Pay no attention to the fascist behind the curtain.
The fascist in front of the curtain is loud enough already.
Let’s not forget how we got here though cause if we do forget & survive this round, won’t be long before it comes back. I’m specifically referring to the pro-genocide candidate that we were all lied to about their cognition until we all saw the emperor had no clothes. Then they anointed the Cheney supporter that couldn’t think of anything she’d do differently.
That’s not really the root cause. Capitalism is closer to the root.
Money gets people elected.
Many of the ultra wealthy are bought in on the idea of cyclical history where things go golden age, decadent age, disaster, GOTO 1
So they fund the side that is most likely to wreck things, happy in the delusion that that must cause a golden age
Then business prefers weak government and little regulation
Then business wants more workers so they support whatever might get more babies born
So less capitalism, more unchecked capitalism and high inequality, and propaganda directed at those in power and the fact that to win in a 2 party democracy you just need to appeal to the bulk of people
Lol. Capitalism isn’t going away anytime soon. Democrats absolutely could have won if they actually stood for anything other than themselves.
Sure, but a big part of why they don’t do better is they want to continue the capitalist hellscape where a few people benefit from “owning” most everything.
Because that is the system people are subscribed to. You want big change & to take on capitalism you need a V for Vendetta. The system is built on capitalism. The best chance we’d prob have right now to take on capitalism is someone with a popular agenda that is good at acting, but once elected as President they basically say… Ha, now I’m immune & will use my platform to try to get rid of capitalism. They’d probably get assassinated real quick though. Or a complete collapse of the system.
Maybe. We can still try to work on multiple things at the same time.
Demand more from the Democrats.
Fight the right wing.
Push for better systems.
No one’s going to wave a magic wand and fix everything. though it would be funny to me if more billionaires were murdered , that’s not really likely or safe.
It’s called building dual power, and many of us are actually doing things every day to further that goal.
The best chance we’d prob have right now to take on capitalism is someone with a popular agenda that is good at acting, but once elected as President they basically say… Ha, now I’m immune & will use my platform to try to get rid of capitalism […] Or [cause] a complete collapse of the system.
Is this sarcastic? Because that’s literally what we’re witnessing. We may have a chance at building a better world with better systems very soon.
Not if the same establishment Democrats get reelected then claim their hands are tied whenever Republicans try their usual antics.
not with that attitude
Capitalists should hold no political power, do you agree?
fair, but Harris would have won without election rigging. Voter suppression and forced provisional ballots that were never counted.
Thanks for supporting trump because you’re a great morally pure saint
I’m a lot more moral than genocide supporters
You’re a genocide supporter who lies
Prove it. I bet you voted for a candidate that said they support Israel unconditionally.
I didn’t vote for trump, unlike you, you fraud.
Neither did I. Keep acting that way though please… You’ll help get more third party voters next election.
Did you vote against Trump, or were you too “moral”?
I absolutely voted against Trump for Jill Stein.
So you wasted your vote
I’m very proud of my vote. I voted alongside the Palestinians that Kamala Cheney hates.
pro-genocide candidate
You realize Trump supports Russia (genocide of Ukrainians and minority ethnicities) and gave Israel the green light to continue on. Right?
Trump wants to start a war with Canada and Greenland. Right?
Seems like you fully support genocide. Despite having the audacity to claim otherwise.
Removed by mod
The people of Palestine will be the only people suffering and dying for your support of the turbo genocide candidate.
I don’t support Trump & didn’t vote for him. Why in your mind does criticizing something about Democrats equate to being a Trump supporter? Maybe you should have been more critical of Democrats prior to the election & we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Why in your mind does criticizing something about Democrats equate to being a Trump supporter?
idk calling the Democratic candidate “Pro-Genocide” (They are not, no matter how much you claim they are), while letting the literal pro-genocide candidate off scott free.
Lol, you had the Biden “proud Zionist” admin literally vetoing UN resolutions demanding a ceasefire. Instead every answer was “we’ll always stand by Israel & give them money to continue.” Clearly if you believe that isn’t pro genocide then you’re living in a different pretend reality.
The Biden admin has been working with Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestinian Authority, Qatar, HAMAS, and Israel to actually establish a real ceasefire agreement.
Biden’s administration has been seeking a resolution that will end the blood shed. Trump’s administration is suggesting and supporting the outright REMOVAL of Palestinians. It’s not hard to see that.
The same Biden administration that helped kill 70k civilians. He got walked around the park by Netanyahu. Democrats & Republicans are both Israel first. The sooner you face reality the sooner Democrats will actually have to do something to earn votes. Look at where we’re at now. Did you make excuses for them to get us here?
