Make shame great again! ✊
F-him, the gold color represents the MAGA diapers, ear diapers, shoes and watch.
Buy overpriced ugly truck from an outward Nazi
Cover it in shiny gold wrap to draw even more attention and be obnoxious to anyone who doesn’t want to be blinded on the road
Be surprised when people don’t like you
Do obnoxious stuff for “librul tears”.
Cry like a baby when people do obnoxious stuff back.
Hard to find any sympathy for the guy. A cybertruck costs almost 3 times the amount of comparable electric trucks.
You pay that much extra because you want the hate.
I hate Elon as much as the next guy but there’s no need to spread blatant misinformation.
Cybertruck MSRP: $80-100k
Ford F-150 Lightning MSRP: $50-90k
Chevy Silverado EV MSRP: $55-95k
and that is the majority of your options. Obviously cybertruck isn’t near as capable as the other two and it’s also an ugly piece of shit, but there’s no need to make things up to diss the idiots buying them, they do it themselves.
*Edit: formatting
“I bought this car because FUCK THE LIBS! But why are they harassing me?!”
Funny that the people with Teslas used to be libs.
the Syrian immigrant
Weird that he’s driving around a swasticar from a company run by a guy that would probably like to deport him…
He’s a doctor what kind of doctor lacks the foresight to buy a Cybertruck.
*seeing that his practice is called Sculpting MD
Oh never mind.
Ben Carson was a brain surgeon… need I say more?
Ah, but Ben Carson made a ton of money by grifting to the right. The billionaire class collectively throw billions at their propaganda machines
Well… yeah, but he was also a completely incompetent idiot yet was inexplicably a highly trained surgeon. Which was the point.
Bis wife started screaming after seeing a “profane sticker”? Sounds like an “and then everybody clapped” story to me.
She was, crying, screaming out of her throat, even. The horrors.
Gold swasticar*
We’re all human
Dude, Tesla’s CEO endorsed a racist, misogynistic, transphobic and pauperophobic rapist. He shows up at AfD and FdI rallies.
You’re Syrian, once they’ve rounded up all the poor brown people they’ll come for you. After all, a god-fearing, bible-thumping, red-white-and-blue bleeding American could be given your business.
And your taste in cars sucks, by the way.
We’re all human
Yeah, and a non-zero amount of humans are insufferable bastards bent on subverting, dismantling and exploiting society for their own gain.
Non-zero is an extremely low estimate.
Right, it is the 1% who do it maliciously and another 20+% who do it out of ignorance or because they were brain washed by fascist propaganda
This. Being human doesn’t excuse you being a piece of shit and a danger to others.
Even without the whole elon shitshow, it’s still cunts like that who buy cars that endanger everyone around them.
It sounds like we all agree. Despite all the rightful cybertruck hate and despite the garish gold color, this driver was not even particularly persecuted. He was just living the life of a normal Bostonian (which always includes other drivers cursing at you, cause that’s what we do here).
So… This is actually just a non-story. The headline could have been “Ridiculous gold cybertruck exists in Massachusetts, driver treated normally”
Or perhaps,
“Driver of ridiculous gold cyber truck somehow still isn’t getting enough attention!”
Man buys ridiculous car gets ridiculed. More news at six.
I once had someone throw a beer bottle at me from their car as I was walking the dog. They yelled ‘Dog Wanker!’ Where’s my news story?
Ok, that’s a bit messed up. And “wanker”? Did you walk the dog all the way to London?
You sure they didn’t say “fuckhead” and maybe it only sounded like wanker?
That doesn’t help their persecution complex…
Maybe he shouldn’t wear that outside of the house.
The obvious thought.
“Violence is only bad when it’s against people I like.”
Paradox of tolerance
“Wahhh wahh”
- Tedesche
the hypersuck isn’t allowed on the road in normal countries. just because fascistan allows it doesn’t mean people should tolerate this death machine on the road. I hope it totals, so maybe it should drive over some puddle or whatever stupid thing makes these explode.
Harassment and threats are not violence. If I were to punch a trumper, that would be violence.
Based. Sometimes this space annoys the fuck outta me
Oh no! Are you being held here against your will!? Blink S.O.S.!
OR don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split ya on the way out.
Cringe reply
Nice punctuation, Grammar Police.
says he’s been cut off in traffic
It’s Massachusetts. That their state pass time
been yelled at and given the finger
If everyone you see (Plus, you drive a gold vehicle. Talk about self-absorbed) is an asshole, you might be the asshole
Hey, the second state pastime is giving the finger and yelling in traffic. We take these pastimes seriously, like sports and drinking.
Also drinking while driving with an attached snow plow. I see you, Berkshire county. It’s not a sport… Yet.
The only way he could have made it worse for himself is if he had an RI plate. Mass residents have never been shy about letting people know how they feel about them (for better, or very worse 😅)
If there’s one thing Connecticut and Massachusetts agree on, it’s Rhode Island (but don’t worry, we can all shit on New Yorkers together)
News to me! Never been to the northeast. Anything in particular about Rhode island? Or just the typical “this state > a nearby state”?
