Democratic divisions intensified as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Nancy Pelosi sharply criticized Chuck Schumer for supporting a Republican-led funding bill to avoid a government shutdown.
AOC called Schumer’s decision a “betrayal,” urging Senate Democrats to reject the legislation backed by Trump and Elon Musk. Pelosi called the bill a “devastating assault” on working families.
Schumer defended his stance, arguing a shutdown would empower Trump and Musk further.
The controversy sparked suggestions among Democrats that AOC might challenge Schumer in a primary.
Start a fucking progressive party already
As far left as I am, that would guarantee the Republicans would win every election until we get ranked choice vote
That’d be a threat if the dems were actually willing to improve the country not just be controlled opposition
Honestly how I’m feeling these days. I honestly think their preferred state is not being in power, that way they don’t have to keep any promises and get to keep their jobs all while doing nothing but complaining about Republicans.
Not to mention fundraising
I honestly think that both parties like to not be in power for this very reason. All the money and none of the responsibilities. Pretty sweet setup
So forever
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This is what we need to be talking about as a country right now. How do we open up the political binary to include viable third parties? Does that require proportional representation? Does that require a parliamentary system?
I know in NC getting a third party on the ballot requires signatures and a portion of the vote in the previous election. Those bars are too high and risky. What is another path?
sizzling hot take: all political parties end up as tools for elites to capture power
truly a bold and newfangled idea, surely only a few radical extremists could buy into it. surely parliamentary socialists in Meiji-era Japan, for instance, would never derive this dangerous concept from first principles
Are we calling him Cuck Schumer yet?
I hope she primaries him. Vote all those decrepit elders out of office.
Unfortunately, he’s not up for reelection until 2028, at which time he’d be 78 years old, so probably wouldn’t be running anyway.
Is this your first time? American politicians don’t give up power just because they are old. Feinstein, McConnell, Biden, Thurmond are just a few examples.
Fucking Pelosi. That dinosaur is 84 and still has her thumbspikes in every pie
(+2 points if you can name the dinosaur)
It’s Iguanodon!
Is it your cake day ?
Apparently. I had to sign up on the Ides of March because Kbin was so flaky I couldn’t wait until 4/20
Hope he’s doing okay.
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They do that because committee seats are determined by seniority, so they need to elect dinosaurs who’ve been there forever even if said dinosaur doesn’t know where they are or what year it is.
Yeah, 78 would be waaay to old for anybody to get elected
i think thats why they go scorched earth, and nothing to lose type of voting, they are trying to get as much money out of it as possible.
And by then all of the positive things our government used to do will have been demolished we’ll all be too sick and exhausted to care anymore.
We will NEVER make progress by compromising with those who will not compromise with us in return.
AOC needs to form a new party or at least go independent with Bernie. I’d really like an alternative to the Democrats because I’ll never be voting for them again.
No. She’s on a path that will shape the democrats of the future. If she leaves she will become irrelevant, and she knows it.
After this fine display by maga and the DINO’s I see a schism coming from both parties.
the gop’s schism of the maga, it already has occured with them, most of them had to embrace maga or risk getting primaried by trump aligned maga gop. there isnt one for the DNC yet
The path to to what future? One of greedy meekness? It’s the same mindset of people that hang on to Twitter to see if they can change the algorithm for good. So long as the RNC and DNC exist with their CEO’s and people like Nanci Pelosi and Chuck Schumer making decisions for you, the money will always determine the winners and the losers. None of them are ever going to give up a position that just keeps making money, tax free. This is especially true when the money comes from well hidden sources called Super PACs. I’m for parties breaking up.
One thing a lot of people really struggle with is that if you see something going on you don’t like in an organisation, you have to options:
- Leave and set out on a new path
- Stay and try to change the organisation from within.
I think too many people choose option 1, especially in politics. They resign and say “not in my name”. However, from their opponents point of view they’re now defeated. The obstacle is removed. They can now do exactly what they wanted to do, and probably go further.
The harder option is 2. Stay and fight, and probably lose multiple times, but you’ll make your opponent’s goals as hard as possible to achieve. You may even start winning and through your example bring others to your cause.
I agree with you on what you are saying. However, unless you institute a top down change as you would with any organization, you might as well read the writing on the wall. AOC, Benie, and any one else that does not stick to the status quo to keep the money flowing, have already been robbed of several opportunities to institute change. It’ll take another decade at minimum before the old guard retires, dies off, or sees the light. We don’t have decades unless she and others like her have some kind of ace up her sleeve.
His vile cowardice is something I’m seeing people talk about, but the sheer stupidity of it isn’t touched on.
Like are you fucking stupid?
There’s plenty of opposition parties in Russia, for example. They’re just all controlled. They use intentional gaffs to throw the election to the “correct” winner. If they start getting too uppity and stop following orders, they get banned from running on some technicality.
Navalny is what happens when even that doesn’t work, but he was very much the exception.
Democrats are currently proving that they are controlled opposition.
The only silver lining here is the remote possibility of progressive Democrats breaking out to form their own party. At least then the US will have a legitimate opposition party.
You realize this was your last election right? It’s not going back to normal.