You’ll never win this argument on Lemmy. The population here “know” that “genocide Joe” was the key enabler of Israel’s aggression and they can’t see nuance
As I see it Biden couldn’t disarm Israel as Israel disarmed would be obliterated, and that’s political suicide in America
Of course a Democrat government was lending whatever diplomatic weight they could to establishing lasting peace in the middle east - that would be a popular win if they succeeded
I lost a tiktok watching friend over this
Look, I much prefer any Democratic administration over a Republican one but it’s ABSOLUTELY correct to say the Democratic Party supports a genocide. They clearly didn’t respect international law nor did they comply with arrest warrants for Netanyahu. They also continued to fund Israel after human rights violation after human rights violation. What is that other than sheer, explicit support of a genocide?
They clearly didn’t respect international law nor did they comply with arrest warrants for Netanyahu.
The US is not a member of the ICC.
Streisand effect: I had never heard of the “network state” until now. Uh, thanks for being such an asshole, Zuck!
I just found out like a week ago. Look up techno feudalism. Apparently these guys have been talking about it for a long time.
Curtis Yarvin is the guy peddling this shit and influencing these idiots
There’s a whole video that blew up a couple weeks ago about this. Highly recommend you watch it.
Yep, and this came out before a lot of shit talked about fucking happened.
This is exactly the video I was going to share. It’s really scary realizing how much closer they are to pulling it off since the video was made
This video is a must watch. She exposing some crazy shit in this video.
You’re going to have to spread it IRL, because the media will not allow this to gain traction.
Next Reddit will start banning you for upvoting anything about it.
Please share this document far and wide. People need to understand what’s going on, to stop it.
It’s fascist city states that market themselves as tax free libertarian, likely hedonistic. Tech has little (maybe ultra deregulated healthcare) to do with anything other than billionaires who came from tech get to decide who is allowed in. This is a model in Israel and Arab kingdoms with less hedonism, but high slavery levels.
The US is definitely on path to collapse. Current administration is accelerating it. Gifting federal lands to become tax havens is setting it to 11.
Many of these tech bros also talk about an actual solution: Freedom dividends. High tax libertarianism with freedom for all. Power redistribution. Don’t compete for jobs we can’t do as well as China or robots. Or spend on/promote war. Freedom dividends ends crimes and makes fair labour markets. Fascism and slavery as the “libertarian utopian phoenix from ashes of US” is going to be straight mad max fascism and slavery instead of utopia.
Just double checked, and it’s archive both on org and is. That’s good.
Tech fascists see America’s democracy and financial system as collapsing.
That’s because you’re the one breaking it down
Fuck them and u/Spez. They can ban me for all i care
This man has a bunker and everything. He’s scared shitless and he is ready to hide. Their assets need to be seized and accounts drained
That’s not a joke, ALL these dudes have extensive doomsday prep. Secure facilities, staffed and stocked. There’s a ton of reporting on it. They’re gonna fare a LOT better than we are if shit gets really outta hand. Unless we do something about them before it gets to that point, anyway.
Edit: added a detail
They are going to get killed by their own militias
If you had billions, wouldn’t you have a prepper facility? Even if there were no global warming or political upheaval, it’s common sense when you have money like that.
“Hey, want to build a doomsday shelter for .0001% of your net worth?”
“Meh, why not.”
They don’t necessarily have to see bad times coming is my point.
No? If I ACTUALLY wanted to ride out through some sort of apocalypse, a bunker ain’t gonna cut it. I would bankroll and actively participate in a fully self-sustaining off-the-grid community. Rich people always forget the second part, probably because they are psychopaths. Remember that article where they were asking about putting shock collars on their bunker security guys? If they literally just got beers with them once a week, they’d probably shoot all the migrants you ask them to. It’s an irony that they consider their time ‘too valuable’ for that, as it turns out that the one thing you can’t buy is a sense of community.
Of course, I would endeavor to not own several billion dollars of stolen property in the first place, but different strokes.
It was explosive collars, like from battle royale
I would too, but I would also be worried about the idea of being sealed in. Concrete is cheap. So is welding and thermite.
You are correct, but also when you look at the aggregate of their behavior and goals (both stated and implied) you have to reach the conclusion that they WANT to use the bunker. Or want a scenario in which it becomes useful.
