My favorite Steven Seagal story, from his Wikipedia page:
Seagal has been accused by former stunt performers who have worked with him, including Kane Hodder, Stephen Quadros, and Gene LeBell, of intentionally hitting stuntmen during scenes. Additionally, while serving as stunt coordinator for Out for Justice, LeBell allegedly got into an on-set altercation with Seagal over his mistreatment of some of the film’s stunt performers. After the actor claimed that, due to his aikido training, he was “immune” to being choked unconscious, LeBell offered Seagal the opportunity to prove it. LeBell is said to have placed his arms around Seagal’s neck, and once Seagal said “go”, proceeded to choke him unconscious, with Seagal losing control of his bowels. Seagal bodyguard and stuntman Steven Lambert stated he was present and said that a confrontation did happen, during which Seagal elbowed LeBell before he could lock the hold on Seagal, after which LeBell flipped Seagal.
A movie producer I worked with in my time in the industry had done a movie with Segal in which Segal was to shoot a gun. Segal said he would only use a very specifically modified AR15. The production purchased the AR with all of the upgrades Segal requested. Segal fired it one time, said it was too loud and had too much kickback and he wanted to use a prop instead.
He said an AR-15 had too much recoil? Is he made of tissue paper, or did they mod it to fire artillery shells? Christ, one of the demos they did for us at our first live fire in basic training was having one of our fellow soldiers hold an M-16 stock UP TO HIS NUTS and fire it downrange to show just how little recoil they had. I’m not kidding, I personally witnessed this. I have also put at least 20,000 rounds through M-16’s and AR-15’s in my life. They don’t kick. Seagal is a pussy.
I was trained with the H&K G3 with a slide stock. It’s 7.62 and when I tried a 5.56 for the first time (a Swedish AK-5)I literally had to check to see if it did indeed shoot. There was no recoil from the 5.56. Never tried a M-16 apart from checking out the M-4 that the Rangers my squad was seconded to had (I was Norwegian Combat Engineer), no way that can kick to much.
M-4 / M-16 same difference. Unless it’s chambered in something other than 5.56 they all shoot the same. And yeah, it’s nothing like 7.62. As you are aware… you KNOW it when you’re firing 7.62!
x39 is slightly more kick than 556, unless you’re talking x51, then sure.
It’s why they’re in common use and one of the best things for home defense. Basically anyone can handle one
Edit: ITT… people who think a shotgun with birdshot isn’t going through walls and is easier to use than a AR. In close distances, birdshot is a slug and will %100 go through walls.
Stop being stupid… unless you’re shooting 22lr, it’s going through multiple walls.
I wouldn’t use an AR for home defense because I’m not interested in shooting through 4 walls and killing my neighbors kid by accident.
I believe bird shot is enough of a deterrent for home defense and requires significantly less precision in a tense situation.
I wouldn’t use an AR for home defense because I’m not interested in shooting through 4 walls and killing my neighbors kid by accident.
Have you ever shot a gun before? Drywall isn’t stopping shit. Handgun rounds go through walls easily.
I believe bird shot is enough of a deterrent for home defense and requires significantly less precision in a tense situation.
You shot to kill not wound, and a shotgun isn’t easier to use than an AR, on top of that birdshot is not fanning out at 10’ in your home… it’s basically a slug at that distance and will %100 go through drywall.
You’ve been reading some really FUDD shit if you believe anything you typed up.
Edit: lol at people upvoting that complete nonsense comment to this one. Please for the love of Cthulhu people don’t buy a shotgun and leave it in your home for home defense and do not load it with fucking birdshot…get a handgun if you’re afraid of an AR.
So you understand how birdshot is different than a FMJ? A pellet isn’t going through 3 walls, a FMJ is. There is massively more penetration and lethality after penetration. Have you ever shot a gun?
And yes a shotgun is much easier to use, are you crazy? You need much much much less accuracy. You literally can just aim down a hallway and get great coverage.
Holy fuck just stop … Birdshot as I have explained does not fan out. Stop watching cowboy movies. I own multiple shotguns in multiple different gauges and have my own range. I’ve been shooting probably longer than you have been alive. You clearly have never shot a shotgun and telling me you get great coverage down a hallway is complete nonsense, birdshot will not fan out down a hallway. The recoil and weight of a shotgun removes it as a good defense weapon for basically everyone but people who are physically strong. It’s a terrible home defense gun.