It’s almost certainly the neighbors thing. The specific complaints are mostly that Rhode Islanders have a very distinctive accent (it’s no longer super widespread, but think Lois from family guy) and when your friends/relatives move there, they stop thinking of an hourlong drive (to visit you) as a day trip, but that might just be a trend in my circle.
That, and their clam chowder isn’t real chowder and wtf is coffee milk (yep, those are definitely just neighborly things to pick at). I always liked honey dew better than dunkin though.
Ha, thanks for sharing. I’m Midwest- Minnesota calls cheese balls (fried) “cheese curds”. Weirdos.
Nothing wrong with a bit of local pride.
Different world with the population density. Would rather live vicariously
Cheese balls are most certainly not equivalent to cheese curds in any form.
Cheese curds are an ambiguous term, they are either fresh or fried.
Traditionally, fried cheese curds are what one does with their extra cheese curds after they are no longer fresh.
Cheese curds are no longer fresh once they have been refrigerated and lose their squeak. Only thing left to do with them then is to batter and fry them. But they still aren’t cheese balls.
Silly blue plates don’t know shit about cheese.
*pass times. As in, a way to pass the time, like with a hobby such as fishing or drinking.Edit: I stand corrected and humbled.
No, if we’re going to be prescriptivists, we’re going to be correct.
It’s pastime.Holy shit. I feel like I just stepped into an alternative reality. Seriously, I’m floored.
I’m guessing etymologically that’s where it comes from though.
I love etymology! I dont evem know thst much about it!
And there is never shame in gaining knowledge - as long as we all refrain from dunking on someone that is willing to learn.
I just googled “prescriptivist”
Your word game is.sick, yo
Wait, drinking is a hobby now?
Some people would say I have a problem. But according to this I’m a hobbyist.
You got change up the type and quantity of what you drink, that’s what makes it a hobby.
Yeah, they couldn’t possibly be yelling at him because he sucks at driving.
The truck probably is doing most of the shitty driving anyhow.
pass time
I just realized I’ve always thought of it as past time, I guess I usually see it written as “pastime”. Past time doesn’t make any sense at all, the way I’ve always thought of it. Neat!
“pastime” is correct.
With a single “s”? I’ve never seen that.
Edit: until seeing this comment. Wtaf?
Edit: Well, I stand corrected. Pastime is right. I cannot believe I never knew that.
We’re both enriched on this fine day!
As the saying goes, if you smell shit everywhere you go, check your shoes.
They call it a ‘Boston Left’ for a reason.
Shows how well they have been treated for so long they feel entitled to politeness.
None of that is threatening or harassing behavior.
“It’s not just about what happened to me. It’s about everyone in this country. If you disagree, don’t retaliate. Don’t be violent. Don’t try to hurt your neighbor. We’re all human,”
I mean, if you believe that, my guy, you shouldn’t have bought the nazi truck. You also definitely should not have gotten a fucking gold one. You also ABSOLUTELY shouldn’t have driven it around in MASSACHUSETTS. I flip these fucks off when I see them here. I don’t agree with physically threatening them, but c’est la vie I guess.
I just love that someone is complaining about people being rude to him in a state with such rude, aggressive drivers that the term ‘Masshole’ was invented to describe them.
Eh… You don’t even want to hear what they call people from Connecticut
What’s wrong with the ass of New England?
Be careful out there, flipping off other drivers is considered “road rage” in some places and can get you ticketed.
Plus, a thumbs down with a look of disgust is funnier!
I throw them one of these looks.
You’re only here for the ziplines
Bro, as a Massachusettsan born and raised if you dare touch my primary form of expression ya gonna get a hot cuppa dunkins in the face. That’d be like banning wicked sick donuts in a rotary.
I point and laugh at the ones I see here in Seattle. You can do a pretty good show of it from a bike while passing them being stuck in traffic lol
Only if you do it outside the vehicle. This actually came up years ago when I took a motorcycle course. Since you’re always outside the vehicle I guess you can’t flick people off.
This feels like such a thin reason to get a ticket if you ask me. A rude gesture is just a rude gesture. But… be careful out there! I feel safe enough to flip them off, but I encourage safer forms of heckling them, like pointing and laughing.
I just shake my head in shame and go the speed limit so their car slows tf down.
Also a chance you’ll catch one of those guys carrying in their cars - that’s their thing. No need to put yourself in the crosshairs for an unhinged person…
It can also get you shot, people are insane in their cars.
Orrr little light vandalism if you’re going to commit
Yeah, massholes aren’t nice to anyone unless they need it. You want someone to be kind to you in Boston? Get irresponsibly drunk and start crying on the bathroom floor otherwise they’re gonna tell you to shut the fuck up, fuck right on off, and get the fuck over it because they assume you can handle hearing it and may need to.
Man, you interact with a way different kind of people in MA than I do.
It’s overexaggeration for comedic effect. But also yeah my main bostonian is from a biker family, she’s terrible and fun.
No one was physically threatening him anyway.
I hope not. The article and video were a little vague on that. Some people apparently cut him off and got out of the car to flip him off, which is a bit much IMHO.
He claims…
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