I used to know a girl in elementary school and she was some kind of fundamentalist Christian (half the school was). She had a habit of saying she “loved everyone” because she believed Christ’s main command is to love everyone without question. And other kids would take advantage of that by saying, “Even Hitler?” She’d always nod and say “Yes, even Hitler. I love him.” Or they’d say Jeffrey Dahmer, or whoever else. I remember it was OJ Simpson for a while because he was often in the news. Then she’d be roundly mocked for saying she loves Hitler or whoever. She was overall just a dumb kid who didn’t understand what she was saying, but enjoyed the attention from the other children and seemed to like making everyone laugh. She eventually grew out of the habit.
This feels like the same thing except it’s a grown woman who does a breathy falsetto voice into a delay vst and also she had kids with Elon Musk, notorious open racist
Was she Lutheran? It is a belief that some Christians have, that afaik is associated most with Lutherans, that everyone goes to heaven now, since jesus has taken on all sin. (though, I think the general official Lutheran position is everyone who accepts christ goes to heaven, which imo is much funnier, since it says that jesus gets to go to heaven but not, say, the jews he killed).
Regardless, imo Christian afterlife beliefs are super fucked up, but that idea of universalism, that everyone goes to heaven, is the one that makes most sense to me. It always seems weird to me that people insist jesus is all about forgiveness, but also he will condemn for to eternal hellfire if you say he isn’t real (or kiss boys or whatever else is in vogue to be considered sinful).
No, she wasn’t Lutheran. I’m from the south, so she was probably some type of evangelical Baptist schism. There were so many different little splits of protestants in my hometown.
Not to mention that most Christians around where I’m from just go on vibes rather than specific theology. I didn’t mean to specifically draw attention to my classmate’s religion though. I just meant that she reminded me of this very vibes based thing Grimes has going. A very empty statement of empathy towards everyone without truly meaning it or knowing what they’re saying.
Expressing universal empathy can be good though, it’s good to recognize shared humanity. It falls apart when you’re doing like Grimes and repeating Nazi ideology.
Universalism makes sense to me too, and also I started to get the idea of purgatory–that especially evil people need to be purified before they can be in God’s presence–and also annihilationism, that others are just completely gone if they choose to reject Christianity or suck too much for purgatory or whatever
It’s a fairly standard - though not consensus - view among white American Evangelicals that everyone who has never even heard about Jesus (think about say, an Aboriginal person living in present day Australia in 1000 CE) is condemned to an eternity in hell.
Oh for sure. I was raised with that nonsense. My first real cognitive dissonance experience for me was being like okay God is all-loving but didn’t reveal himself to people in New Zealand in 400bce and they just get tortured? Then I learned about general revelation and how evangelicals rejected that to retain power, etc etc. very normal belief system
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One of her last tracks was called “We Appreciate Power”
The one good thing Cyrus the Great did was banning slavery.
didn’t. the anti-slavery credentials were made up by the last Shah to declare the Cyrus Cylinder the ‘first declaration of human rights’,
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Wow lady who dated Elon Musk and got rich selling NFTs is a racist, imagine my shock.
following up
I’m called a Nazi because I happily am proud of white culture.
What do u say abt the African slave trade of Slavs? It’s racist to pretend whites have always been in power.
‘people call me nazi because I support white pride, imperialism, and great replacement theory on a bigoted platform run by a white supremacist who I’ve made multiple white babies with to continue our superiour white genes’
What do u say abt the African slave trade of Slavs
that it didn’t happen? cause it didn’t wtf she talking about
So many questions about this tweet. What is white culture? Why would you think about these random historical persons every day? How do you “invent” an empire? Why is that something you think fondly of someone for?
What the fuck is is this “white culture” that she speaks of?
Casseroles and Miracle hwip
Hotdog jello.
capitalism and baseball?
Tractor pulls and lawn mower racing
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Medieval Times
Genocide and slavery presumably
Grimes stfu- challenge level: impossible
I have never met anyone who actually listens to her music. literally another made up celebrity.
The old sub was how I found out about her and I was surprised so many people in there were fans.
The chapo tabletop parody was my first intro to her and and legit thought she was a made up chapo bit for like a week or two.
I did, and many friends did, circa like 2015, she was pretty popular with techno-hipster warehouse living noise band starting types back then, which I was culturally adjacent too as a guy into arty hardcore.
techno-hipster warehouse living noise band
just the US version of soulless psy-trance hippie settlers in Israel
It was always a weird mix of some cool people who just liked drugs and dancing, pervs, reactionary stoners, art kids high on their own farts and rich failsons.
