The TV show has ruined any chance of that series ever being completed. The man is old and now has fuck you HBO money. He should just tell people he’s not going to finish it and hand it off to someone else.
It’s wandered into Half-Life 3 territory. Being both iconic for how long the fans have waited for it, and a product that’s meant to be the climax of a high-profile series, there’s no way it can live up to the hype.
The little-known KotOR III drama pains me more.
I was so disappointed they pivoted and turned it into an MMORPG. I just wanted a single player focused game where I could be immersed in the story.
I don’t get immersed in an MMO type game. It just becomes a task to complete all missions and end up clicking through dialogue. Maybe that’s just me though.
I also just read all the development issues about the SWKOTOR remake.
And not the cartoonish stupidity said MMO is.
I also just read all the development issues about the SWKOTOR remake.
Frankly the reason I’d want KotOR III is because of the plot and the music and the rest of what makes a game from non-technical point of view. What engine they’ll use, what combat system, all that is unimportant.
And they could call it something else. I just want Onderon, wandering Jedi, Sith magic, tombs and artifacts, and that feeling that there’s only your soul and the universe.
District 9 sequel as well
We all know it’s going to be finished by Brandon Sanderson, the Computer Associates of moribund, out-of-control fantasy series.
I know it’s probably a joke, but he has been asked if he would do this given the chance and said no
Perhap$ he can be per$uaded
Sure. But who wants to read a book that was purely written for the money and not even by the original author? At that point just ask for martin’s notes and fill in the blanks yourself
Oh rest assured I’m not gonna read it.
He’s going to write the final novel in secret in between his regular books and suprise drop it on us with a guilty face
Nah. What ruined it was the fan response to the ending.
That for aure was the ending he had intended for the books and provided to D&D with his outline of major plots points… There’s no way they made that up on their own. The dramatically negative response to the ending means he would have to redevelop the entire ending again.
Most people didn’t really hate the HBO ending that much after reflecting on it. What we hated was how God damn rushed and sloppily it was done. We were also furious how poorly the Battle for Winterfell was done. If they’d done the proper arc for Daenerys descending into madness, more of Bran being positioned for taking the throne, etc etc, it wouldn’t have fallen nearly as flat. Instead, the show skipped all of that development and so all the character choices felt completely random and stupid.
Anyway, I agree with you that that’s why he’s lost motivation for it. Iirc, he initially supported D&D and said that was the intended ending. It wasn’t until later that he backtracked and said that it wasn’t. But, yeah, we’re never going to get the last books.
The poor ending was entirely due to the hubris of Dumb and Dumber who were greedily looking ahead to their next projects. HBO was willing to give them as many seasons as they wanted after season 6 and they said, "Nah, we can do it in two seasons. And instead of ten episodes each they’ll have 7 and 6 episodes because “Fuck You”. They could have handed it off to someone passionate if they were bored, but again, hubris.
Eh, there were a lot of decisions that essentially made it impossible to write a good story for the ending. Just off the top of my head:
- Arya using her Faceless Men training once. She could have probably just paid to kill Walder Frey…
- Zero payoff to the big Targaryan reveal - other than it pissing off Dany
- Why Arya decided to go travelling.
- Bran barely used his abilities. Man could’ve warged into several beasts and fought during the main battle, and outside of being a moody bitch he doesn’t really do anything other than act as bait.
- Who was the legendary lord of light? Was it Jon? It kinda seemed like it, but it makes a lot more sense for Arya to be the one.
- Thematically, it would have made a lot more sense for Jaime to reject Cersei, and for this to be the catalyst for her to go crazy - with Dany going crazy from achieving slow victory that chipped away at her claim.
- Varys was too clever for his story to end like it did. IMO he should have been able to escape his capture, and fled away from Westeros.
Unpopular opinion: The show runners did the best job they could, because with the limited time they had there wasn’t really an option for a better ending. They really needed at least another two seasons, but the reason GRRM hasn’t written another book is because he knows he’s written himself into a corner - and rather than try to fix it through TV and give himself an “out” he criticised the ending he probably had a hand in creating, and won’t ever finish the story.