Did you all learn everything about firearms from Hollywood?
it’s basically a slug at that distance and will %100 go through drywall.
Hey it’s gotta go through some fiberglass, glued-together wood chips, and plastic siding too. They just need a few layers of wet tissue paper on there as well and they’ll be golden.
Don’t forget the wallpaper, it’ll totally stop the fanned out pellets, they’re like BBs, they’re just gonna sting when they hit the inturder…lol
A long gun is not good for home defense. A pistol is much better in CQC. Also a shotgun does require much less aiming in a high stress situation. You’re just being silly.
Also birdshot is not a slug. Those are literally two different things. That’s two different kinds of ammo, what are you talking about. A slug has way more mass, which is a hug factor in penetration. Wtf is this nonsense.
Source: bored out of my mind in the UMSC stained at 29 Palms and did Mohave Viper combat training stuff a ton. Try to clear a tight building with an AR and you realize how easy it is to just grab a barrel as you try to clear a room.
They didn’t teach you not to flag your barrel at the corners? Or you were using an M16 instead of an M4?
And at 10 meters you’re going to get about a 5 inch spread on that birdshot. At 3 meters (a standard 10x10 foot room) you’re looking at about 1.5 inch spread. At 1.5 inches it’s absolutely going to say hello to the next room over. Granted, an honest to god slug is going to go through the next 5 rooms at least.
Pistols are nice but actually require more training because people hold them wrong, sight them wrong, and reset them wrong, whereas a rifle or shotgun is a lot more intuitive as long as your target is reasonably close.
The conclusion is obvious. The best home defense weapon is a claymore mine rigged to your front and back doors with a poorly executed wire that taps a battery. Hopefully it only does it when the door opens. No worries about neighbors or missing the bad guy.
Source - Combat Infantry Badge, circa 2003 and way too much time being told I couldn’t do things I thought were perfectly reasonable.
Yes, you are taught how to clear corners. The problem is, in a home with tight hallways that’s hard to prevent while staying keeping an alert stance, without having another person to cover you. But hell, if you got a husband and wife team sweeping that would be bad ass.
And you’re correct, birdshot will most likely go into the next room. But it won’t go through multiple rooms and possibly into a close neighbor.
Agreed that’s pistols take much more skill, but I stand by them as the best home defense weapon if you’re able to train. A revolver specifically.
Anddddd you sold me on the claymore.
No that shit is going through multiple walls. Handguns will go probably through more.
If you want something not going through the walls, scream and yell…
Even better video, walls are doubled up and has distance. You’re shit is going through all kinds of walls.
Well obviously an ied hidden in a wall and hooked up to a unmarked lightswitch is the ideal means of home defense, but you need a gun in case there’s a second wave of home invaders.
See now, that’s just too much handy knowledge for me. I have just enough handyman knowledge to order a sign online that says, “Smile For The Flash!”
I have nothing to add besides the fact that I have been cut off by a USMC van in Morongo valley, they took me putting petal to the metal to get past them as a challenge. They money clutched.
Anyways 29 Palms is quite nice this time of year, I have to drive out to Joshua tree and the surrounding area for deliveries.
I couldn’t tell you why, but for some reason when anyone says 29 Palms is nice it makes me upset. Maybe I was just trapped there for too long haha.
Oh no the area kinda sucks, im moreso referring to the weather and general climate. Id rather be stuck in fucking Baker than 29 palms, at least there I dont have to deal with the weird desert yuppies.
A long gun is not good for home defense. A pistol is much better in CQC. Also a shotgun does require much less aiming in a high stress situation. You’re just being silly.
A 16" barrel AR is going to be much easier for someone with very little experience in CQC using than a damn shotgun or a handgun. They’re not fucking marines…
Also birdshot is not a slug.
Never said it was. Literally said it’s basically a slug at 10’ in a home. Shit is not fanning out to a huge wall of pellets like the comment basically says.
Those are literally two different things. That’s two different kinds of ammo, what are you talking about. A slug has way more mass, which is a hug factor in penetration. Wtf is this nonsense.
Please re-read what I said…no where did I state it was a slug.
Source: bored out of my mind in the UMSC stained at 29 Palms and did Mohave Viper combat training stuff a ton. Try to clear a tight building with an AR and you realize how easy it is to just grab a barrel as you try to clear a room.
