I figured these were plenty of non supporters on truth social. Even if just these to troll. So I didn’t read that as supporters attacking him for it.
Biden is on Truth Social. And, at least at one point, he had more followers on it than Trump.
And yes, Biden uses it to troll Trump.
The Trump fans mostly follow Trump’s personal account which is automatically added to your follow list when you sign up there, they don’t have much reason to seek out the Team Trump campaign account. Biden’s audience is tiny on that platform compared to Trump’s audience.
So, basically, interpreting that comment as saying supporters are attacking him for this doesn’t hold water.
I mean it may be true. That person who asked where Ivanka is and why she isn’t doing anything about it sounds like a Trump supporter.
How so? I don’t see it.
I will never forgive conservatives for making this guy the daily topic of conversation.
I think those that didn’t properly vet him for everyone else hold a lot of blame, too. So many people in the media knew exactly how awful he was, at least as far back as the 80s. And they even gave him a game show for a while.
That game show did a lot of damage to this country, that’s for sure.
But let’s be fair, if it wasn’t going to be tiny d, the cons would have pushed up a Palin or a Boebert or a Marge (or, more likely, a male version) and thanks to our bullshit way of voting in Presidents, might have succeeded instead of it being tiny d. Because having Obama as President drove them absolutely nuts.
We (anyone not alt-right) are to blame too. We click and watch and view stuff with the rest of them…
The man is a narcissist, and constantly compares himself to other, much more successful people. He will hint at it if the person is controversial or outright state it if benign.
He’d like to be seen as intelligent as an MIT professor, as honest as Lincoln, as famous as the Mona Lisa, as dangerous as Al Capone, as persecuted as Mandela.
He’d none of these things, but he wants to plant that association in your head. It’s transparent and a consistent core of his disorder.
The mistake here is thinking that his supporters will care, if they even hear about it.
They won’t.
As long as he is hurting the right people, they will excuse anything.