I don’t really like her music but Visions and Art Angels were legitimately pretty big in certain scenes when they came out. Also /mu/ used to love her
/mu/ used to love her
Certainly not helping her beat the nazi allegations
She was what I’d call “pitchfork famous” like 10+ years ago lol
yeah definitely
I mean, I listened to the Hilda theme song… Whenever I watched that show… Which was about five years ago?
never knew who she was until rolling-volcano-maker-man dated her
irrelevant cracker and honestly hard to listen to
From an early age, Irulan’s father Shaddam IV expected her to become Empress after his death, or at the very least to wed a political ally and retain House Corrino’s hegemony over the Imperium. The Bene Gesserit also saw potential in the girl, and gave her sufficient training so that they could exploit her at some point in the future, were she to find herself in a position of power.
However, despite the expectations of others, Irulan remained only an average Bene Gesserit adept, and retained a strong sense of personal identity and ambition: qualities that caused tension between herself and her equally strong-minded father. Lady Jessica mused that Irulan was too proud to progress very far with her Bene Gesserit training.
Me, after eating a fist full of blood pressure pills and resisting the primal urge to DUNE POST:
Grimes is like the 70s movie version of Dune turned trapped in the body of a theater kid.
don’t talk about the David Lynch movie like that
You’re right, it did have Patrick Stewart
radical decentralized UBI that I think could potentially be achieved through crypto and gaming
She just hasnt ironed out the ideas yet! obviously once that’s done we’ll evolve as a society.
i love to casually read Marx while at the bus stop dressed like Simon Belmont
What is capital, except a miserable pile of vampires?
What I love about that photo shoot is she’s clearly just walking down the sidewalk in a subdivision in Saratoga or something. The setting is so bizarre for what is already a weird setup.
Leaning against a random signpost
Put on her best “deep-in-thought reading face”
Holding it in a delicate pose to keep the title visible
Full cosplay
Her ass is NOT reading
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She’s like Joe Rogan. She’s radicalized by the last person she had a conversation with.
If that hairless chimp could talk Rogan would have become his first disciple. It would have promptly ripped his balls off like it was a pull-starter but for about ten seconds Joe would have felt like he was seeing a reincarnation of the Buddha.
Tbh if a monkey talked to me, i would i think it was the messiah too
gib banan
This is literally the plot of Ishmael.
Hoping for this to happen in 2024
What chimp
The Sartre quote. Never assume they are unaware. Normies aren’t stupid, they’re intentionally being malicious.
I feel that assuming she’s just ignorant is generous given the resources she has access to. I’m not directing this at you, but I wonder how much ignorance matters when the individual in question can cause or has caused material harm.
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So? I get called a communist for thinking non-whites have the right to be alive. You’ll get used to it.
Wow, the woman who has several children with Elon Musk is a dumbass who tries to do the colourblind anti racism schtick.
No analysis, just vibes.
She types like a granola hippie who dipped their toes into Qanon.
“All Lives Matter”
Humans are atrocious creatures, Grimes
This isn’t the post to argue it, but I actually really like people, we as communists are trying to save humanity at the end of the day
But also obviously this shit is just whitewashing cracker crimes in a white supremacist world order.
But also obviously this shit is just whitewashing cracker crimes in a white supremacist world order.
“Humans are evil, Humans colonized natives and enslaved Africans, humans also did the holocaust and dropped nukes on other humans… wait a minute”
Humans are epic.
Exactly, humans are like epic bacon.
I’m with team human cause I am one, but I’ve got a LOT of sympathy and empathy for animals and well, basically from the start we have been extinction machines, even cavemen being able to throw things a long distance and sweat and whatnot had us clocking out species after species and that’s at our least technological level. We are an ecological disaster from the very start and almost every other thing that’s alive on the planet would be stoked to see us wiped off the face of the earth. This isn’t like human nature is for us all to be greedy little capitalists, but looking at how every other animal has acted on the planet compared to us, and you gotta admit, we’re death and destruction incarnate to most things that live on this planet and always have been.
The main counter argument I’d make is that so much of humanity is destroying the environment. You’re right though, humans are not inherently atrocious creatures. Commies are for the people
Broke: actual misanthropy
Woke: climate justice and animal liberation
human suprematist
Someone get ALF
Every day she thinks of Cyrus the Great? Fucking bullshit.