The scary part is that you might be wrong, they may not even realize they’re causing it and are just stuck in a loop of “number go up”
Yeah, I feel like most of them are stuck in ‘number go up’, but I also think that the desire to make your investment ‘worth it’ gets stronger the more money you pour into a bunker system.
Both can be true
Looking at stock markets, very few numbers are going up
Imagine just letting him be in his bunker, but you park a cement truck on top of the door.
Can we put them in there now?
You think we could pull a “Blast from the Past” and think Zuck into thinking the world is ending so he rushes to his bunker?
Other people saw that?
Why wait? Cement the bunkers before they can hide in them!
His bunker on a Hawaiian Island. Dude really wants to be far away from everything when shit pops off.
What I’m hearing is that after we overthrow the government and Destroy capitalism we have to dig him out of a bunker in Hawaii and put him on trial
dig him out of a bunker in Hawaii and put him on trial
Just weld the door closed. Problem solved.
Don’t forget the air vents
That’s where you pile the poop
Certainly would be less hassle than a trial.
Or, hold a trial, and if convicted, we seal him in his bunker and bury it and cut it off from all outside contact. And depending on the severity of his conviction, plugging up every “air hole” could go along as capital punishment. Give him a very twilight zone ending, he wanted to hide in his bunker, and now he’ll spend the rest of his life in it, however long that may be.
Don’t plug them up - fart in them.
I’ve never been to Hawaii, but I’ll show up for that 😎
The Native Hawaiians will take care of him
It would be most justice most poetic for the coup against Queen Lili’uokalani carried out by American business interests.
Yeah because when I think about kicking off world wars, the last locale on my mind is Hawaii
Bunker on a tropical island you say? Don’t worry, I know of some people that have some notes on that. Any secrets he has about that thing are practically out by now.
This is either a shit post or I’m looking at something glowing radioactive hot and I can’t tell which.
The native Hawaiians should reclaim their land he stole so he doesn’t have a bunker anymore
Crypto exchanges need to be taxed.
Of course they are. They’ll ban discussion of democracy next, and then voting.
We edge closer to Weyland-Yutani hegemony every day, only the IRL technocrats will be stupider and greedier
I associate it with “The Space Merchants” and their corporate congress.
It’s a really good book written in 1952 and talks about climate change, rampant corporate greed, synthetic meat… Really good read.
Humanity: invents capitalism government
Engineers: Hold my dark fluid, I’ve got a mistake to fix
They’ll ban discussion of democracy next, and then voting.
Damn right they should!
Managed Democracy is the true path, all who resist it shall suffer our wrath~.
(I hate the possibility that this could be a real thing in the future)
Zuckerberg:( hello fellow organic lifeform, you must not converse in my take over of your limited lifespan
We are already living in a country being run by Elon Musk.
Peter thiel* is a bigger puppet master, he just doesn’t want to be the face. He wants the world to collapse so he can rebuild it into his techno feudalism dream. This is all to plan
Now I know what Alex Jones would say if he were on the left
Tesla tubby is illegitimate parasite leeching on American government and taxpayer…
Federal government needs to consume some ivermectin
Reddit is shadow banning people like crazy as well. This is scary
what’s the difference between government censorship, and corporate censorship by organs closely tied to the government, and corporate censorship by organs closely tied to the government where certain phrases are randomly declared punishable by death?
Yeah, I was shadowbanned twice in a week because Reddit filters are garbage.
What does shadow banning typically look like? I would assume you don’t get a notification? How do you find out?
Logout and browse your user profile page via old.Reddit it’ll say banned or suspended.
Ah. That’s even easier. Good to know how to quickly check.
How do you find out?
I assume looking at reddit through an incognito window and seeing none of your posts appearing
Hmm. Will try it some time. Sometimes it feels like being shadow-banned… but TBH it’s more likely just not so active communities / mediocre contribution on my part.
you do a thing, but there are no interactions. maybe in only certain contexts. so to you it appears as if you’re engaging, but your posts and sometimes reactions/votes don’t show up except to you.
haha. seeing as I don’t usually get much interaction I would never notice.
switched to lemmy as main platform on my phone a few days ago anyway. when boost for reddit finally was blocked completely. will try to be more active here and hope many other people do the same… there is a good chance with all that’s going on.
yeah I probably wouldn’t notice if everyone else in town was replaced by robots tomorrow until I went and tried to feed randos and found they didn’t eat anymore.
Delete your facebook products.
If you know someone who works at facebook, try to convince them to leave.
