conflating zionism and judaism is antisemitic
they really out here like “yes actually our religion and genocide are inseparable” like we’ve been smacking the hands of reddit atheists for a decade for trying to make this equivocation and now they are doing it for themselves
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im a nonbeliever as well and this is really not the way i’d seen this playing out but damn, here we are and it sucks
“the two parties are becoming too polarized”
the two parties:
“I John Brown am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away, but with Blood. I had… vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed, it might be done.”
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it is now officially the stance of the us government that judaism is a genocidal religion
fucking wild
fuckin PRESENT?! that’s fucked from rep tlaib
i mean why even dignify it with a vote
If you’re gonna be there anyway, and you’re already pretty much 100% committed to trying to solve things through the imperial government, why not?
she got got by leadership and this was as much protest as she could muster i imagine
she didnt vote yes so ill give her that
The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.
Wow, my rep is actually on the right side of something for once. I absolutely don’t want to know his reasoning for voting no because I’m sure it’s unhinged.
Thomas Massie has been consistently against any of the symbolic declarations of support for Israel for a while, to the point where AIPAC tried to run a smear campaign against him with his face in a black and white poster with the Words “Jew Hater” written underneath. I think he responded by declaring it election interference, but nothing came of it (obviously) but the guy somehow managed to stay seated.
Edit: Misspelled the freaks name
Edit: I was wrong fucking stupid reasoning.
Critical support either way. Somebody has the balls to stand up to aipac at least.
you do not, under any circumstances, gotta hand it to a libertarian US senator. he supports Israel’s “right to exist,” he just doesn’t think it’s antisemitic to disagree. average libertarian contrarian tantrum where he affirms all the premises of the institutions but rejects one of the conclusions based on a piddling technicality, thereby ensuring that everyone yells at him and he preserves his outsider veneer without actually having to affect anything or stand for something.
basically the right wing version of Bernie.
ngl that’s marginally better than what i thought it’d be (him just being so openly antisemitic that he cant bring himself to suppoer israel even if they are genociding other people he hates)
I think MTG is the current record holder for antisemitism in a national representative, and she supports Israel. /pol/ twerps might be able to win the election for comptroller in Dogfuck, Idaho, but they do nothing for anyone at the federal level.
Fucking freeze peach dumbassery. I withdraw my prior statement.
Wow it turns out the rabbis against zionism were actually antisemites all along!
•Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is a radical anti-Israel and anti-Zionist activist group that advocates for the boycott of Israel and eradication of Zionism.
•JVP does not represent the mainstream Jewish community, which it views as bigoted for its association with Israel. JVP’s staunch anti-Zionist positions place it squarely in opposition to mainstream American Jews and Jews worldwide, most of whom view a connection with Israel as an integral part of their social, cultural or religious Jewish identities. JVP promulgates the view that Jews who identify even tangentially with Israel are motivated by white supremacy, Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.
how good is gatekeeping a cultural identity in order to preserve a genocidal settler colony?
JVP promulgates the view that Jews who identify even tangentially with Israel are motivated by white supremacy, Jewish racial chauvinism and religious supremacism.
Genocidal settler bastards. Death to Amerika, death to Israel, death to the Five-Eyed Empire; a thousand times, til there’s no more air in my lungs to speak it and beyond
Forced internment camps for every cracker motherfucker in this godforsaken shithole, nothing less will suffice
Not nearly harsh enough.
You people are absolutely deranged.
if you don’t want me to call you a cracker, then quit cracking that whip. And wipe that salt off of your crunchy brow.
You people are absolutely deranged.
israel genocides palestinians w/ universal US congressional approval: i sleep
some people said cracker online: real shit?!?!?!?!
Lol I don’t care about the cracker part, it’s more about the forced intern camps part.
as you can see we actually hold political power and this is going to happen tomorrow btw
(we don’t)
many of the people on here are themselves melanin-deficients just talking shit. i wouldn’t take it too seriously. and furthermore cracker is a state of mind. you look at the whole concept of whiteness and it’s obviously socially constructed nonsense. Today Jewish Europeans and Italians are considered white. 120 years ago they weren’t. That’s because the whole concept of a pan-European white identity centered around paleness as a trait is nonsense. It keeps shrinking and expanding as needed to serve imperialism, colonialism, capitalism, and racism.
I guess that kind of makes sense, at least for how it’s used in here.
Ow owie my feelings
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Here is the text of the bill so you can read it for yourself.
H. Res. 888 - In the House of Representatives, U. S.,
November 28, 2023.