Cool, no one is fucking clearing their damn homes like they’re in Iraq…
Yes, they’re not Marines, meaning it’s even easier for someone to just grab the gun around the corner and make it useless. If you get into a scuffle a hand gun is going to still be able to be used.
Never said it was. Literally said it’s basically a slug at 10’ in a home.
I mean sure, if you don’t care about what’s outside or neighbors. There’s a big difference on penetration there.
Cool, no one is fucking clearing their damn homes like they’re in Iraq…
Exactly my point. Clearing a house effectively with a long gun is much harder than a hand gun. You have to be aware of blind corners and peaks where the barrel can be grabbed before you even see the person. That was my point. A handgun remains effective in a melee.
Except for kindergartners
Now wondering if there are six-year-olds in Africa using M16/AR-15 style rifles as part of some warlord’s army. I guess they don’t get to go to kindergarten, though.
AK47, no US arms are there being used, it’s a popular rifle here, but anywhere else in the world its AKs and SKSs and Mosins. The amount of those variants built in the world is probably 5Xs the AR variants out there. The mosins alone are like 100+ million built.
Do you know what happened to the gun afterwards?
The producer has it.
He ate it, from what it looks like.
I’m just using your story as an excuse to promote Bobby Fingers. Check out a diorama on the confrontation.
You can not go wrong with Bobby Fingers.
I’m glad you did. What craftsmanship!
Lol imagine thinking that aikido training means your brain doesn’t need oxygen.
Well, I would have guessed that less brain needs less oxygen, but I’m clearly wrong.
It’s truly a gem of a story. I can only hope Seagal thinks of it frequently, and has yet to accept himself and heal.
On the other hand, when Seagal was asked about the incident, he directly denied the allegations, calling LeBell a “sick, pathological scumbag liar”, and offered the name of a witness who could prove LeBell had fabricated the entire story. The claim garnered a heated response from LeBell’s trainee Ronda Rousey, who said that Seagal was the one lying, and declared “If [Seagal] says anything bad about Gene to my face, I’d make him crap his pants a second time.”
I love this. If it were a lie, I’m certain he’d sue them for defamation. Honestly, they probably should have sued him for calling them liars. Make him go to court over it and get it all documented. That would be the funniest thing to happen.
Rereading this makes me want to hug someone. It’s like a blanket straight from the dryer. Thank you
Based on the picture it looks like he vowed to never take another shit for the rest of his life.
The champion of No Shit September.
Lost a scuffle to avoid getting choked, gets choked anyway. Shit self in the process. Classic Seagal.
Haha oh wow… He not only failed to stay concious, but also shit himself in front of everyone. I love that for him.
Honestly, they both come across as Dumb & Dumber. LeBell surely didn’t have to actually prove such claim, but he still wanted to put Seagal to sleep, which could have ended in Seagal’s death. It’s literally a Jackass situation.
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Good to know that I, too, have the body of an action movie star.
“Star,” like that chair, is doing a lot of heavy lifting here
Just remember folks, someone being fat is not a reason to hate them. Theres literally nothing else about him thats a redeeming quality, his being a lardass is the least deplorable thing about him. The fact that he must just shovel empty calories into his maw all day atleast limits the stupid shit coming out of it.
It’s not that it’s deplorable, it’s that it’s comical given the context of him making a career being a self-deluded unconvincing badass.
I think it’s fitting
I don’t think anything is fitting.
For him it’s not the fact that he’s fat, but the absolute tragedy of a personality that excuses themselves shoveling food into his gullet. Cause you just know that in his own head he thinks he could still kick anyone’s ass.
Most people aren’t fat for that reason and being fat isn’t a reason to make fun. But Steven Segal’s pathology makes him being fat a little funny.
As a fatty, I can agree with this sentence.
Yeah and like I know fat people who could kick the average ass, they tend towards being more in the longshoteman body type. But segall isn’t one of them. They know they’re no action hero.
Him being fat is the only relatable thing about him.
Being addict isn’t inherently bad but we ought not celebrate or normalize their overt addiction.
Willfully ignoring that its addiction and being ok consuming more resources than you need has historically been considered one of the more cruel and selfish things you can do.
Historically, food wasn’t as abundant as it is today. Gluttony as a sin, at least with food, isn’t the same today as it was 200 years ago. That’s a ridiculous argument to make. If you really want to speak ‘historically’, it was advantageous for our hunter gatherer ancestors to exploit any opportunity for extra food because they never knew when the next meal would be. We’re still hardwired for that, except food isn’t rare anymore it’s abundant for most people on the planet.
