Didn’t he explain one time that the key to looking really shredded for a movie is to get SUPER dehydrated right as filming begins? Think it was because then it makes your abs and other chest muscles stick out really prominently and achieves the Hollywood expectation for how strong guy should look
Ugh so annoying. So like both in movies and body building, what they’re selling is actually not a healthy or strong physique—but someone who could be on the verge of organ failure.
I like the idea of fitness, and being in functionally good shape, so this sort of exaggeration is something I find uniquely distasteful—portraying a a goal state that is actually just a grift/scam, and that is dangerous to partake in.
Don’t some European countries have regulations against this kind of thing now? Like being forced to mark images as photoshopped and requiring that models have a certain BMI?
As far as I remember, it is Norway that has a law requiring social media influencers to label their pictures if they have been altered and it’s France that requires models to stay over a certain BMI. I think both laws are good, but the latter one should maybe be adjusted to not strictly look at BMI as it would, for example, impact tall models differently than short ones.
Yeah I like the spirit, but BMI is such a stupid and flawed measure. It’s ok as like a population level heuristic to say things are trending one way or another, but like athletes that have lots of muscle and are tall look the same as morbidly obese people to BMI, which is obviously silly.
I feel like we have ways to use body fat measurements and should just use that instead. I feel like modeling should only be able to use people that represent somewhat realistic body goals though, so I’m actually fine with not allowing the 0.25% most fit people out there to model. If it’s not realistically attainable by the average working person, you shouldn’t be on a billboard.
Jea, BMI is shit, it is too less diverse
Henry Cavill had a similar experience as Geralt. He said he could smell water nearby after a while
sniff sniff “smells like water, gotta be…”
Turns out he was method acting in Deadpool & Wolverine all along
Yeah they will typically time the cutting/dehydration to film all the “muscle shots” at the same time. The actors are miserable during this time period, and will and will quickly hydrate/switch to maintenance eating after this
Yeah standard weight cutting, and then aggressive pre-show preparation. Ironically, they’re probably at their weakest during competition / shows, due to the dehydration and starvation beforehand.
The not-shredded wolverine could lift harder and run longer than his tougher looking counterpart.
I think I heard something similar, so probably.
On that note, I’m well hydrated. REALLY well hydrated…
Apparently, body builders commonly do this, too, from what I’m seeing in various comments
Yeah. There is a reason, why we only see one scene of a shirtless hero per movie.
Yes, he explained this in the BTS for “Les Miserables”
A MUSICAL MOVIE WHERE THE CAST HAD TO SING LIVE ON SET. (I had to write that in caps to drive home the point and retraumatise all the theater kids in the audience)
It’s perfectly normal for humans to become less matte as they age. Please stop this unnecessary reflectivity shaming.
dehydrate, dehydrate, dehydrate…
Funny thing is that the comic character never even had this ott physique. He’s this hairy, barrel-chested little brawler.
Old picture looks like something you could plausibly achieve by going to the gym every day.
Three times a week with a reasonable diet would get most people the first look. And you could actually maintain it.
The second is impossible to maintain for more than short stints.
I would probably have a hard time to bulk up like that.
Huge Jackedman
Came here for this. Heynongman.
Jacked Hugeman
after reading about how he gets this look, I don’t enjoy it. same with The Witcher; yes, it looks attractive, but all I can think about is Henry Cavill talking about how when you’re that dehydrated you can smell water from a distance
Yeah the whole “dehydrate the fuck out of yourself to make your muscles pop a bit” thing is so irresponsible. Jackman pulled the same thing for the opening prisoner scene in the Les Miserables movie, which was doubly irresponsible because he had to sing, and being dehydrated makes it really difficult to sing well, and potentially puts you at risk to damage your voice. I think I’ve seen interviews where they spent like several hours on that scene because his voice kept breaking. So not only was it super bad for Jackman, it also wasted the rest of the cast and crew’s time.
I don’t think that it was him who decided that it was necessary for the scene, though he might not have been against it. Production would not agree to loose money on multiple takes if they did not want the Jackman abs.
Edit: I agree that it’s a completely irresponsible practice though!
The pic from 2000 looks pretty reasonable.
It reminds me of an interview I saw with Alan Richardson (?), the guy playing reacher on the Amazon series. It was in support of the new season, but basically the conversation revolved around how exhausting it was to maintain the required physique for the role, and how it meant he couldn’t do some of the things he normally enjoyed—he was too heavy to run without impact injury, and flexibility and reach was an issue.
I’d imagine transitioning between these physiques can probably be challenging and taxing on the body as well.
flexibility and reach was an issue.
flexibility and reach was an issue.
This is what peak performance looks like.