Is there anywhere we can find a translation yet or is it too early?
I really have how screenshots have replaced actual articles. I want to know more.
because modern online articles are filled with 800+ words of literally no meaning other than getting the viewer to see the 2,000 ads plastered on the website
New Thing Found By Scientists
Scientists at the Science Lab for Sciencey Science this Thursday have found a thing. The thing is a science thing found by scientists at the Science Lab for Sciencey Science.
Nobody doesn’t like molten boron Nobody doesn’t like molten boron Nobody doesn’t like molten boron Nobody doesn’t like molten boron Nobody doesn’t like molten boron Nobody doesn’t like molten boron
“Some people misspell it ‘seance’;” reports Fleeg Fleegerson of the Science Lab “But there’s two C’s and an I in it.”
Omg this is the very first moment in my life that I might start to look forward to AI writing articles.
And… it’s already over. Bc such articles may be shorter, but they will find their own way to become enshittified for the sake of profits.
My god I wish we didn’t put getting resources into every aspect of everything we do. “Well, this is neat, but we can’t buy that new 400k TV with it so, garbage can it is. The next one will get us the luxury that finally makes us happy. Did you see my new collectible? It’s valuable!”
When we create artificial life, honest to god actual artificial life that can run on sunlight alone, then and only then can we step outside of this resource collecting, bullshit reality.
Well, that or Star Trek replicators that run on something like grass and weeds. No need to compete then, just grow and learn. That is if we can escape our evolutionarily need to collect and hoard resources.
Gettin’ yo shit and bangin’ yo bitch needs to be meaningless for us to really become something special. I know that sounds silly, but I can’t survive without yo money, thrive without yo protection, or reproduce without yo bitch. So what am I gonna do?
Haha. Please don’t take me too seriously. I’m a comeenuhnun. Comeeduhnun. Comedian.
Allow me to disagree - but only if we both find this digression fun to be clear:-).
The likes of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos have already escaped the grind. They don’t seem all that happy.
Americans have had an extremely high standard of living, in the global sense. Yet we are some of the angriest people in existence.
Studies show that while you need enough to live, anything beyond that increases stress (someone else wanting what you have), and disconnectedness.
Anyway, people being dicks to one another seems to have little to do with resources and a lot to do with psychology. Which may have been input into our genes due to limited resources, but now that it’s there… it won’t so easily be ignored, and the pathway to curing it seems like it will have to be different from how we got to here.
Well, I hope this thought was fun to read and think about!:-)
And seeing that immediately invalidates whatever claim the headline makes, so it’s important to know.
Kids these days can’t even read Standard Babylonian 😔
Looks like it’s the 2015 discovery:
It was a handful of extra lines that described the Cedar Forest being much more lively and noisy, acting like a whole royal court, than previous versions. It also showed that the whole tablet was much more recent than previously thought.
can’t answer definitely, but if you look up Irving Finkle (not Finkelstein)on YouTube, he is a really interesting fellow who I believe can read it all fluently.
I want to like my job as much as Dr. Finkel does his. Also I think it’s just Irving Finkel.
yes. I’ve been watching too much Norman Finkelstein.
I’ll let you off with a warning this time.
thanks. both men are equally good!
Dang kids and their tablets …
It’s no secret that the “i” in “Gilgamesh” stands for “ipad”.
And the G stands for Galaxy Tab.
L for Lemmy
Open source king
Gilgamesh, a king. Gilgamesh, a king, at Uruk. He tormented his subjects. He made them angry. They cried out aloud, send us a companion for our king. Spare us from his madness. Enkidu, a wild man from the forest, entered the city. They fought in the temple. They fought in the street. Gilgamesh defeated Enkidu. They became great friends. Gilgamesh and Enkidu at Uruk.
The new friends went out into the desert together, where the great bull of heaven was killing men by the hundreds. Enkidu caught the bull by the tail. Gilgamesh struck it with his sword.
They were victorious. But Enkidu fell to the ground, struck down by the gods. And Gilgamesh wept bitter tears, saying, 'he who was my companion through adventure and hardship, is gone forever.