Besides, food addiction isn’t the same as other additions, an alcoholic can obtain from drinking alcohol, an opioid addict can too, no one can stop eating food. Unlike other additions, someone who’s obese because of their eating habits can’t quit food. The thing their addicted to is in front of their face every day.
Yeah, the sin of gluttony is more like getting up for seconds before everyone has had firsts then taking all the leftovers. It’s feasting on your seed grain. It’s the sort of shit that sparked the first French revolution
You just described addiction, neat.
People these days just don’t appreciate a strong and healthy frame when they see one.
You may not like it, but this is what peak male performance looks like.
People these days just don’t appreciate a strong and healthy frame when they see one.
You may not like it, but this is what peak chair performance looks like.
Lmao that chair is hanging on for dear life 😂
But is doing so at the very peak of its abilities!
This is my sign that I should get on my rowing machine
Update: I did 20 minutes of moderate exercise today!
You know this isn’t a mirror, right?
Then why do I see myself in it?
Hey do you actually have a rowing machine? I’ve been looking at them for over a month and I just have no idea what to get. Curious what you have and if you like it.
I have one and I love it. I went with a concept2 and it’s great.
I can second the Concept 2. I’ve had mine a few years and it’s still a solid workout.
I used to love using a rowing machine.
After having lost a significant amount of weight, I no longer have the necessary padding in my ass and sitting on one, especially leaning back is excruciating due to a common problem among obese people. My tail bone is permanently fucked.
Never get fat friends. Some things your body recovers from as you lose weight, some things you carry forever.
They make ass pads for rowers. My gym did a community 10k row once, so I bought one while I was training for that.
I want one so bad the problem is the space. I wish they weren’t so cumbersome
Dont cheap out too much, really cheap ones have terrible mechanisms which will make you not want to use it. They are big, heavy and kick your arse exercise wise so they tend to get sold second hand quite often. Much better off buying a used higher end machine than a brand new cheap one.
Concept 2s are very popular in gyms.
I got this one from Mr. Bezos, though it appears discontinued.
I really like the workout I get from it, since it does my arms, shoulders, abs, back, and legs all at once. The only issue I’ve had is that I have to wear shoes because the foot things hurt my bare feet, but that’s minor. It was really easy to set up and you get a free plastic water pump with it.
Also, I’m tall and my partner is short but it works for both of us without adjustment which is better than their exercise bike. I also like that it can stand up for storage, which reduces its footprint by like 90%.
I’m surprised the NKs haven’t cannibalized him out of desperation yet
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At least that last statement is believable.
So the 10.000 NK troops Kim sent are really just rations to get Segal through the Russian winter then?
Gravy Seal.
He looks like that old fat fuck that washes up at a camping trip who everyone knows and no one wanted them there.
I’d say that chair is Under Seige.
Under Seige? It’s practically Marked for Death.
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Lemmying in the bathroom as one does, and you caused me to drop another Seagal by trying to hold my laugh in. I salute you.
Please enjoy.
Exactly what I thought it would be. A real work of art.
That was wonderful, thank you very much
If you like that check out Space Ice
Oh, oh I got one… Seagal VS LeBell, clay diorama
Jesus Christ, ain’t that Mr. Chrome from the Rubberbandits?
The Ruskies are getting him ready for Xmas.
to be morbidly obese at 72 doesnt typically end well.
none of us will end well. 72 is a great run. so many who don’t even get that far. nobody gets out of this thing alive.
Imagine we had John Candy until 72 and Steven Seagal only lasted until 43.
I wonder how old this Pic is? Very possible Steven isn’t doing well financially, but hard to imagine he couldn’t afford ozempic.
He is so egotistical he probably thinks he is still at peak performance.
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That looks like a badly AI generated image of Steven Seagal that Steven Seagal would use as his profile picture on social media as a bit.
If he isn’t so full of himself.
As you can see he is certainly full of something
Not acting skill, that’s for sure.
deleted by creator
Oh wow! Welcome back! I’ve been wondering where you went!
Contrary to popular belief, I do have to do work for a living and can’t spend all day on social media.
I gave it a try
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He’s a piece of shit in the inside, too.
Oh how the turntables