If you see someone who’s in a leadership position at Facebook bleeding out, perhaps after a car accident because their brakes were sabotaged, let them die.
i wish. if i delete whatsapp ill be completely isolated, even from some businesses. sadly they cornered the entire market in my country including sms.
it would unironically take a big outage for everyone to move though. heres hoping an industrious hacker is willing to paint that kind of target on their own back.
i’ve been trying to get people to switch platforms for years. it’s not easy. if only people cared more about things than they want convenience…
Shut down and delete your data on your US tech accounts. Their business’s are worthless without our accounts.
It’s a process, start today! With the easy ones and work towards the hard ones.
Speedrunning to cp2077, starting with the corpo wars
I am a Taco Bell man myself. Gotta side with winners, ya know?
They will have a gun that induces violent diarrhea. I guarantee it.
I love a good
Really I’d wager it’s more Snow Crash myself, it’s a book that most of these Silicon Valley guys would have grown up with.
Cyberpunk 2077 was just a continuation of Cyberpunk 2020, which came out before Snow Crash.
In reality, I think the tech bros pull from all sorts of media and don’t restrict themselves to just one bible.
That’s a good point. Snow Crash does lean heavily into the metaverse in a way that is very aligned with Zuckerberg’s concept of it. I remember early interviews with some silicon valley guys and when Stephenson was the darling out there l, like with the early Xbox guys or Google Earth.
Maybe Cyberpunk was popular too but just didn’t break through to more mainstream news.
I am but a sample size of one, but I’ve got a copy of CP2020 and not Snow Crash, haha.
And here I have a copy of snow crash but not the 2020 books
Corporations can’t even run corporations well. That’s one of the lessons we should’ve took from 2008.
Everyone needs to GTFO facebook. We can hardly do it because every other HOA and School PTA is there, but we get stop using messenger and stop having personal discussions over there.
deleted by creator
Oh they can’t force you. You can always rely on the pta just to send you papers home and backpacks and you don’t really need to talk to your neighbors or have them report problems in a public forum
There’s enough value for these places that I still go back to Facebook for it, they’re not forcing me. They just make it worth it.
Yeah that’s them network effects
Contact those places and ask for an alternative -the less people participate the quieter the discussions the more likely they are to at least try to switch over if they start feeling some pressure.
I agree that it needs to happen but contacting these places and asking them for an alternative is a lot like contacting a deep sea tube worm and asking it to learn brain surgery.
They’re probably capable of moving from one social platform to another, But it’s a lot of work and they’re destroying their network every time so they’re highly resistant.
If Apple wasn’t such a pain in the ass about notification services We could probably crowdsource NTFY and let everyone use it for schools non-profits and such
The best we could expect us for them to move to Blue sky. Health in my case half of them just recently moved off Twitter.
Yeah, I dumped facebook right after the election but unfortunately most of my friends and family are only on WhatsApp.
WhatsApp is a serious problem. There are quite a number of countries that are running a lot of their business through it.
I was fortunate that my partner never used Facebook, so I got to hold “communication with their sibling/child” over their heads and get the family chat onto signal. That was my last thing I had to do before I could delete my account
The most fun was sending a message to each of the Facebook friends: hi (name) I’m deleting my Facebook account, if you want to contact me online I can be reached on signal at (signal ID)
My wife and I were on Facebook Messenger a lot. Then she started pointing out every time we would talk about any topic she would get ads for it. I talked her into using signal.
We added the teenager into it, now the only serious problem I have is the little one could stand to be on the family chat in signal but he doesn’t have a phone number.
I tried making an account for him with my Google voice number, for some reason it refused on his Wi-Fi only tablet. So I made him an account using my real phone number, then remade my account using my Google voice number on my phone which worked, But now his signal account flips back and forth between his name and my name and it’s just very confused. It’s good enough but I wish there was some way you could do signal without having to do a phone number. Especially a sub account for kids you know…
I thought I heard recently about signal allowing a different ID system, but I think that’s about not having to share your phone number, as against them IDing you with a phone number which I expect they will keep doing
signal allowing a different ID system
It used to surface your number to all your contacts, now they only see your handle.
Still have to use a phone number to sign up.
It’s terrifying
Very important video indeed
Yup, this is a very important video. She’s hardly the first to address it too.
I had never heard about the “Network State” concept before, but now I hate it, because Zuckerberg sure as hell loves it
the only reason to ban it is if it’s their plan
Someone else already posted it, but I’ll post it too:
To be fair, American democracy was replaced with corporate Government a long long time ago.
Ya, but now you can’t talk about it.
America was never a democracy in the first place
For a little bit there it had a shot, though