Whereas the Jewish people are native to the Land of Israel;
Whereas throughout history and across the reign of multiple kingdoms, the Jewish people were persecuted and expelled from the Land of Israel, forced to live as minority diaspora communities in other lands;
Whereas Jewish diaspora communities were historically violently persecuted in, and in some cases expelled from, other countries throughout the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia due to their religion;
Whereas the Nazis attempted to annihilate the entire Jewish population of Europe during the Holocaust, murdering 6,000,000 Jews during this time;
Whereas this genocide provided new urgency to re-establish a Jewish homeland for the Jewish people following the Holocaust, where they would not be a vulnerable minority, where they could freely practice their faith, and where something like the Holocaust could never happen again;
Whereas the modern State of Israel was established on May 14, 1948;
Whereas even after the establishment of the State of Israel, other countries and terrorist entities continued to attack Israel, reject its right to exist, and call for its destruction; and
Whereas Israel is the only Jewish State, and therefore, despite persistent external threats, the existence of Israel provides Jews a place to live free from persecution and discrimination: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives—
(1) reaffirms the State of Israel’s right to exist;
(2) recognizes that denying Israel’s right to exist is a form of antisemitism;
(3) rejects calls for Israel’s destruction and the elimination of the only Jewish State; and
(4) condemns the Hamas-led terrorist attack on Israel. thought these people went to expensive schools why the fuck does every line start with WHEREAS fucking hell
Linguistic inertia. The evil rich white dudes who wrote the sacred texts used language that way so now congress has to until the end of this cursed nation.
That’s just how governments do resolutions typically. Tradition or some shit
The CPC’s refusal to legislate using classical Chinese infuriates me.
Why? Really stupid thing to get mad about
I’m mostly joking. The move to more plain language happened under the RoC. It’d be pretty funny if they undid it as a fuck u tho.
Most of them really didn’t, a decent minority of the House didn’t go to college at all. I looked up the guy who sponsored this resolution and he has a bachelors degree from a college with a 75% acceptance rate
Robert’s rules.
blood and soil fascist proclamation
Jesus fucking christ. This treats Biblical fanfiction as the foundation for modern realpolitik.
This is all part of Mormonism’s plot for world domination
This may be funny like a joke but I’m dead serious
We love the Separation of church and state don’t we folks
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While yes, certain (sometimes large) parts of (usually) monotheistic religions are definitely incompatable with progress and human decency, that mostly comes down to, imo, extreme adherence to traditionalism and intellectual stagnation among the believers of those faiths. Now certainly, polytheism has , occasionally, given a lot of people a very bad time. But, and this may not be the best example, I don’t often hear about hinduism, shinto, or taoism being involved in human rights violations/ genocides. Now, I’m not as well informed on those as I should be, admittedly, but you can see what I mean.
I agree that religion is partially responsible for the ever worsening state of the world, but it’s not, like, the root cause. Not every rich asshole thinks it was ordained by god for them to be a rich asshole, sometimes (most of the time, even) rich people are just assholes, usually because they’re rich. That may be an over simplification, but like, come on. In a world where traditionalism is less a rule and more a suggestion, religion could evolve properly and be less problematic, it’s just that, currently, that’s not going to happen.
Idk if this is at all coherent; I’m just trying to say that defining religion as just EVIL isn’t the awesomely correct take you seem to think it is, imo.
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Whereas Jewish diaspora communities were historically violently persecuted in, and in some cases expelled from, other countries throughout the Middle East, Europe, Africa, and Asia due to their religion;
We’ve never been persecuted or expelled in North America though.
Native groups need to take this up, the exact language can certainly apply (and in their case the documentation is a few hundred years old and well agreed upon, vs based on mythology that certainly doesn’t apply to Ashkenazi jews at the very least). Unfortunately logical consistency isn’t a winning argument so it wouldn’t do much.
Oh fuck off. I was going to do something cute like suggest Zionophobic. The US government when me and a neo nazi are in the same room
So next bill, affirm support for the creation of a state for every minority group historically persecuted and pushed out of their homeland right?
So zionists have turned the star of david into a new swastika, and now officially characterized jewishness as inherently genocidal, pro-apartheid, and colonial in nature.
In passing the resolution, the House pronounced the “right of the Jewish people to live peacefully in their native land,” Lawler said.
Fundamentally impossible to live “peacefully” when you’re actively carrying out a genocide, but what do I expect from these ghouls.
Edit: Also, found the full thing. What a fucking joke. On the upside, I guess it doesn’t do anything material?
I’m a jew born in the US, but if I were asked to identify an ethnic homeland it would be Ukraine. I think that’s true for a lot of Ashkenazi if they’re being honest with themselves.
The Ukraine
Based homer
But “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” is antisemitic.
Only allowed to say you deserve to exist freely if your Isreal
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.From the Jordan to the coast, Israel will be toast.
Only allowed to say you deserve to exist freely if your
IsrealYou know what it actually is.
Of course the colonizer caucazoid ghouls would say that; look at where the Anglo cracker barbarians come from
[wild gesticulating at the ENTIRE HISTORY OF AMERIKA’S FOUNDING.]
I believe you’ll find that was long enough ago that the international law of “No Backsies” applies.
Nope, not a fuckin’ thing that matters. Just a chance for everyone to stake their claim on a position and make some statements that might resonate with the voters.
and make some statements that might resonate with the voters.
Overwhelmingly the hardline zionist position has been shown to not resonate with voters, but here we are a near total consensus in Congress. Bourgeois democracy is a farse.
But you have to vote for Joe Biden next year or else the Republicans might do something bad. They might arrest you for activist activity under a false pretense!
Did Ilhan Omar really vote yes?
house has
538435 members and this only adds up to 414 votes… I’m guessing (hoping) she didn’t show upYeah, seems like a lot of absents. They usually show those though, wonder why they didn’t this time…
It has 435, you’re thinking of the electoral college
shit you’re right
I guess she was antisemitic all along
Infinite 9/11s on America and Israel