I think the older Hugh gets, the better he looks as Wolverine.
It’s definitely not the Disney/Marvel steroid program that Fox didn’t put it’s actors through…
Like, even the world’s best trainers, nutritionists, and anything else couldn’t consistently get these results.
They can take any random actor through that progression in like 9 months now.
There’s no way they’re all able to do it. It’s worse than 90s baseball
It’s not steroids. It’s severe dehydration plus oiling up the actor
Still an awful act - His kidneys could shut down early as a result
I mean, it’s dehydration, but on top of steroids.
Especially when you consider Jackman is fucking 55 years old. In the pic in the left from 20 years ago, he’s too old to look like the pic on the right.
There is zero percent chance he’s not on them.
Bro it’s gear
Yeah gym gear like lifting gloves and gym shark leggings
That and a couple of intense workouts
Lol nah
My dad’s uncle works for hugh wolverine and he says he looks like that from doing 20 pushups a day
That’s funny because my uncle’s dad is actually a huge wolverine. He’s really difficult to have at dinner parties.
That, mixed with several months of full-time training, world class trainers, and a personal chef.
For sure, was just specifically mentioning the full on harmful method used
I’d sure love having a personal chef.
Eating healthier would be so much easier if I had someone professionally trained at making healthy things tastier cooking food for me.
Adding to that, time constraints wouldn’t be an issue. Sometimes making great tasting things is really a matter of spending a long time on a dish.
It’s also steroids, and probably some very expensive, very exotic PED.
It’s just testosterone and trebolone, plus maybe a very short run of oral superdrol. Couple that with a ten week cut and some diuretics plus simple carbs just before filming. Six months bulking, three months cutting, every meal calorie counted and tracking macros. Still very hard on your body and requires more or less constantly thinking about.
I heard Stalone regularly uses human growth hormones.
Oh absolutely. I’m not really sure why.
Doesn’t it promote muscle growth and generate some of the same effects you had as a young person?
It is definitely also steroids and supplements in addition to dehydration
Why not just VFX the abs onto the actors? If any TikTok user has access to convincing beauty filters then surely Hollywood as well.
His arms are VFX in pool 3 not sure about the rest
I thought that was the joke of the movie. That his abs are fake. Because they looked so super oiled up and fake. I don’t even see why not. They can only maintain that kind of physique for a day of shooting or so.
PEDs they’re one Hell of a drug.
I don’t know if it’d be healthier if the guys getting superhero bodies just said it was done to drugs (like Tom Hardy), plus having a personal doctor, trainer and chef - just something that is unattainable for most people and unwise. As I imagine it’s a contributor to the problems with men’s mental health.
You also have to wonder about the actor’s long-term health as things like HGH are really risky and diuretics can really put a strain on your system. If I was in the current generation of superhero actors, I’d be keeping a close eye on the first generation of musclemen, action heroes. It may be, with Hollywood money, you get regular checks to spot problems early and avoid the fate of a lot of the bodybuilders and wrestlers in their generation.
Can’t wait for Even Older Man Logan
Holy cow! 24 years! I knew he has been playing Wolverine for quite awhile, but 24 years playing the same character is insane. And he just keeps getting better at it. Haven’t watch the new Deadpool yet, but I’m absolutely looking forward to it. Heard good things.
How old is he now? Mid 50’s?
deleted by creator
^He’ll ^be ^doing ^it ^till ^he’s ^90
Sorry to spoil the story, one of those is heavily photoshopped…, I mean AI…ed.
When i saw the movie i thought the joke was CGI muscles. But in some podcasts and other things people talked about they are real. Really confusing. Also someone apparently asked how they got to get into shape and they said it was pretty easy, he was never out of shape. The difference between the left and right picture could just be heavy dehydration. Someone even mentioned that even a glass of water could “ruin” his physique
Movie trailers will deliberately use cgi for things to cover up what might be spoiled otherwise, they’ll sometimes show beef cake muscles in a trailer when the movie has them wearing a uniform/costume.
The trailer gets
and doesn’t spoil anything.Well, I’m not getting
, so I guess someone has to.
In the comics Wolverine doesn’t age, because of his healing factor. I think Hugh Jackman might actually be Wolverine.
Steroids, professional chefs, makeup, and Photoshop goes along way
No he’s just naturally like that
He really committed to the part!
Steroids are amazing!
Yeah dude’s not gonna live long if he keeps making Wolverine movies
lol do the people downvoting you think he’s natural?
I love Jack Hughman❣️
I love Jugh Hackman!
We all love Huge Ackman!
I also love Mugh Hackjan!
And he looked better in the first one.
Agree, looks much healthier and more natural. A better role model definitely.