Given that the Epic of Gilgamesh was something copy pasted to train scholars and stonemasons for centuries if not millennium, how can we be sure this is canon?
Because it was around long before cannons.
Behold my comment, unedited, with the correct number of n’s and shirk away in your ill natured unsophistry.
Part of it was also the lack of canon. The ancient world didn’t have “one true version” of anything, it had the version at hand. Which was usually the version that the current (local) king wanted.
I almost forgot about ASOIAF completely. I still remember when A Feast for Crows came out after a couple of years of waiting, and how eager I was to read it. And A Dance with Dragons was generally an unenjoyable mess for me, feels like a forced afterthought.
It’s been almost 20 years, time to give up GRRM. I’m sure you have a couple more unrealized ideas that took a backseat while you finished it.
Oh he already gave up about 12 years ago. He just refuses to admit it.
Would it benefit him to admit it? Genuine question.
In some ways. Him publicly staying that he was done with the book series would be like ripping off the providential band-aid off.
There would be an initial backlash of upset people, and there would be a lingering nagging about giving the series over to someone else for them to finish writing it, but at least people would stop asking him “when’s the next book coming out?”, and variations on that. And if he said “no I’m not allowing anyone else to finish it!” (as he has hunted at before but then flip-flopped away from) then people would hang moved in. They’ve moved on anyway to some degree. But there’s a lingering resentment that is arguably bigger than that resentment would be with the above mentioned declarations.
But does he need to admit it? Do people deserve to know the truth from him? No. It’s his creation, and his choice. If he doesn’t want to admit it he doesn’t have to.
that shit looks like it’s written in size 4 font. were Babylonians ant-sized?
Clay tends to be heavy as shit, so writing tiny means that you don’t nead a mule team to bring the reciept for the bad copper.
Finally! I’m still waiting for Chess 2.0 though
A video game version of Chess 2 is available on Ouya as of 2014.
Gonna take the world by storm!
I hate the fact that the only thing that comes to mind when I think of the Ouya is the Detective Heart of America movie. Second-top comment sums it up:
I love how each year that passes the ouya joke gets stronger since the whole point is that no one knew or knows what the fuck an ouya is
I still remember the hype and the disappointment. I mean it was a fun idea but in the end, the expectations for the overall usefulness were too high.
I’ve still got mine. Although I wonder how many people learned about the ouya from digging through the Celeste Wikipedia.
Holy hell!
New response just dropped.
Actual brainrot
New Chess! Now with boxing gloves!
Chess Boxing is already a thing.
Of course it is. We can add hookers and blackjack.
As is ski boxing (Hitch hikers guide to the galaxy)!
A Dance With Dragons took him 6 years to write. It’s been 13 years since then. Even if Winds of Winter came out tomorrow, it would take him 26 years to write A Dream of Spring given that each book takes twice the time the previous one did. Sadly it’s vaporware at this point.
GTA 6 will finally be released by archeologist thousands of years from now.
Probably in the same holiday season as Elder Scrolls VI
Oh good, another chance for people to casually talk about how they expect a person to die soon.
I don’t think it’s so much that people expect GRRM to die soon – nevermind the fact that he’s well into his 70s and rumors about his health are irrepressible – as it is that the most recent book in the series was released thirteen years ago.
Between the first two books, there were two years, then another two years for book 3, then five years, then six. It’s simply a matter of an unfavorable mathematical progression. Even if by some miracle he drops Winds of Winter tomorrow, the planned final book would seemingly take at least as long again to finish, and given the difficulty of endings, probably much longer than that. GRRM could live to 100 and we would be lucky to see him complete this series.
“Soon” doesn’t even come into it.
You’ve just jumped at the opportunity to prove my point.
I love to read and I have loved reading the ASOIAF series and of course I’d love to get to the end (I never bothered to watch the TV show). But I can’t get my head around the entitlement to that finale meaning I can complain about another human’s mortality! If I get them then great, but the constant need to piss and moan about it just baffles me.