I guess we will see won’t we. I’m still voting in 2026 and 2028. I’m not going to be discouraged by all the nihilists on the internet that are trying to convince me I’m powerless. Maybe I’ll find that process is finished but I’m not rolling over or giving up. Hell you could be a Russian bot trying to make us feel apathetic about voting by just vaguely going … “ you guys realize it’s all over right ? Yea keep on sucking on that copium pal! 😈”
you’re not powerless, far from it - but you need to exert your power before 2026 and 2028 if you want your vote to matter.
your power comes from your ability to go on strike and sabotage, not from voting
I’m definitely already doing that. Every little bit counts.
Quit sucking your own dick
Yeah they had their last election, ever, back in November. If they ever hope to get election back, they’ll need to actually fight for it instead of sitting on their butts.
When people attempt to do that Republicans win even more power. Case in point: Ralph Nader.
Our voting system has us stuck in this duopoly and it will not change without destroying the country and starting over.
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Congratulations l! You’re the first person I’ve met here who understands this.
Democrat voters are tired of compromising. MAGA thinks they want to burn the US down so they can “own the libs” … well let’s fucking do it. Let’s test their theory in the laboratory of life.
As she should.
About half the seated Democrats right now need to be primaried hard. How did we have a more coordinated opposition party during Trump’s first term? It’s worse this time around and they are showing absolutely no will to fight.
it almost always the same 10 dems.
what are you supposed to do? The congress controls the budget, literally as defined by the constitution, the executive is currently trying to pretend that isn’t the law. And the supreme court doesn’t exactly seem content about doing anything over it, so it’s not like you can do much as the congress. You literally can’t win here, we have to wait for all the lawsuits to hit for anything to begin happening.
what are you supposed to do?
Schumer went from “we have to be a united front” to “I’m gonna vote for what republicans want!” He pretended to hold the former position for less than a day.
So uh, not that.
unfortunately we just don’t really have any good options here. Everything is fucked, nothing we do is going to unfuck it.
Well, at least enough democrats are complicit.
Hmm, yes, it’s almost as if we have a government that isn’t functioning and there seem to be no options that are legal under the current government…
that’s definitely what direction we seem to be going in, but there is still a lot more government oversight that exists outside of this realm, and this is still a hypothetical. A not unlikely one, but still one nonetheless.
Hopefully she will run for his seat in the future.
AOC obviously didn’t get the message. The Democrats have completely given up on the Kafabe of pretending to be an opposition party.
Traitors for hire.
no but you don’t understand! IF YOU HAD JUST VOTED, WE COULD HAVE HAD TEN CHUCK SCHUMERS TO VOTE FOR THE FASCIST CRAP! so really everything bad that happened is your fault for not voting. how dare you fail the democratic party like this.
Dems need to stop pretending Schumer is the only problem, any other dem in his position would have done the same thing including AOC. The party is rotten to the core it’s just a revolving door of sycophants who server wall st and capital. The party is working as intended. Notice how Dems never have power to make actual change, never have the backbone to oppose republicans, and when they have majorities they never use their power for actual progress or at the very least codifying laws like roe v wade ect. They are there to act like an opposition party not actually be one. The working class is perpetually screwed.
I will never again take AOC or any other “squad” member seriously as long as they proudly call themselves Democrats. Go independent like Bernie or start another party. Until then, if they want to keep giving themselves the same label as Schumer or Fetterman, I’m going to lump them in the same batch of assholes and idiots.
That’s a fucking retarded hill to die on.
Its funny I have suddenly seen the leave the party thing pop up in multiple places at the exact same time.
Beginning to think it’s AstroTurf to get the noise people out of the way and into 3rd party oblivion
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I am an Independent and think both sides suck on the whole political spectrum in this country. I’m also from NY and both of my Democratic senators voted to pass this blank check to Trump and Elon.
The Democrats have gone about dealing with Trump and his disciples in Congress the completely wrong way from day one. They try to be civil and favor the traditional ways of solving things in Congress. They have basically been bringing a pink plastic toy baseball bat to a gun fight this whole time that Trump has been in office this term.
And because of that, here we were with 2 horrible choices for them. But one choice would have shown that they had enough of the B.S. and had some kind of a spine. The “right” thing for Chuckie to do was to be united and stand firm that they wouldn’t approve this CR and force a shut down unless they had a say in some of the solutions in the bill. Pain was coming either way, why not go down fighting and show that you were on the right side of history?
Given the past month and a half (holy shit it feels like it’s been a decade) and the track record of Elon and Trump so far, I am very afraid of what is coming in the next month and a half – let alone when this budget fight resumes in September.
it’s a lose lose, you either push the funding through, and lock in existing funding, and bypass any weird shutdown bullshit, or you push for a government shutdown where (apparently) the executive can just make up funding numbers and start moving money places.
So, take your pick:
- do something: Maybe everything fucking explodes
- do nothing: everything is already exploded, but we’re atleast aware of what’s happening
You force the shutdown, otherwise Congress has abdicated it’s role.
Somebody got to Schumer IMHO.
the megadonors did, or his banking ones did.
congress will have abdicated it’s role in either position, given the precedent being set by the trump admin.
You literally cannot win, you shutdown the government, the executive can engage in whatever means it, and the supreme court deem appropriate, you pass the funding, the funding is limited, directed, and you are still technically the one who authorized it.
At least in the case that dems pass the CR, the Congress literally authorized the funding, they would be the ones legally defining where money is spent. Whereas if the government was shutdown, and trump decides he can just “take over that role” it’s entirely meaningless.